sc schedul dulin ing g fo for r

Sc Schedul dulin ing g fo for r 20 2020 20-202 2021 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

De Deep p Cr Creek k Hig igh Sc School ol Sc Schedul dulin ing g fo for r 20 2020 20-202 2021 Presented by School Counseling Department Th Things ings to be co cove vered ed tod oday: ay: 1. Diploma types 2.

  1. De Deep p Cr Creek k Hig igh Sc School ol Sc Schedul dulin ing g fo for r 20 2020 20-202 2021 Presented by School Counseling Department

  2. Th Things ings to be co cove vered ed tod oday: ay:  1. Diploma types  2. Promotion requirements  3. Picking 8 classes & 3 alternate electives for next year

  3. Pr Promo moti tion on Requireme irements nts 10 th grade a student with 5 credits but fewer than 10 credits 11 th grade a student with 10 credits but fewer than 16 credits 12 th grade a student with at least 16 credits

  4. Subje ject ct Standa dard rd Diploma Advance nced Studies ies Diploma English lish 4 4 Math 3 4 Science nce 3 4 History 3 4 PE PE 2 2 CPR required CPR required Foreign ign Langua guage ge none ne 3 3 or 2 and 2 Industr try y Credenti dential al 1 0 Elect ctives ives 7 t total 5 t total -1 must st be Econ/Fi /Finan nance ce -1 must st be Econ/Fi /Finan nance ce -2 must be seque uentia ntial -1 must be fine art/CTE CTE -2 must be fine art/CTE CTE Total Credits dits 22* 2* 26 26* *Class of 2022 and 2023 must have one of the following: Honors course, 2 nd industry credential, or AP course prior to graduation

  5. Sc Sche heduli uling ng form  Clearly write your full name, ID number  Circle your school counselor’s name  Initial by what type of diploma you are pursuing  If you play a DCHS sport, please mark that in the top right corner

  6. English Eng ish se selectio lection Circle the English course ENGLISH CLASSES that corresponds with your 10011 English 9 grade and the level you 10021 Honors English 9 would like to take. 11011 English 10 If you have successfully 11021 Honors English 10 completed English with an 12011 Honors English 11 A or a high B, consider 12021 Honors English 11 taking English at the next 12141 AP Eng Lang/Comp (FY)* level. Speak with your teacher for this year for 13011 English 12 guidance. 13021 Honors English 12 13141 AP English Lit/Comp (FY)* Dual Enrollment College 13351 DE College Comp 1 13451 DE College Comp 2 Comp requires a TCC app and testing. See Mr. Reppert for details.

  7. Math th se select lection ion MATH CLASSES Currently taking… Next year 21111 Algebra 1 Part A 21211 Algebra 1 Part B Algebra 1A Algebra 1 B and Geometry A 21011 Algebra I 22111 Geometry Part A Algebra 1B Geometry A and B 22211 Geometry Part B Algebra 1 Geometry 22011 Geometry 22021 Honors Geometry Geometry B and *Computer Geometry A 23011 AFDA Math, AFDA, or Alg 2 23111 Algebra 2 26011 Advanced Functions (12 only) Geometry B *Computer Math, AFDA or Alg 2 24011 Trigonometry/Prob & Stats AFDA Algebra 2 20211 Computer Math (for standard diploma only) Algebra II Trig/Prob & Stats OTHER MATH CLASSES Trig/Prob & Stats Advanced Functions or Other 24111 Probability & Stats 25021 Math Analysis Some universities require higher level maths! 25121 Calculus Check before you make a decision! 25241 AP Calculus AB 25341 AP Calculus BC 24241 AP Statistics

  8. Science Sc ence se selection ection MASCIENCESTH CLASSES 30311 Environmental Science Currently 30011 Earth Science taking… Next year 30021 Honors Earth Science Current 9 th with Earth Science or 30012 Earth Science II Meteorology no science Environmental Science 31011 Biology 31021 Honors Biology Earth Science Biology 35011 Biology II: Ecology Chemistry, Ecology*, Earth 36011 Biology II: Anatomy Biology Science II*, Anatomy*, Physics 32011 Chemistry for Technology 1 and 2 32021 Honors Chemistry Physics, Environmental 33021 Physics Chemistry Science, Earth Science II, 78411 Physics for Tech I Ecology, Anatomy, AP sciences 78412 Physics for Tech II Environmental Science, Earth Physics Science II, Ecology, Anatomy 31041 AP Biology (FY)* AP Sciences 32041 AP Chemistry (FY)* *3 rd science for students on standard diploma track 33041 AP Physics 1 33142 AP Physics 2

  9. Hi History story se selection lection HISTORY CLASSES  9 th grade………………….. 40011 World History I 40021 Honors World History  10 th grade………………… 41011 World History 2 41021 Honors World History 2 * only required for students on the Advanced Studies 41241 AP European History (FY)* diploma track. Students on Standard Diploma are not required to take a history for their second year. 42011 VA/US History  11 th grade……………… 42021 Honors VA/US History 42141 AP US History (FY)*  12 th grade……………… 43011 VA/US Government 43010 VA/US Government A/B day 43021 Honors VA/US Govt 43020 Honors VA/US Govt A/B day 43141 AP Government 43140 AP Government A/B day

  10. Requ Re quired ired PE PE and nd Ec Econ onomics omics RREQUIRED CLASSES FOR SPECIFIC GRADE LEVELS 59011 Health and PE 9  9 th grade……………. 59010 Health and PE 9 A/B day 59017 Health and PE 9 online 59111 Health and PE 10  10 th grade……..…… 59110 Health and PE 10 A/B day 59117 Health and PE 10 online  11th/12th grade..… 70911 Econ/Personal Finance 70910 Econ/Personal Finance A/B day

  11. CPS PS Onl nline ine Classes asses CPS Online Classes Computer Equipment Necessary English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12 VA/US History VA/US Government World History I World History II Offered as Academic and Honors level Health and PE Health and PE 10 9 Econ/Personal Oceanography Finance These courses can be taken online and are within the normal course load (8 credits per year). See your counselor for an application.

  12. Sc Sche hedu duling ling for orm  In the left hand column, mark if you are: ◦ applying to the: ● Chesapeake Career Center ● College and Career Pathways if you are not in any of these programs – leave blank ◦ Please circle your post secondary school graduation plans

  13. Wor orld ld La Lang nguages uages  Only required for the World Languages Advanced Studies 50111 French 1 50424 French 4 Diploma – 50212 French 2 50525 French 5 50323 French 3 50645 AP French  3 credits of one language 51111 German 1 51424 German 4 51212 German 2 51525 German 5 OR 51323 German 3 51645 AP German  2 of one and 2 of 52111Latin 1 52424 Latin 4 another 52212 Latin 2 51525 Latin 5 52323 Latin 3 52645 AP Latin 53111 Spanish 1 53424 Spanish 4 53212 Spanish 2 53525 Spanish 5 53323 Spanish 3 53645 AP Spanish

  14. Elective El ctive se selectio lections ns  Select 6 electives  Please include the course number  Will be used as alternates should a class not be available  Interested in programs at the Chesapeake Career Center? See Miss Williams in Guidance

  15. Finishing nishing up up picki king ng classes asses  Do you have 8 total classes picked?  Make sure you have listed 3 electives and 3 alternate choices.

  16. Fi Finali nalizing zing you our ch choi oices ces  The counselors will be calling you down in February – March to finalize your classes for next year.  Current 11 th graders will input course selections through StudentVue using provided instructions. All selections will be reviewed with your counselor.

  17. Wha hat t ha happ ppen ens s ne next xt?  Pre-registration will begin February 14 th.  Please return your signed pre-registration paperwork to your homeroom teacher by Wednesday, February 12 th .  If paperwork is not completed and turned in for a student, a schedule will be made for them. Thank you for your attention


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