Sandy River Basin Watershed Council Meeting March 31 st , 2014
Council Development � Review/adopt minutes � Finances and Budget – Marilyn Peterson � YTD update � 2014 year end projection
Office Infrastructure Review � Office infrastructure review � MHCC partnership – status update � USFS agreement evolution
OWEB Updates � Focused Investment update � Salmon stronghold going coastal
Beer Updates � Zig Zag Lager � Portland Brewing Co. � June launch � Logo needed!
Learning Moment: Todd Alsbury Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife � 2013 Population estimates; 2014 weir plans
Lower Sandy Update: Plant-it Delta
Lower Sandy Update: Camp Collins
Other Project Updates � Troutdale/Eastwinds wrap-up � RFR II RFP Committee
Vegetation Restoration Gordon Cre Buck Creek Salmon River 17 Miles 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 16 S an d y R iv H e a r ck e t t C r e e k 15 10 14 13 River n o m 12 a S l 11 9 Bull Run River 6 7 8 5 4 Text Boulder Creek Little Sandy Creek 3 21 C r e e k d e r u o l B h o t r R i v e r N d y n a S 1918 Sandy River 20 17 S a l m o n R i v e r C e d a r C 16 r e e Hackett Creek k 10 i W l 15 S Clear Creek d a n c d a y t C r e e k 13 R Badger Creek 14 v i r e Hackett Creek 11 Wildcat Cree 12 lder Creek 9 6 7 8 B • Upper Basin April Plantings • Summer Invasives Planning • Recent Marmot Work
Emerging Issues & Opportunities � Troutdale Energy Center Contested Case Hearing � Road Closure Funding
Protect our clean water! Oppose Measure 26-156
Why We Oppose � Less Accountability � Less Accessibility � Less Transparency � Exclusionary � Poorly Written � Unintended Consequences � Vulnerable to Corporate Take-over � Anti-Environment
Who is Opposing Audubon Society of Portland Northwest Environmental AFSCME Local 3336 � � � Oregon Wild Advocates AFSCME Local 88-Multnomah � � Oregon Nurses Association Coalition for a Livable Future County � � Portland Firefighters Elders in Action Alliance for Democracy � � � Association Depave Onward Oregon � � Sandy River Basin Watershed Urban Greenspaces Institute Professional & Technical � � � Council Oregon Environmental Council Employees, Local 17, City of � East Portland Action Plan Oregon League of Conservation Portland Professional � � League of Women Voters of Voters Employees Association � Portland Food and Water Watch Hayden Island Livability � � Sierra Club Columbia Pacific Building Project � � Oregon State Council for Trades Council Mazamas � � Retired Citizens Friends of Gateway Green District Council of Trade � � Jobs With Justice Verde Unions- City of Portland � � Willamette Riverkeeper Bark AFSCME Local 3135 � � � WaterWatch of Oregon Northwest Environmental AFSCME Local 189 � � � Oregon Progressive Party Advocates � Lents Neighborhood Friends of Zenger Farm � � Association Oregon AFL-CIO � Climate Solutions LIUNA (Laborers) Local 483 � � Friends of Trees Northwest Oregon Labor � � Oregon Consumer League Council � Trust for Public Land AFSCME Local 328 � �
2014 Events � Delta Tree Care Event- May 10 th � Sandy Showdown Regatta � Postponed to 2015 � Summer Floating River Cleanup � Summer Picnic 7/28 Dodge Park
Final Business � Public comment � Next meeting dates � May 28, July 28 (Summer Picnic), September 22
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