searching for the standard model in orientifold vacua

Searching for the Standard Model in orientifold vacua Elias - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Les Houches, July 2007 Searching for the Standard Model in orientifold vacua Elias Kiritsis Ecole Polytechnique and University of Crete 1- Bibliography Presentation based on: Dijkstra, Huiszoon, Schellekens hep-th/0403196 ,

  1. Les Houches, July 2007 Searching for the Standard Model in orientifold vacua Elias Kiritsis Ecole Polytechnique and University of Crete 1-

  2. Bibliography • Presentation based on: • Dijkstra, Huiszoon, Schellekens hep-th/0403196 , hep-th/0411129 • Anastasopoulos, Dijkstra, Kiritsis and Schellekens hep-th/0605226 • Antoniadis, Kiritsis, Rizos, Tomaras hep-th/0210263 , hep-ph/0004214 • Reviews of the D-brane approach to particle physics: Elias Kiritsis Phys. Rept. 421 (2005) 105-190 D. L¨ ust Class. Quant.Grav. 21 (2004) S1399-1424 R. Blumenhagen, M. Cvetic, P. Langacker, G. Shiu . Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 55 (2005) 71-139 Blumenhagen, Kors, L¨ ust, Stieberger hep-th/0610327 SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 2

  3. Why is string “Model Building” difficult? ♠ In gauge theories, model building is VERY modular. Most important features are decided quickly by picking the gauge group, spectrum (quantum numbers)and global symmetries. ♣ In string theory the construction of vacua is quasi-geometrical (In general worse: relying on CFT) • No direct way of choosing the gauge group or the spectrum. • No direct way of choosing the effective potential. • The analysis of a single ground state is a major project computationally SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 3

  4. How do we do “model-building” in string theory? • Original approach: TOP-DOWN Driven by hopes of uniqueness. Such hopes seem very dim, these days. • Alternative approach: BOTTOM-UP Antoniadis+Kiritsis+Tomaras Aldazabal+Ibanez+Quevedo+Uranga • Can be implemented in orientifolds (vacua with D-branes) • Is closer to traditional model building • The downside: it is not always embedable in string theory SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 4

  5. What we will start to do here: ♠ Explore the possibilities of embedding the SM in string theory ♠ Decide eventually on promising vacua ♣ We will profit from the fact that in a certain class of vacua, based on known Rational CFTs, the algorithm of construction and the stringy con- straints are explicit enough to be put in a computer. ♣ We will use this to scan a large class of ground states for features that are reasonably close to the SM. In particular, we will be interested in how many distinct ways the SM group can be embedded in the Chan-Paton (orientifold group). • This is a question that is hard to answer at the phenomenological level. Moreover it was a motivated approach only recently (anti-unification?). SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 5

  6. Orientifolds • This is a relatively new class of vacua of string theory which on top of a partly compactified space-time, con- tain also D-branes. • Since D-branes carry gauge bosons as well as matter fermions they con- tribute to the gauge group and matter content of the ground-state. ♣ The construction proceeds with the following steps: (a) Construct the compact manifold (closed CFT) (b) Construct the D-brane “slots” (bound- ary/open CFT) (c) Fill-in the branes+gauge groups (tadpole cancellation) SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 6

  7. The starting point: closed type II strings SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 7

  8. Gepner models SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 8

  9. ♠ The tensoring must preserve world-sheet supersymmetry ♠ The tensoring must preserve N = 2 space-time supersymme- try in (4d) ♠ The simple current generate a set of discrete symmetries of the associated RCFTs. We use them to orbifold and construct all possible Modular Invariant Partition Functions (MIPFs) ♣ The result is a stringy description of the type-II string on a (string-sized) CY manifold at a special (rational) point of its Moduli Space. SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 9

  10. The (unoriented) open sector SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 10

  11. Unoriented partition functions   1 Closed : χ i ( τ ) Z ij ¯ χ j (¯ τ ) + K i χ i (2 τ ) � �     2   ij i Open :   1  τ + 1  τ     N a N b A iab χ i N a M ia χ i  + � �      2 2 2   i,a i,a,b N a → Chan-Paton multiplicity More details SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 11

  12. Scope of the search • 168 Gepner model combinations • 5403 MIPFs • 49322 different orientifold projections. • 45761187347637742772 ( ∼ 5 × 10 19 )combina- tions of four boundary labels (four brane-stacks). For more than 4 SM-stacks, the numbers grow exponentially. ♠ It is therefore essential to decide what to look for SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 12

  13. The first effort: look for a preferred configuration Fix the Madrid configuration: U(3) × U(2) × U(1) × U(1)’ Ibanez+Marchesano+Rabadan Search for: Chiral SU (3) × SU (2) × U (1) spectrum: Dijkstra+Huiszoon+Schellekens L + 3( e − , ν ) L + 3 e + 3( u, d ) L + 3 u c L + 3 d c L Y = 1 6 Q a − 1 2 Q c − 1 Massless 2 Q d N=1 SUSY, no tadpoles, no global anomalies. SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 13

  14. The hidden sector • Non-chiral particles= no restrictions • Chiral SM (families) = 3 • Non-chiral Sm/chiral CP: mirrors, Higgses, right-handed neutrinos, al- lowed. SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 14

  15. The gauge groups Dijkstra+Huiszoon+Schellekens SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 15

  16. The statistics Dijkstra+Huiszoon+Schellekens SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 16

  17. The family statistics Dijkstra+Huiszoon+Schellekens SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 17

  18. The need for an unbiased search • It has been realized early on that in orientifold vacua, the gauge group of the SM stacks is a product group (most of the time) This is equivalent to the fact that it is not easy to have unified groups • The product group always contains at least three extra U(1) generators commuting with SU (3) × SU (2). • Because of this, there are several possibilities on how Hypercharge is embedded in the product group. • The different possibilities and the presence of these U(1)s (that are typ- ically anomalous) affect low energy physics crucially. • Such types of gauge groups where unmotivated until very recently. • They may have interesting new physics. Anastasopoulos+Kiritsis Guilencea+Ibanez+Irges+Quevedo+Quiros Corriano+Irges+Kiritsis Kors+Nath SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 18

  19. The (almost) unbiased search Anastasopoulos+Dijkstra+Kiritsis+Schellekens Look for general SM embeddings satisfying: • U(3) comes from a single brane-stack (No SU (3) × SU (3) → SU (3)) • SU(2) comes from a single brane-stack • Quarks, leptons and Y come from at most four-brane stacks labelled a,b,c,d. (Otherwise the sample to be searched is beyond our capabilities) � � U (2) G CP = U (3) a × × G c × G d ⊂ SU (3) × SU (2) × U (1) Y Sp (2) b • Chiral G CP particles reduces to chiral SM particles (3 families) plus non- chiral particles under SM gauge group but: ♠ Y is massless (mixed-anomaly-free). ♠ There are no fractionally-charged mirror pairs. ♠ No constraint on potential right-handed neutrinos, and Higgs pairs. SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 19

  20. Allowed features • G c , G d are (non-standard) family symmetries. • Anti-quarks from antisymmetric tensors (of SU(3)) • Leptons from antisymmetric tensors of SU(2) • Non-standard Y-charge embeddings. • Unification (SU(5), Pati-Salam, trinification, etc) by allowing a,b,c,d labels to coincide • Baryon and/or lepton number conservation/violation. SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 20

  21. The search algorithm ♠ Choose a MIPF and an orientifold projection • Choose one complex brane (a) which contains no symmetric chiral ten- sors. • Choose brane (b)so that: (1) it is not orthogonal (2) There are three chiral (3,2)+(3,2 ∗ ), (3) There are no chiral symmetric tensors. • Choose a brane (c) that: (1) is allowed by the tension constraint, (2) some antiquarks end on that brane. • Choose brane d so that (1) one of b,c,d is complex. (2) at least one SM particles comes from brane (d) • We must now cancel generalized cubic anomalies and determine N c and N d . This happens in most of the cases. 21

  22. • We compute the Y linear combination. We impose the SM hypercharges plus masslessness of Y. This is most cases fixes the Y embedding. • A final counting of quarks and leptons is done to check the spectrum. • There are several degeneracies that are fixed at the end. This provides a Top-Down configuration that is stored. Top-Down config- urations are distinct if the SM part is distinct (not mirrors or hidden gauge group) Then we solve tadpoles: ♣ For every top down configuration we try to solve tadpoles, first without a hidden sector. If a solution is found, we stop. ♣ Otherwise, we keep adding new branes untill there is a tadpole solution. For each top-down entry we stop after we find the first tadpole solution. SM embedding in orientifold string vacua, E. Kiritsis 21-


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