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Page I of22 SCCPSS IEP for Ya'Don Moultrie (102109) Student Name: Yadon Moultrie Meeting D ale: 0512812013 Savannah-Ghatham Gounty Public School System " Savannah, GA31401 r (9r2) 395-5600 Department for Exceptional Ghildren lndividualized

  1. Page I of22 SCCPSS IEP for Ya'Don Moultrie (102109) Student Name: Yadon Moultrie Meeting D ale: 0512812013 Savannah-Ghatham Gounty Public School System " Savannah, GA31401 r (9r2) 395-5600 Department for Exceptional Ghildren lndividualized Education Program (lEP) fl lnitial M Annual Review ffi Re-Evaluation Student Name rfHf Attendance - Davs Absenl 2 Date of Birtl )1t03t2002 Teacher of Recorc Cvnthia Burnside GTID Number i601743275 Meetins Date 05t28t2013 Gurrent Gradr l4 IEP lmplementation Date )512812013 lEP End Date )5127t2014 ParenUGuardian Name Yvette Moultrie Stret Addresr 11900 White Bluff Rd. Aot # 1201 Primary Exceptionality \utism Served Throuqt f,ther Health lmpairment Apt./Bldr Citv. State, Zir Savannah. GA 314'19 )ate of Gurrent Eliqibilitv Repor )512812013 Home PhoneMork Phone 91 24285902 Reevaluation Gonsidered Date I 8666 43227 4 )512812015 3-Year Re-Evaluation Due )5t28t2016 Emergency Phone )12-428-5902 Secondary Exceptionalitl Soeech-Lanquaoe lmpai rments Service SchoollHeard Elementary )ate of Gurrent Elisibility Repor )512U2013 Area School/Site leard Elementarv 3-Year Re-Evaluation Due )5t2812016 Team Members in Attendance Additional Members Name & Title Reouired Members Name & Title : PanenUGuardian Yvette Moultrie 3LP ffil Yes [fl wo ln Attendance ParenUGuardian {utism Specialist Hl Yes Hl uo lnrAttendance -EA Representative Tamika M Simmons M Yes H tto ln Attendance Special Education, Teacher Cynthia Burnside M yes EI No ln,Attendancr Beneral Education Teacher Melissa Newsome Mi yes fl tto lntAttendance Slludent (if 16 or lttransition is being discussed) Yadon Moultrie F i Yes lvl tlto ln Attendance \gency representative ,re*:ponsible for transition rcrvices) E Yes M tto ln Attendancr Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance of initial or most recent evaluation and results of state and district assessments: lnclude results of current curriculum assessments such as STAR Reading, STAR Math, Performance Series Assessments, DIBELS' etc. lnformal curriculum assessment results used to drive instruction' AR Math Results t0l2012 Grade Equivalent (GE) - 0.3 t4t2013-GE-1.2 L ir,:

  2. SCCPSS IEP for Ya'Don Moultrie (102109) PageT of22 I Pepartment for Exceptional Chitdren Measurable Annual Goals and short rerm objectives rable Annual Goals: Academic ap the child to be involved in and make progress in th'e general-education or to meet each of the child,s other onal needs that result from the.disabititvl "rrircrtm Measurable Annual Goals: yadon will improve math skills Short Term Objective: trteasuraOG, fiiffiffiG Eriteria For Mastery Condition tl steps or targeted sub-skills to enable student to 30% 3 consecutive trials reach annual goals. Frequency ) , ldentify the function of scales, rulers, rneasuring Projected Date cups, money, thermometers, and clocks. for Mastery: )5127t201t lUlethod of Evaluation: Work samples GriticalGoal/Objective: fl yes E' tto Ieacher test Ieacher observation fata collection ?evlew )ate Mastery Drogress fluo jode for Sept. Oct. Nov, Dec. May. Jan. il vrs Feb. Mar, , Apr' Jun. =ach ?epofting Teriorl rrogressI Y Y Y rutrtcbnt N N Y N N Y Y N N Y Y N N Y Y N N ?o be met by mastert tl r:l m 5 n H tr-l tt E- late [:: I LI m fll stt m iil [, t'I LJ U U tt m I m l! L_-l Short Term Objective: Measurablei interrneOiate Griteria For Mastery Condition ;teps or targeted sub-skills to enable student to 85% 3 consecutive times Freouencvr ) each annual goals. I i pwill Projected Datr corjnt and write by 100,s to 1000. for Masterv Jst27t2014 ll/lethod of Evaluation: Data collection 3riticalGoal/Objective: il yes [I tto fieacher test /Vork samples Mastery Oate Progress El ruo Code fot Sept. Oct. Nov. May. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Jun, H ves Each Reportlng Perldrt Y N. N Y rufficlent Y Y N N Y Y N Y N N Y Y Y N N N lo ba met ,y mastary r:n n Fq n ffi t! n f, ro n late LJ tL tl ru tJ U lt L] t__l L-l E] L II L J L_l Short Term ObJective: Measurable, interrneAiate Sriteria For Mastery Condition lteps or targeted sub-skills to enable student to 35% 3 consecutive times Freouencv ) 'each annual goals. lFtyill count and write by 2's, S'drand 10's to 100 Projected Date for Masterv: c5127t2014 SriticalGoal/Objective: ffi yes ffi ,No "ott""tion **k.rffi lVlethod of Evaluation: Teacher tests, O"t" Mastery Dala togrcss fl tto jode for Sept. Oci. Nov, May. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr' Jun, lach EI vrs rl Teportlng ,eriod YIN YIN YIN vlN YIN YIN YIN YIN YIN sufficient Y N to be met H n r:-'l tl L.J n t,i t --t r1 ri I E I-J L,l ts-l L_] tl tl E-J U LI U LI E1-',] tl LI

  3. SCCPSS IEP for Ya'Don Moultrie (l02l}9) Page 15 of22 . Department for Exceptional Children c lassroom/Program Accommodations/Modifications : A. Student Supports To advance appropriately toward attaining annual goals; to be involved and progress in the general curriculum; and to be educated and participate with other children in academic, nonacademic, and ex[racurricularictivities, the following accommodations, supplemental aids and services and/or supports for school personnel will be provided. lnstructional Accommodations Use Math manipulatives lnformation presented visually as well as orally- graphs, visuals, picture cards and charts Visual cues Give short and simple directions with examples rephrase/repeat directions when needed Use calculator Write in test booklet instead of on answer sheet Read to or have a peer read to when needed Use AR book to take test Change location to reduce distractions Work one on one or in small group when needed Allow breaks when needed Extended time to complete assignments Reduce length of assignment when appropriate Pre-teach key vocabulary Gain Yadon's attention before asking questions or giving directions. Emphasize the "wh" word and other key words when asking questions to yadon Classroom Testing Accommodations Read to Yadon Give short and simple directions with examples Rephrase/repeat directions when needed Use calculator Write in test booklet instead of on answer sheet Change location to reduce distractions Allow for multiple or frequent breaks Extended time time and half test one on one or in small group Supplemental Aids and Services none needed Supports for Schoot Personnel none needed B. Assessment Determination for bi"tri"t and Statewide Assessments for Grades K-12 The student will participate in all rdquired assessments without accommodations. il yes M No The student will participate in all required assessments with accommodations. \ il yes H t'to lf yes, complete ihe chart below. The student will participate in the G.eorgia Alternate Assessment (GAA) td yes [I No lf yes, provide a statement of why'the child cannot participate in regular assessment. Due to Ya'Don's diagnosis of autisrn and his current functioning level, he is not able to participate in required assessments even with accomodations. Specific Testing Accommodationsl Accommodations used for assessment must be consistent with accommodations used for classroom instruction/testing and specified in the lEP. Some accommodations used for instruction may not be allowed for statewide assessment. Refer to the GaDOE Student Assessment Handbook for the only allowable accommodations. S=Standard C=Gonditional NS=Non Standard A copy of this form must be provllled to all teachers who work with the student. LLL---.11.-^--


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