scheduling optim al real tim e

Scheduling Optim al & Real Tim e using CORA CORA CORA - PDF document

Model Checking Technology Scheduling Optim al & Real Tim e using CORA CORA CORA Overview Timed Automata & Scheduling Informationsteknologi Priced Timed Automata and Optimal Scheduling Optimal Infinite Scheduling

  1. Model Checking Technology Scheduling Optim al & Real Tim e using CORA CORA CORA

  2. Overview � Timed Automata & Scheduling Informationsteknologi � Priced Timed Automata and Optimal Scheduling � Optimal Infinite Scheduling � Optimal Conditional Scheduling Optimal Scheduling Using Priced Timed Automata. G. Behrmann, K. G. Larsen, J. I. Rasmussen, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review UC UCb

  3. Real Tim e Model Checking Plant Controller Program Informationsteknologi Continuous Discrete sensors Model actuators of tasks (automatic?) 1 2 Model a 1 2 of 3 4 environment b c 3 4 (user-supplied / 1 2 a non-determinism) SAT φ ?? SAT φ ?? 1 2 a 3 4 b c b c 3 4 UPPAAL Model UC UCb

  4. Real Tim e Scheduling & Control Synthesis Plant Controller Program Informationsteknologi Continuous Discrete sensors ?? Synthesis of actuators tasks/scheduler (automatic) 1 2 Model a 1 2 of 3 4 environment b c 3 4 (user-supplied) 1 2 a SAT φ !! SAT φ !! 1 2 a 3 4 b c b c 3 4 Partial UPPAAL Model UC UCb

  5. Rush Hour Informationsteknologi Your CAR OBJECTI VE: OBJECTI VE: Get your Get your CAR out CAR out EXI T UC UCb

  6. Rush Hour Informationsteknologi UC UCb

  7. Real Tim e Scheduling • Only 1 “Pass” UNSAFE • Only 1 “Pass” Crossing • Cheat is possible • Cheat is possible Times Informationsteknologi (drive close to car with “Pass”) (drive close to car with “Pass”) 5 10 Pass 20 25 SAFE CAN THEY MAKE I T TO SAFE The Car & Bridge Problem WI THI N 70 MI NUTES ??? UC UCb

  8. Real Tim e Scheduling UNSAFE Solve Solve 5 Informationsteknologi Scheduling Problem Scheduling Problem using UPPAAL using UPPAAL 10 SAFE 20 25 UC UCb

  9. Tim ed Autom ata [ Alur & Dill’89] Resource Synchronization Informationsteknologi Guard Reset Invariant Transitions: Transitions: ( Idle , x= 0 ) ( Idle , x= 0 ) � ( Idle , x= 2.5) d(2.5) � ( Idle , x= 2.5) d(2.5) � ( InUse , x= 0 ) use? � ( InUse , x= 0 ) use? States: States: � ( InUse , x= 5) d(5) � ( InUse , x= 5) d(5) ( location , x= v) where v ∈ R ( location , x= v) where v ∈ R � ( Idle , x= 5) done! � ( Idle , x= 5) done! � ( Idle , x= 8) d(3) � ( Idle , x= 8) d(3) � ( InUse , x= 0 ) use? � ( InUse , x= 0 ) use? UC UCb

  10. Com position Task Resource Synchronization Informationsteknologi Shared variable Transitions: Transitions: ( Idle , Init , B= 0, x= 0) ( Idle , Init , B= 0, x= 0) � ( Idle , Init , B= 0 , x= 3.1415 ) d(3.1415) � ( Idle , Init , B= 0 , x= 3.1415 ) d(3.1415) � ( InUse , Using , B= 6, x= 0 ) use � ( InUse , Using , B= 6, x= 0 ) use � ( InUse , Using , B= 6, x= 6 d(6) � ( InUse , Using , B= 6, x= 6 d(6) � ( Idle , Done , B= 6 , x= 6 done � ( Idle , Done , B= 6 , x= 6 done UC UCb

  11. Task Graph Scheduling Optim al Static Task Scheduling P 2 P 1 � Task P = { P 1 ,.., P m } 2 ,3 � Machines M = { M 1 ,..,M n } Informationsteknologi � Duration Δ : ( P × M) → N ∞ 1 6 ,1 0 � < : p.o. on P (pred.) 6 ,6 1 0 ,1 6 P 6 P 3 P 4 2 ,3 � A task can be executed only if all predecessors have completed � Each machine can process at most one task at a time P 7 P 5 2 ,2 � Task cannot be preempted. 8 ,2 M = { M 1 ,M 2 } � Compute schedule with minimum completion-time! UC UCb

  12. Task Graph Scheduling Optim al Static Task Scheduling P 2 P 1 � Task P = { P 1 ,.., P m } 2 ,3 1 6 ,1 0 Informationsteknologi � Machines M = { M 1 ,..,M n } � Duration Δ : ( P × M) → N ∞ � < : p.o. on P (pred.) 6 ,6 1 0 ,1 6 P 6 P 3 P 4 2 ,3 P 7 P 5 2 ,2 8 ,2 E<> (Task1.End and … and Task7.End) M = { M 1 ,M 2 } UC UCb

  13. Experim ental Results Informationsteknologi Symbolic A* Brand-&-Bound 60 sec Abdeddaïm, Kerbaa, Maler UC UCb

  14. Optim al Task Graph Scheduling Pow er-Optim ality P 2 P 1 2 ,3 � Energy-rates : 1 6 ,1 0 Informationsteknologi C : M → N � Compute schedule with minimum completion-cost! 6 ,6 1 0 ,1 6 P 6 P 3 P 4 2 ,3 P 7 P 5 2 ,2 8 ,2 4 W 3 W UC UCb

  15. Priced Tim ed Autom ata Optim al Scheduling with Paul Pettersson, Thomas Hune, Judi Romijn, Ansgar Fehnker, Ed Brinksma, Frits Vaandrager, Patricia Bouyer, Franck Cassez, Henning Dierks Emmanuel Fleury, Jacob Rasmussen,..

  16. EXAMPLE : Optimal rescue plan for cars with different subscription rates for city driving ! 5 Informationsteknologi Golf Citroen SAFE 10 9 2 20 25 BMW Datsun 3 10 OPTI MAL PLAN HAS ACCUMULATED COST= 195 and TOTAL TI ME= 65! UC UCb

  17. Experim ents COST-rates SCHEDULE COST TI ME # Expl # Pop’d Informationsteknologi G C B D CG> G< BD> C< 1762 Min Tim e 60 2638 CG> 1538 CG> G< BG> G< 1 1 1 1 55 65 252 378 GD> GD> G< CG> G< 9 2 3 10 195 65 149 233 BG> CG> G< BD> C< 1 2 3 4 140 60 232 350 CG> CD> C< CB> C< 1 2 3 10 170 65 263 408 CG> BD> B< CB> C< 975 85 1 20 30 40 - - CG> 1085 time< 85 0 0 0 0 0 - 406 447 - UCb UC

  18. Priced Tim ed Autom ata Behrmann, Fehnker, et all (HSCC’01) Timed Automata + COST variable Alur, Torre, Pappas (HSCC’01) l 2 l 1 l 3 x · 2 Informationsteknologi 3 · y 0 · y · 4 ☺ c’ = 4 c’ = 2 x: = 0 c + = 4 cost rate c + = 1 cost update y · 4 x: = 0 UC UCb

  19. Priced Tim ed Autom ata Behrmann, Fehnker, et all (HSCC’01) Timed Automata + COST variable Alur, Torre, Pappas (HSCC’01) l 2 l 1 l 3 x · 2 Informationsteknologi 3 · y 0 · y · 4 ☺ c’ = 4 c’ = 2 x: = 0 c + = 4 cost rate c + = 1 cost update y · 4 x: = 0 TRACES ε (3) ( l 1 ,x= y= 0) ( l 1 ,x= y= 3) ( l 2 ,x= 0,y= 3) ( l 3 ,_,_) ∑ c= 1 7 12 1 4 UC UCb

  20. Priced Tim ed Autom ata Behrmann, Fehnker, et all (HSCC’01) Timed Automata + COST variable Alur, Torre, Pappas (HSCC’01) l 2 l 1 l 3 x · 2 Informationsteknologi 3 · y 0 · y · 4 ☺ c’ = 4 c’ = 2 x: = 0 c + = 4 cost rate c + = 1 cost update : m y · 4 x: = 0 e : l m b o e r l P b l o n r P o l i TRACES t a n c o o 3 i l t a g c n o 3 i l h g c a n e i h r c f a o e t r ε (3) s f o o c t s m o u c m m ( l 1 ,x= y= 0) ( l 1 ,x= y= 3) ( l 2 ,x= 0,y= 3) ( l 3 ,_,_) i n u i m m i n e ∑ c= 1 7 i h m 12 t 1 4 d e n h F i t d n F i Efficient Implementation: ε (2.5) Efficient Implementation: ε (.5) CAV’0 1 and TACAS’0 4 ( l 1 ,x= y= 0) ( l 1 ,x= y= 2.5) ( l 2 ,x= 0,y= 2.5) ( l 2 ,x= 0.5,y= 3) ( l 3 ,_,_) CAV’0 1 and TACAS’0 4 10 1 1 4 ∑ c= 1 6 ε (3) ( l 1 ,x= y= 0) ( l 2 ,x= 0,y= 0) ( l 2 ,x= 3,y= 3) ( l 2 ,x= 0,y= 3) ( l 3 ,_,_) 1 6 0 4 ∑ c= 1 1 UCb UC

  21. Aircraft Landing Problem Informationsteknologi cost E earliest landing time d + l *(t-T) T target time e *(T-t) L latest time e cost rate for being early l cost rate for being late d fixed cost for being late t E T L Planes have to keep separation distance to avoid turbulences caused by preceding planes UC UCb Runway

  22. Modeling ALP with PTA 129 : Earliest landing time 153 : Target landing time 559 : Latest landing time Informationsteknologi 10 : Cost rate for early 20 : Cost rate for late Runway handles 2 types of planes Planes have to keep separation distance to avoid turbulences caused by preceding planes UC UCb Runway

  23. Sym bolic ”A * ”

  24. x Z y Operations Zones UCb UC Informationsteknologi

  25. 2 CAV’01 x + x Z − y 2 -1 = ) 2 y Δ 4 , x ( Cost y Priced Zone UCb UC Informationsteknologi

  26. x Z -1 2 Δ 4 y y:= 0 Reset UCb 2 UC Informationsteknologi

  27. x { y} Z Z -1 2 Δ 4 y y:= 0 Reset UCb 2 UC Informationsteknologi

  28. x { y} Z Z -1 2 6 Δ 4 y y:= 0 Reset UCb 2 UC Informationsteknologi

  29. x { y} Z A split of { y} Z Z 1 4 -1 2 -1 6 Δ 4 y y:= 0 Reset UCb 2 UC Informationsteknologi

  30. x Z -1 3 Δ 4 Delay UCb y UC Informationsteknologi

  31. ↑ Z x Z -1 3 Δ 4 Delay UCb y UC Informationsteknologi

  32. 3 ↑ Z x 3 Z 2 -1 3 Δ 4 Delay UCb y UC Informationsteknologi

  33. 3 ↑ Z A split of ↑ Z x 0 3 Z 4 -1 -1 3 Δ 4 Delay UCb y UC Informationsteknologi

  34. Branch & Bound Algorithm Informationsteknologi UC UCb

  35. Branch & Bound Algorithm Informationsteknologi UC UCb

  36. Branch & Bound Algorithm Informationsteknologi UC UCb

  37. Branch & Bound Algorithm Informationsteknologi UC UCb

  38. Branch & Bound Algorithm Informationsteknologi UC UCb

  39. Branch & Bound Algorithm Informationsteknologi Z ≤ ' Z Z’ is bigger & Z’ is bigger & cheaper than Z cheaper than Z ≤ · is a well-quasi · is a well-quasi ordering which ordering which guarantees guarantees termination! termination! UCb UC

  40. Experim ental Results


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