science arizona department of education exceptional

Science Arizona Department of Education Exceptional Student - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Science Arizona Department of Education Exceptional Student Services Janet Fukuda, MEd Assistive Technology Specialist (520) 628-6665 Mitch Galbraith, MS, OTR/L Assistive Technology Specialist

  1. Science

  2. Arizona Department of Education Exceptional Student Services Janet Fukuda, MEd Assistive Technology Specialist (520) 628-6665 Mitch Galbraith, MS, OTR/L Assistive Technology Specialist (602) 542-4016

  3. disclaimer The Arizona Department of Education/Exceptional Student Services (ADE/ESS) does not prescribe, endorse, or provide advertising space for textbooks, software, devices, or curriculum materials. The ADE/ESS does not evaluate textbooks, software, devices, or curriculum materials for compliance with meeting the state minimum curriculum standards and does not recommend any specific textbooks, software, devices, or curriculum materials. Each public education agency (PEA) is responsible to select curriculum materials that will meet the minimum state curriculum standards. PEAs may also establish their own policies for textbook, software, and curriculum materials’ selection and adoption. The ESS−Assistive Technology (AT) team does frequently review software, devices, and curriculum support items to determine if they may be used to assist students with disabilities in accessing and benefiting from the general education curriculum. These supports may be considered assistive technology, as defined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The ESS−AT team may procure, demonstrate, and provide training on a wide range of assistive technology items and may compare and contrast the features of these items, but the team is precluded from making any recommendations for one product over another.

  4. National Science Education Standards

  5. P rinciple 1: Learning is enhanced when teachers recognize and teach to diverse learning styles and strengths

  6. Principle 2: Content learning is supported by explicit instruction in skills and strategies.

  7. Principle 3: Learning is facilitated when instruction and assessment are clearly organized.

  8. Principle 4: Learning is maximized when instruction and assessment are based on explicit objectives.

  9. Principle 5: Learning is improved when teachers provide consistent feedback.

  10. Principle 6: Learning is sustained when students develop self-knowledge.

  11. What caught your attention?

  12. Accessible Educational Materials

  13. Tactile Graphics NASA PIAF

  14. Maginifying software

  15. QR Codes

  16. Digital Text

  17. Prizmo- IOS & Text Fairy-Android

  18. SnapType – IOS / ANDROID

  19. Epic books Click to add text

  20. Tools and strategies

  21. From a seed to a plant Kinder Strand 4: Life Science Concept : Life Cycles- Life Cycle of a plant (Seed to a Plant)

  22. Accessible lab set-up • Universal Design Versus Accommodations • Physical Environments • Lab Staff • Information Resources • Equipment

  23. Plastic Lab Equipment • Gr. 1 Strand 5: Physical Science Concept 1: Properties of objects and materials- Lab Experiment- liquids

  24. Adaptive Tools

  25. Large Magnets

  26. Zoomy HS Strand 4: Life Science Concept 1: The Cell-Cells (Identify the parts of a cell)

  27. Big, BIG, BIGGER

  28. Real Bugs Discovery Kit

  29. Life Cycle Stages

  30. Skeleton – Foam floor puzzle Gr. 5 Strand 4: Life Science Concept 1: Structure and Function in Living Systems-Skeletal System/Body (Identify the bones of the body)

  31. Periodic Table

  32. • Tactile Solar System Planets/Solar System Gr. 5 Strand 6: Earth and Space Science Concept 3: Earth in the Solar System-

  33. 3D Printing

  34. 3D Pen

  35. Wiki Stix

  36. Froguts-Virtual Dissection

  37. Modified Curriculum

  38. Where are you confident? Where is work most needed?

  39. •Are the tools •What are the •What activities •What specific being considered studenfs current take place in the tasks occur in the on a continuum environI ment? environI ment? abilities? from no/low to high-tech? •What are the •What activities do •What activities is •Are the tools studenfs specia1 other students do the student student centered needs? that this student expected to do? and task oriented cannot currently and reflect the student1s current •What are the participate in? •What does needs? functional areas of success look like? concern? •What assistive •What are the technology does training requirements for the student have the student,. family access to or and staff? currently use?

  40. Wati decision making guide

  41. Sharing

  42. What questions did this raise for you? What insights are beginning to emerge?


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