satellite navigation in intelligent transportation

Satellite Navigation in Intelligent Transportation Systems Matthias - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Satellite Navigation in Intelligent Transportation Systems Matthias Rckl, Thomas Strang Institute of Communications and Navigation 15/11/2007 > Slide 1 Institute of Communications and Navigation > Matthias Rckl Satellite Navigation

  1. Satellite Navigation in Intelligent Transportation Systems Matthias Röckl, Thomas Strang Institute of Communications and Navigation 15/11/2007 > Slide 1 Institute of Communications and Navigation > Matthias Röckl

  2. Satellite Navigation in Intelligent Transportation Systems Satellite navigation in combination with communication systems is a key enabler for a variety of Intelligent Transportation Systems Satellite Communication Navigation Systems Intelligent Transportation Systems Assistance for traffic participants (e.g. Assistenz für Verkehrsteilnehmer ) In different environments and their transitions: Road (e.g. Car-2-Car Communication Consortium ) Rail (e.g. Railway Collision Avoidance System ) Pedestrian (e.g. FAMOUS ) For different application areas: Safety Efficiency Infotainment and comfort 15/11/2007 > Slide 2 Institute of Communications and Navigation > Matthias Röckl

  3. Satellite navigation as enabler for various Cooperative Systems in road traffic Safety: Traffic Jam Ahead Warning Curve Speed Warning Intersection Assistance Emergency Call Efficiency: Decentralized Floating Car Data Optimal Speed Advisory Infotainment: Free Flow Tolling Point-of-Interest Notification Source: Car-2-Car Communication Consortium Up to now more than 120 potential use cases have already been identified 15/11/2007 > Slide 3 Institute of Communications and Navigation > Matthias Röckl

  4. Car-2-Car Communication Consortium Non-profit organisation initiated by European vehicle manufacturers joined by suppliers and research organisations … Mission of the C2C-CC is to: establish an open European industry standard for Car-2-Car Communication systems promote the allocation of royalty-free European-wide frequency band for Car-2-Car applications force the harmonisation of the Car-2-Car Communication standard worldwide Working Groups: 15/11/2007 > Slide 4 Institute of Communications and Navigation > Matthias Röckl

  5. Satellite navigation as enabler for various Cooperative Systems in rail traffic Alert! GNSS RCAS EBULA Railway Collision Avoidance System 15/11/2007 > Slide 5 Institute of Communications and Navigation > Matthias Röckl

  6. Environment Example: DLR Simulation Environment m 3 r e v i r D m 3 m ulti-modal m ulti-vehicle m obility simulation Driver Assistance System Telematics Vehicle Integrated tailorable simulation and test environment From course-grained to high-fidelity model selection Application areas: Performance simulation Impact evaluation Conformance and interoperability testing Joint project of Institute of Communications and Navigation and Institute of Transportation Systems 15/11/2007 > Slide 6 Institute of Communications and Navigation > Matthias Röckl

  7. Thank you for your attention! Questions? Matthias Röckl German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Communications & Navigation 15/11/2007 > Slide 7 Institute of Communications and Navigation > Matthias Röckl


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