second quarter results

Second Quarter Results November 15, 2019 Hiroshi Hayakawa Chairman - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FYE March 31, 2020 Second Quarter Results November 15, 2019 Hiroshi Hayakawa Chairman & CEO 2 Television (Terrestrial) Maintained the 2nd highest viewer ratings Mar. 30, 2019 Sept. 27, 2019) TV Asahi NTV TBS Fuji TV TV Tokyo

  1. FYE March 31, 2020 Second Quarter Results November 15, 2019

  2. Hiroshi Hayakawa Chairman & CEO 2

  3. Television (Terrestrial) Maintained the 2nd highest viewer ratings ( Mar. 30, 2019 – Sept. 27, 2019) TV Asahi NTV TBS Fuji TV TV Tokyo 7.4 7.7 5.9 5.6 2.5 ② ① ③ ④ ⑤ All Day -0.2 -0.1 -0.4 ± 0.0 -0.3 Golden Time ② 10.3 11.3 9.1 8.0 5.9 ① ③ ④ ⑤ +0.2 -0.5 -0.9 +0.3 -0.6 10.5 11.1 9.1 7.8 5.4 ② ① ③ ④ ⑤ Prime Time +0.3 -0.3 -0.8 +0.2 -0.6 5.1 6.3 4.2 3.6 2.4 ② ① ③ ④ ⑤ Prime2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.4 -0.2 -0.1 (Source: Video Research) Note: Numbers in circle refer to ranking among commercial stations. 3

  4. Television (Terrestrial) Golden Time/ Viewer ratings higher YoY! Prime Time Top All Day viewer ratings All Day for 11 weeks! Captured top weekly ratings on Triple an All Day, Golden Time, and Crown Prime Time basis for 3 weeks! 4

  5. Television (Terrestrial) October prime-time programming Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 18:00 Nani Kore Chin Hyakkei Kaere Monday Aitsu Ima Nani Hanataka! 19:00 Ima Desho! Kouza Zawatsuku! Friday Hakasechan Mikketai!! Shiteru? Yuetsukan 60th anniversary program: Matsuko & Ikegami Akira’s Jyumanen de Takeshi no Katei Thursday Mystery: Ariyoshi’s Potsunto Ikkenya 20:00 Miracle 9 News Sou Datta Dekirukana no Igaku (ABC) Kasoken no Onna Karisome (ABC) no ka!! (Woman of the Tengoku Crime Lab) 60th anniversary 60th anniversary Torinikutte Nan no program: program: 21:00 Q-Sama!! Niku!? Music Station Saturday Station Doctor X - (ABC) Partners Season Surgeon Daimon 18 Michiko Sunday Prime Geki Rare-san wo 22:00 Hodo Station Tsurete Kita Jikou Keisatsu Ossan’s Love Kanjam 23:00 Kamihitoe London Hearts Kaji Yarou Ame-Talk Hajimemashita - in the Sky - Kanzennen Show = New programs starting in autumn programming season and programs with new broadcast times 5

  6. Television (Terrestrial) 60 th anniversary 60 th anniversary Zawatsuku! Friday commemorative program: commemorative program: Doctor X – Surgeon Partners Season 18 Daimon Michiko First episode First episode First episode viewer rating viewer rating 3-hour special 16 . 7% 20.3% 15.1% 2nd among commercial broadcaster 1st among commercial broadcaster autumn season prime-time dramas autumn season prime-time dramas 6

  7. 60 th Anniv. Commemorative Content Further strengthening of content production capabilities Terrestrial Terrestrial Terrestrial Kasoken no Onna Five-night serial drama special World Figure Skating Toyoko Yamasaki (Woman of the Crime Lab) Championships 2019 Shiroi Kyoto (Aired May 22 to 26) (Aired year-round) (Aired April 11 to 14) Average viewer rating over five evenings Average viewer rating over two seasons Average viewer rating over four days 13 . 3 % 11 . 7 % 12 . 5 % Terrestrial Terrestrial Special Event 2019 World Aquatic Championships, Serial Drama Theater Gwangju, South Korea Yasuragi no Toki ~ Michi (Aired eight consecutive evenings from July 21) Aired year-round Average viewer rating over eight evenings (October 13 and 14) 10.2% 7

  8. Internet AbemaTV Video Pass  App downloads exceeded 45 million  Priority SVOD platform  WAU topped 10 million in six  Streaming original content like separate weeks SUPER SHIRO (new spin-off anime of Crayon Shin-chan) and other TV  Helped to enhance level of Asahi content confidence in service through emergency disaster response  Currently strengthening coordination with terrestrial TV Catch-up streaming UltraImpression  Launched operations in earnest in  Number of users increasing, July 2019 particularly TVer users  Aggressively marketing the service  In addition to TV Asahi Catch Up and as a digital ad delivery platform, GYAO!, began catch-up streaming on targeting robust growth Abema Video 8

  9. 360 º Content Deployment TV Asahi-Roppongi Hills Summer Festival Ossan’s Love the Movie SUMMER STATION ~ LOVE or DEAD ~  Visitors totaled approx. 5.19 million  Box-office revenue over 2.5 ( Topped 5 million four years running) billion yen  Held over a 44 day period,  Spin-off from terrestrial TV featured attractions combining drama (aired in 2018 spring programming popular content with latest season) AR/VR technologies, etc.  Second terrestrial TV drama  Event profitable in 2019 also series airing during current autumn programming season 6 5 million 4 ( million ) 2 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 【 Summer Festival visitor numbers 】 9

  10. Consolidated Results for 1H FY19/3 1H FY20/3 1H YoY YoY(%) (April-Sept., 2018) (April-Sept., 2019) Net Sales 147,882 145,416 △ 2,465 △ 1.7% Operating 5,678 5,274 404 △ 7.1% △ Income Ordinary 7,125 7,318 193 + 2.7% + Income Profit attributable 4,913 4,537 375 △ 7.7% △ to owners of the parent Note: “FY20/3” refers to the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020 and all other fiscal years are referred to in the same manner. 10

  11. FY20/3 Forecast Annual Initial Outlook New Outlook Difference Difference (mm of yen) (May 9) (November 8) (%) Net Sales 303,000 297,000 △ 6,000 △ 2.0% 245,200 238,200 △ 7,000 △ 2.9% TV Broadcasting 9,800 9,600 200 △ 2.0% △ Music Publication 48,000 49,200 + 1,200 + 2.5% Other Businesses Operating Income 13,000 13,000 - - 8,100 7,500 600 △ 7.4% △ TV Broadcasting 1,000 1,000 - - Music Publication 3,900 4,500 600 + 15.4% + Other Businesses - - - - Adjustments Ordinary Income 15,000 15,000 - - Profit attributable to 10,000 10,000 - - owners of the parent Ad Revenue (Terrestrial) Time Spot Total △ 2.3% (No Change) △ 1.5% ⇒ △ 7.6 % △ 1.9% ⇒ △ 5.2 % 11 * Initial Outlook(May 9) ⇒ New Outlook(November 8)

  12. TV Asahi Source of all value Content Respond to radical changes in operating environment  Began development of new management plan based on current plan  Defining vision for TV Asahi to survive adverse business conditions of the 2020s  New management plan scheduled to be announced with annual results 12

  13. Masaya Fujinoki Senior Executive Director 13

  14. Consolidated Results FY19/3 1H FY20/3 1H YoY YoY(%) (April-Sept.,2018) (April-Sept.,2019) (mm of yen) Net Sales 147,882 145,416 △ 2,465 1.7% △ 122,089 116,083 △ 6,006 4.9% TV Broadcasting △ 4,492 6,382 + 1,890 42.1% Music Publication + 27,659 29,758 + 2,098 7.6% Other Businesses + △ 6,359 △ 6,807 △ 448 - Adjustments Operating Income 5,678 5,274 △ 404 △ 7.1% 3,011 1,821 △ 1,190 △ 39.5% TV Broadcasting 145 770 624 + 429.8% Music Publication + 2,531 2,743 211 8.4% Other Businesses + + △ 9 △ 60 50 Adjustments △ - Ordinary Income 7,125 7,318 193 2.7% + + Profit attributable to owners 4,913 4,537 375 7.7% △ △ of the parent 14

  15. TV Broadcasting Business FY19/3 1H FY20/3 1H YoY YoY(%) (mm of yen) (April-Sept., 2018) (April-Sept., 2019) 122,089 116,083 △ 6,006 △ 4.9% Net Sales 43,959 41,557 △ 2,402 △ 5.5% Time Sales 46,766 43,422 △ 3,343 △ 7.1% Spot Sales 6,528 6,569 41 + 0.6% + Program Sales 13,497 13,079 418 △ 3.1% △ BS & CS 11,337 11,454 116 + 1.0% + Other 3,011 1,821 △ 1,190 △ 39.5% Operating Income 15

  16. Time Sales Revenue (Terrestrial) FY19/3 FY20/3 YoY YoY(%) (mm of yen) 1Q 22,271 20,777 △ 1,493 △ 6.7% 2Q 21,688 20,779 908 △ 4.2% △ 43,959 41,557 1H △ 2,402 △ 5.5% 3Q 21,506 4Q 20,935 2H 42,441 Annual 86,401 Year on Year Growth Major differences in 1H (%)  Revenue down despite 60th anniversary 10 programs etc. due to reactionary slump 5 after major year-earlier sports events 0 such as FIFA World Cup 2018 and AFC Women’s Asian Cup as well as advertiser -5 tendency to reduce fixed advertising -10 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q costs FY17/3 FY18/3 FY19/3 FY20/3 16

  17. Spot Sales Revenue (Terrestrial) FY19/3 FY20/3 YoY YoY (%) (mm of yen) 1Q 24,405 22,869 △ 1,535 △ 6.3% 2Q 22,361 20,553 △ 1,808 △ 8.1% 1H 46,766 43,422 △ 3,343 △ 7.1% 3Q 27,976 4Q 26,795 2H 54,772 Annual 101,538 Share in Year on Year Growth (%) the Tokyo Spot Sales Market 20 1H : 22.1% (YoY △ 0.5%) 10 0 Note: Share figures are estimated figures. -10 -20 -30 Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul FY18/3 FY19/3 FY20/3 17

  18. Production Costs (Terrestrial) FY19/3 FY20/3 YoY YoY (%) (mm of yen) 1Q 23,026 21,046 △ 1,979 △ 8.6% 2Q 21,889 20,721 △ 1,167 △ 5.3% 1H 44,916 41,768 △ 3,147 △ 7.0% 3Q 20,102 4Q 22,387 2H 42,489 Annual 87,406 Factors affecting expenses in 1H  Production costs down in reactionary slump after major year-earlier sports events like FIFA World Cup and AFC Women’s Asian Cup as well as some cost control initiatives 18

  19. Music Publication Business FY19/3 1H FY20/3 1H YoY YoY(%) (April-Sept., 2018) (April-Sept., 2019) (mm of yen) 4,492 6,382 Net Sales + 1,890 + 42.1% Operating 145 770 624 + 429.8% + Income <KETSUMEISHI> <Sonar Pocket> <HAN-KUN> <Hirai Dai> KTM TOUR (SHONAN NO KAZE) Welcome to NEW ALBUM 2019 LIVE TOUR 2019 THE GIFT sonapoke spaland Sunshine Love 19

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