School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership RN to BSN Capstone Project Presentations Schedule WebEx Spring Sem ester, 20 16 Nursing 4 73 Professional Pathways Faculty Barbara Matthees, PhD, RN, CNE Alicia Swanson, MSN, RN, PHN Day One: Friday April 22 nd (9 :0 0 am -3:0 0 pm ) WebEx Link: https:/ / mnscu/ j.php?MTID=me5d256f25f39957f577bff8ea81da47b Presenter’s Tim e Topic and Sum m ary Nam e Carey Richards 9:00am - Telehea lth Enha ncem ent Project 9:30am Telehealth is the process of using current technology to deliver healthcare services to patients via video conferencing. The Telehealth Enhancement Project addressed are care for patients from the Montana ND border to well into MN. A fluid process for establishing new telehealth patients and new telehealth outreach clinics was created including a working document faxed between locations to provide information. Extensive collaboration between medical, nursing and IT staff was required. 9:30am - Oksana Perzhu Im p rov e Meter Dose Inha ler Techniq ue 10:00am The purpose of this project is to improve quality of life for individuals utilizing metered dose inhalers (MDIs). Improving MDI technique will result in better quality of life and prevention of unnecessary hospitalization and ER visits. The project was completed at an allergy and asthma clinic in MN. A strategy utilized to achieve this goal included the implementation of a MDI technique video with correct demonstration, installed in each of the patient’s rooms as well as the main waiting room.
Jennifer 10:00am - Im p rov ing Menta l Hea lth Ca re for Child ren/ Ad olescents in the E.D . 10:30am Graham The purpose of this project is for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders, and mental health disorders, to receive high level emergency department care. This will be achieved through providing patients with appropriate diversional activities, using anger/ stress charts, and through providing educational materials to emergency department staff. The group involved consists of a mentor, the emergency department manager, and emergency department nurses. The project will not be able to be completed within the timeframe of this course, currently funds are being requested from the hospital foundation for supplies, and a work order has been placed for mental health room improvements. 10:30am - Lindsey Meyer Im p rov ing Discha rg e Ed uca tion Ma teria ls 11:00am My project focused on the effects that simplification of educational material used in discharge teaching can have upon patient comprehension and adherence. The main goal was to develop material that was easy to understand for patients of all literacy levels, yet still thorough enough to get all necessary information to the patient. The group worked with consisted of cataract surgical patients, the majority of which were elderly. The project has gone very well so far and is progressing well towards the goals set prior to implementation. 11:00am - Ginger Decrea sing Anxiety a nd Stress in the Pre/ Post Op Area 11:30am Wesbrook The purpose of this project is to decrease staff, patient/ family anxiety and stress in the Preoperative/ Postoperative unit by adding additional pet therapy visits. Pets Assisting with Healing (PAWH) is relatively new program to the unit and only allotted limited visits per month. A visit consists of one volunteer along with their dog, eight times a month. The groups that have been involved in this project are: Volunteer Services, PAWH, Center for Professional Development and Practice, Preoperative/ Postoperative staff, patients and families. 11:30am - Barbara Im p rov ing Inp a tient End of Life Exp erience 12:00pm Gardiner The purpose of this project is to improve the quality of inpatients’ end-of -life experience by addressing barriers such as communication, optimal after death care, RN advocacy, and collaboration. These barriers will be addressed through education of nursing staff; collaboration with Social Work Services, Hospital Chaplain, Hospice nurse, and Perinatal Loss Coordinator in the development of resource tools and communication materials; and mentorship of one new Medical Surgical RN on her EOL concerns.
Jodi Larson 12:00pm - CAUTI Prev ention in Long Term Ca re 12:30pm Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs) have been associated with increased morbidity, mortality, healthcare costs, and length of stay. The purpose of this project is to decrease the CAUTI rate in a Long Term Care Facility. Collaboration occurred with front line staff, infection prevention department, providers and senior management. A CAUTI prevention policy was written and is currently going through the approval process. Staff education will not be completed by the end of this course, but will be ongoing. Katelyn 12:30pm - Im p rov ing Continuity of Ca re w ith Com m unity Menta l Hea lth 1:00pm Swenson Based on best practice and community needs, a point of access algorithm was developed to address and guide access to mental health services within the community and across the healthcare continuum for individuals in crisis to reduce barriers to mental health services. The algorithm is to be available to be utilized by community stakeholders, key facilitators and partners. Current evidence-based literature regarding mental health services, entry points, and current algorithms were used to assist in the development of the algorithm. Katie Ziminske 1:00pm - Fa lls in Menta l Hea lth 1:30pm The goal of this project was to reduce falls on the inpatient adult psychiatric unit by identifying at least two specific risk factors relating to falls and by improving the quality of the fall risk assessment. The unit currently uses the Hendrich II fall risk assessment which does not address mental health risk factors such as medications and environment. The goal is to identify a new fall risk assessment with a future plan of how to implement it onto the unit. 1:30pm- Nikole Thein Qua lity a nd Sa fety for IDDM in the School Setting 2:00pm School nursing practice is highly independent in standard nursing policy and protocol. Often times school nurses are expected to utilize whatever tools are presented by the guardian and/ or school, even if the safety of such items don’t meet Universal Precautions set by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) is a student condition that requires the use of sharps devices that pose a potential safety risk for both nursing staff and students. This improvement project seeks to identify safety issues related to sharps use for IDDM in the school setting and standard safe practice policy and procedure. Elementary school health offices should require the use of retractable needles with injectable pens for subcutaneous insulin administration in order to decrease the risk of needle stick injury (NSI) for staff and students. This project required collaboration with our district LSN, administration, and the students and their families.
Heather 2:00pm- Com m unica tion Ha nd offs in the Surgica l Setting 2:30pm McNeill Evidence-based research demonstrates the effect patient communication handoffs have on patient safety. Communication handoffs in the surgical setting at Unity Hospital were not occurring. A consistent method for communication handoffs from the pre-operative to operating room nurse was created and implemented in order to improve patient safety, prevent adverse events, and improve intra-departmental communication. Sara Dukart 2:30pm- Menta l Hea lth Resource Fly er for Loca l Em erg ency Dep a rtm ents 3:00pm My project used Evidence-based research that correlates to show there is a gap between when patients are seen in the emergency department for a mental health crisis, to getting the follow up care they need. Patients have expressed lack of communication and lack of resources as a source to the problem. The purpose of the project was to develop and implement a flyer that had local long term and short-term resources with phone numbers and websites to be handed out in the three local emergency departments when a patient is discharged after a mental health crisis. This project was done through the collaboration of teamwork from the Cass County Public health, Sanford health, Essentia Health and the Veterans Affairs hospital.
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