san francisco ethics commission


FY 2 0 1 7 AND FY 2 0 1 8 BUDG E T SAN FRANCISCO ETHICS COMMISSION OV E RV I E W FOR T H E BOAR D OF SUPE RV I SOR S BUDG E T COMMI T T E E J U N E 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 www. 415.252.3100 LeeAnn Pelham, Executive Director Shaista

  1. FY 2 0 1 7 AND FY 2 0 1 8 BUDG E T SAN FRANCISCO ETHICS COMMISSION OV E RV I E W FOR T H E BOAR D OF SUPE RV I SOR S BUDG E T COMMI T T E E J U N E 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 www. 415.252.3100 LeeAnn Pelham, Executive Director Shaista Shaikh, Assistant Deputy Executive Director Steven Massey, Information T echnology Officer

  2. OUR MANDATE B ROA D R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S A N D F U N C T I O N A L D U T I E S public disclosure campaign finance advice & education Campaigns public financing policy evaluation & campaign consultants development contact & expenditure lobbyists assistance to agencies Lobbying permit consultants & employees major developers audits economic interests (Form 700) investigations & Ethics conflicts of interests | contract disclosures enforcement governmental ethics | travel disclosures whistleblower retaliation protection Ethics Commission – Proposed FY2017 and FY2018 Budget Overview | June 16, 2016 | Page 2

  3. OUR BLUEPRINT S E C U R I N G & A L I G N I N G N E C E S S A RY R E S O U R C E S TO B E T T E R M AT C H B ROA D VOT E R M A N DAT E C APACI T Y BUI L DI NG FOR : Strong and effective policies  Enhanced practical guidance  Timely investigations and enforcement  Organizational efficiencies  Ethics Commission – Proposed FY2017 and FY2018 Budget Overview | June 16, 2016 | Page 3

  4. Also Recommended in Mayor’s Proposed Budget OUR NEW INITIATIVES T E C H N O L O G Y Enhanced Online E-Filing Conversion Project Compliance Assistance  Electronic Form 700 for all City filers  User-focused online experience  Enhanced campaign finance data  Responsive compliance tools  Online filing of sunshine & ethics  Improved, broadened guidance certifications  Innovative use of technology  Electronic gifts of travel reporting Requested: COIT Funding FY2017 & FY2018 Requested: Mayoral Senior Fellow 2016-2017 Ethics Commission – Proposed FY2017 and FY2018 Budget Overview | June 16, 2016 | Page 4

  5. Also Recommended in Mayor’s Proposed Budget OUR RENEWED PRIORITIES P O L I C Y C O M P L I A N C E E N F O R C E M E N T Strengthened Policy Focus Effective Enforcement  Strengthen enforcement processes  Develop new policy on emerging issues  Proactive enforcement  Evaluate policies and programs  Fair & consistent investigations  Ensure laws are strong & workable  Timely case resolution  Promote practical understanding of the law s Requested: 2 Policy Analysts Requested: 2 Investigators Ethics Commission – Proposed FY2017 and FY2018 Budget Overview | June 16, 2016 | Page 5

  6. Summar y of Ethics Commission FY 2017 | 2018 Budget Request Po s i t i o n s B e n e f i t s  increased number and proportion of timely filings  One IS Business Analyst (1052) E-Filing  improved timeliness for public access  Convert Staff Assistant (1840) to IS Conversion Project  improved methods for public access to disclosure data IS Business Analyst-Assistant (1051)  reduced time processing paper  reduced complaint timeframes Effective  Fully fund one existing Sr. Investigator (1823)  increased types of investigations Investigations  higher proportion of cases pursued for serious violations  One new Investigator (1822) & Enforcement  broader range of serious cases brought for hearing  increased number & frequency of guidance contacts One Senior Policy & Compliance Analyst   increased frequency & scope of evaluations for policy Proactive Policy & (1823) and program improvements Compliance Outreach  more timely analysis of emerging issues One Policy & Compliance Analyst (1822)   broadened policy outreach/input  Convert two Senior Clerks (1406) to  full and timely records request responses one Management Assistant (1842) Administrative Support  increased timeliness of public materials distribution & Transparency  improved support for stakeholder information needs  Reclassify Junior Management Assistant (1840) across all program areas to a Senior Management Assistant (1844) Ethics Commission – Proposed FY2017 and FY2018 Budget Overview | June 16, 2016 | Page 6

  7. $5,000,000 Base Operating Budget P r o p o s e d $4,500,000 $2.59M FY16 $3.3 M $4,000,000 Ethics $3.3M proposed FY17 $3,500,000 $3.49M proposed FY18 Commission $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 Operating $1,500,000 Approved Operating Budget Budget & (Non-Grant Funding) $1,000,000 Staffing $500,000 Levels $0 30 Level of Staff Funded (FTEs) 22 25 FY1995 18 FY16 22 FY17 through 20 22 FY18 FY2016 & 15 Staffing Levels as proposed (Full-Time Equivalents) 10 for FY2017 2017 2007 5 0 Ethics Commission – Proposed FY2017 and FY2018 Budget Overview | June 16, 2016 | Page 7


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