school counselor

School Counselor PLC Meeting ASCA National Model Foundation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Liberty County School Counselor PLC Meeting ASCA National Model Foundation Mission Determining Program Goals Calendar RICHARD E CLEVELAND PhD LPC NCC ACS SCHOOL COUNSELING OUTCOMES SCHOLARSHIP MINDFULNESS BASED INTERVENTIONS Using a

  1. Liberty County School Counselor PLC Meeting ASCA National Model Foundation Mission Determining Program Goals Calendar

  2. RICHARD E CLEVELAND PhD LPC NCC ACS SCHOOL COUNSELING OUTCOMES SCHOLARSHIP MINDFULNESS BASED INTERVENTIONS Using a Quantitative lens I explore research interests including School ool Counse seling, Client Spiri rituality, Comprehensive School ool Counse seling Progra ram m Data, Mindfulness ss-Based Intervention ons, and Cognitive/Physi ysical Stress ss Resp spon onse se. These interests fuse into 2 dominant research strands SCHOOL COUNSELING OUTCOMES MINDFULNESS

  3. Outline Kahoot! ASCA Tools  2 Important Starting Points  New Year Resolutions Mission  Describing Schools & Students Calendar  ASCA T ools: Mission & Calendar  Goals Goals  Closing & Homework

  4. benefits students - Carol Kaffenberger & Anita Young (2018) 4

  5. New Year Resolutions Info retrieved from:

  6. Top 5 New Year Resolutions 1. Lose weight (36%) 2. Save more and spend less (21%)  Choose a goal relevant & important to 3. Learn a new new skill or hobby (17%) you; not to others. 4. Quit smoking (14%)  Use a SMART RT goal format. 5. Read more (11%)  Look at all factors influencing the goal and behaviors.  Remember change is hard and “small” successes are still successes.  Find community. RESOLUTIONS THAT SUCCEED Info retrieved from:

  7. — Mark Kurantz & Rachelle Perusse (2012) 9

  8. KNOW THYSELF • Importance of knowing self in order to change • Importance of knowing our self as school counselor • Self as counselor also shaped by site, students, community…..

  9. DESCRIBE YOUR SCHOOL Working as individual sites, describe your school & students using these 3 prompts to guide you: CHALLENGES | What are some of the most pertinent challenges facing your site and/or your students? STRENGTHS | What are some of the strengths your staff, students, community, etc., possess that support your site? VISUAL | Create a symbol or metaphor representing these 2 items

  10. Why Use ASCA Tools? Reactionary Doesn’t Work  Only YOU can prevent random acts of counseling. Something is Better Than Nothing  The COMP MPREH REHEN ENSI SIVE VE approach is the best we got in terms of preventative, developmental, sustainable, systems-oriented. Not perfect. Not 1-size fits all But the best program out there.

  11. How to Use ASCA Tools?  Even the best tool in the world is useless if not appropriate for the context of the job.  Using comprehensive school counseling tools with INTENTION and AWARENESS to better serve students and improve my professional practice.

  12. Which ASCA Tools? American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model Program Foundation Components  Mission Statement  Annual Calendar

  13. ASCA Tools Mission Statement Belief ief Statement ments s talk about our passions and motivations, Visi sion on Statem ement ents s tell us where we want to go, but it’s the Miss ssion on Statem ement ent that tells us HOW WE PLAN TO GET THERE

  14. ASCA Tools Helpful Supportive Mission Statement VERSUS Irrelevant Indifferent HOW WE PLAN TO GET THERE

  15. Mission Statement The mission of the LCSS school counseling program is to provide a comprehensive K – 12 standards-based curriculum that promotes career, academic, and social/emotional success for all students. Image retrieved from:

  16. Mission Statement Reviewing your site description from earlier and think about how you might craft a Mission Statement for your School Counseling program. 1. HOW TO GET THERE | What STRE RENGT GTHS HS seem relevant for accomplishing your School Counseling Mission? 2. TARGETING OBSTACLES | What CHALLE LLENGES NGES might be addressed in your School Counseling Mission?

  17. ASCA Tools Mission Statement the Miss ssion on Statement ment tells us HOW WE PLAN TO GET THERE

  18. ASCA Tools Creating an Annual Calendar for my site Comprehensive School Counseling Program Image retrieved from:

  19. Annual Calendar A tale of two programs…..

  20. Annual Calendar MEANINGFUL & USEFUL NOT SO MUCH…. • Succinct • Verbose • Big-Picture Perspective • Minutiae • • • •

  21. Annual Calendar Again reviewing your site description, consider some items for an Annual Calendar for your School Counseling program. 1. LOGISTICS | What are activities or services that are essential; regular; or important and need to be hard-scheduled? 2. ADVOCACY | What might be activities or services within my program that need stakeholder awareness?

  22. ASCA Tools Annual Calendar A tool to GUIDE & INFORM myself and stakeholders about program activities

  23. GOALS PROCRASTINATION KRYPTONITE | Blending a“Big - Picture” destination with “way - point” small steps. Always has a place to jump back into the mix and keeps me on-track. KEY TO LOOKING BUSY | A running record of accountability. Not only where I’m GOING NG , but where I’m CURREN ENTL TLY Y AT as well as where I ST STARTED ED to demonstrate my intention & awareness.

  24. MAP 26

  25. GOALS 1. What factors contribute to success/failure of goals? 2. Does goal success fall on the goal or the person? 3. What if goals don’t seem meaningful or relevant? 4. What type of goals seem most difficult? 5. When goals are forced, what might happen? 6. What do most goals seem to neglect?

  26. GOALS Review your site description poster one final time. Mission Statement | How you make success happen Annual Calendar | When & What make success happen  Create 3 goals you believe are important/relevant for your site in the here & now.


  28. Closing & Homework THANK YOU! Homework  Mission Statement  Annual Calendar  3 Meaningful Goals @RICHIEKINZ

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