Science Fair Journal Your Name(s) Title
Jo Journal Check 1 • Project topic: Which is better for speed, Nike or Adidas? • Hypothesis: If I wear Nike to run, then I will run faster. • Variables: 1. Controlled (all the same in each experiment to make a fair test): weather, the person, the distance, the location, the clothes 2. Independent (the one variable we change-check hypothesis): the shoe brand, Nike and Adidas 3. Dependent (the variable we measure/observe): the time it takes to run
Jo Journal Check 2 • Procedures: 1 st : I will set the course, marking out 1 km 2 nd : I will have the runner run 1 km wearing Nike shoes 3 rd : The next day, the runner will run 1 km wearing Adidas 4 th : (I will repeat the 2 nd and 3 rd step three times) • Materials: Shoes, stopwatch, runner, marker(to mark 1 km), a place to run • Data: 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Shoe type Average Adidas 8 min 8.5 min 7.5 min 8 min Nike 9 min 10 min 11 min 10 min • Results: • My hypothesis was wrong, Nike shoes made the runner go slower. In fact, Adidas made the runner faster.
Jo Journal Check 3 • Conclusion: Apply the idea. How can you use what you learned in everyday life? • If I were to choose a pair of shoes for a race I would choose Adidas. When I grow up and manage a sports team I will be sure to do extensive research. I will be sure to know which shoes are best. Right now Adidas are best.
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