School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership RN to BSN Capstone Project Presentations Schedule WebEx Sum m er Sem ester, 20 16 Nursing 4 73 Professional Pathways Faculty Alicia Swanson, MSN, RN, PHN Thursday, July 28 th (9am -2:30 pm ) WebEx Link: https:/ / join/ alicia.swanson Presenter’s Tim e Topic and Sum m ary Nam e 9:00am - Red ucing Lo ng -t er m Neg a tiv e Effects of Op ioid Ma na g em ent thro ug h the Pro m otio n of Sheralyn Schram 9:30am Alter na tiv e Tr ea tm ent Mod a lit ies The purpose of my project is to reduce the long-term negative effects of opioid treatment by reducing their use for chronic pain and, instead, implementing and supporting the use of a multidisciplinary approach. Chronic opioid use has led to hyperalgesia, dependence, and depression while minimally improving pain and function, if at all. A multidisciplinary approach has proven to be more effective for chronic pain management and would include physical/ occupational therapy, behavioral health, interventional procedures, and holistic treatments such as acupuncture, massage, and essential oils (Dodrill, Helmer, & Kosten, 2011) . My team of champions includes fellow nurses, my mentor (head RN), the physical therapy team, psychologists and the medical doctor. So far I have created an educational pamphlet for patients which includes information regarding the negative long-term effects of chronic opioid therapy and research supporting several non- narcotic treatment options. In this past week my team and I have been actively passing out pamphlets to appropriate patients and educating where necessary. References Dodrill, C. L., Helmer, D. A., & Kosten, T. R. (2011). Prescription pain medication dependence. The Am erican Journal of Psychiatry, 168 (5), 466-71. Retrieved from http:/ / login?url=http:/ / docview/ 864795712?acountid=12548
Laurie 9:30am - Im p rov e a nd Incr ea se Pa tient Ed uca tio n Reg a rd ing Op ioid Med ica tion McReynolds 10:00am The purpose of my project is to improve and increase patient education on opioid medication, reducing adverse side effects, addiction, and overdose by implementing a brochure on opioid medication and general pain clinic information. Evidenced based practice research also shows that information presented to the patient with regards to opioids and pain clinic information does help the knowledge deficit (Costello, 2015). My team and I have (doctors, addiction specialists, clinical assistants, nurses, and pain psychologists) have put together a pain brochure to be provided to patients coming to the Interventional Pain Clinic. Staff education power point on how to implement the brochure was developed. Thus, far the company I work far is one of the largest health care companies in the Midwest so the project is still in the approval stage, but we hope to have the okay from the legal and patient compliance department within three months. Dev elop m ent of a TB Screening Too l for Pa tients a t the Point of Entry 10:00am - Tammy Heeter 10:30am The purpose of this project was to develop a TB screening tool for patients at the point of entry, and implementation of the Respiratory Protection Plan. OSHA’s recommendations are to have a process in place for early identification of active TB patients. The focus was on emergency department patients. I worked with Employee Health (my mentor), Emergency Department Director, Computer Information Systems (CIS), and organization educators. Researching and developing the screening tool went well. The process of making a new policy and presenting to the appropriate committees for approval is a much lengthier process than what I had thought it would be. Therefore, it could be up to six months before this change is implemented, and a year before we would know the success of the screening tool. Mariah 10:30am - Telem ed icine in a County Ja il Schoonover 11:00am Telemedicine in the correctional setting has the potential to improve access to and timeliness of care for the inmate population in a correctional setting, while reducing costs by eliminating unnecessary clinic and/ or emergency room visits to which the inmates must be transported and supervised. The Chisago County Jail nurse identified a need for a more efficient, accessible, and timely care for the jail inmates, and expressed interest in exploring the possibility of implementing telemedicine into the new county jail that will be built in the near future. The purpose of this capstone project was to develop a solid framework and flow sheet for implementing telemedicine in the Chisago County jail as well as outlining who will fulfill the roles and responsibilities for each of the steps towards implementation. During this project I worked with the staff at Chisago County Public Health, the Chisago County corrections nurse, and the jail auditor to develop a detailed telemedicine implementation flow sheet that will be used in planning, installing, and utilizing telemedicine in the jail. The project and the flow sheet have been well received by the corrections nurse, and the Public Health supervisor and director. Upon completion of this project, a completed flow sheet will be ready for presentation to community leaders, jail administration, the county board, and all other key players involved in planning the new jail. Overall, the project has gone very smoothly and the staff have been very supportive and willing to collaborate to make this project a success for everyone involved.
11:00am - W ork Rela t ed St ress Ov erloa d Brooke Dukart 11:30am The purpose of the project that I am working on is to implement two (15 minute) breaks in an eight hour work day for nursing professionals. This will be done by blocking employees 15 minutes (both one in am and one in pm) on computerized schedule. The nurses have verbalized being overworked and stressed. I am working with my mentor, manager, owner, and nursing staff employees. The project is going good, however, it was a challenge to implement change, as the industry I am working with is revenue based and time=money. 11:30am - An Enha nced Return-to -W ork Process for W a r ehouse W o rk ers w ith Lum b a r Ba ck Pa in. Roxana Eng 12:00pm Lumbar back pain is the most common cause of job-related disability and a leading contributor to missed work days (U.S Department of Health and Human Services, 2014). Health related expenses and work loss account for about 75–90% of the socio-economic cost of lumbar back pain cases (Paquette, 2008). The purpose of this project is to enhance the current return-to-work process for Target warehouse workers with lumbar back pain. This would support case manager’s ability to improve warehouse workers return to work rates and ultimately reduce cost for the employer. To achieve this goal the writer sought the collaboration of mentor, team leaders, and case managers at the Reed Group. So far the project has progressed as expected. The collaboration of the aforementioned individuals has been key for the development of the project. References: Paquette, S. (2008). Return to work with chronic low back pain: using an evidence-based approach along with the occupational therapy framework. Work, 31 (1), 63-71 9. U.S Department of Health and Human Services.(2014).Low back pain. Retrieved at http:/ / disorders/ backpain/ low-back-pain-brochure.pdf 12:00pm - BREAK 12:30pm 12:30pm - BREAK 1:00pm Holly Blilie 1:00pm - Im p lem enting Best Pra ctice: Intim a te Pa rtner Vio lence 1:30pm More than one in four women have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) in their lifetime. Victims of IPV often experience significant health consequences. In addition, the associated costs are staggering, both to the individual and to society. The US Preventative Services Task Force recommends that clinicians screen women of childbearing age for IPV, and provide or refer women who screen positive to interventions services. Some agency employees are not comfortable with addressing IPV with clients, including their assessment and response to clients experiencing IPV. Therefore, the purpose of this project was to identify and integrate use of an evidence based IPV screening tool for women of childbearing age, in addition to developing a quick reference card with contact information for local IPV resources.
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