same risk area concept an area based approach to

Same Risk Area Concept An area based approach to exemptions Can - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Same Risk Area Concept An area based approach to exemptions Can ships operating solely in a specified area be exempted from the discharge criteria of the BWMC? Is the area based approach for risk assessment and exemption a feasible way

  1. Same Risk Area Concept – An area based approach to exemptions Can ships operating solely in a specified area be exempted from the discharge criteria of the BWMC? Is the area based approach for risk assessment and exemption a feasible way forward for short sea shipping? Presented by Denmark Dr. Frank Stuer-Lauridsen, LITEHAUZ JTG-Ballast, Bruxelles 29-30 November 2016 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 1

  2. The Same Risk Area concept Country A Country B Country C 29/11/16 2 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast

  3. The Same Risk Area concept Country A Country B Country C 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 3

  4. The Same Risk Area concept Country A Same Risk Area Country B Country C 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 4

  5. The Same Risk Area concept Country A Same Risk Area Country B Country C 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 5

  6. 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 6

  7. The BWMC option of exemption  Exemptions for vessels operating Ro-Ro/PAX exclusively in a limited area  Regional short sea shipping  Ferry lines “A to B and back”  >2 port Ro-Ro/PAX  Feeder traffic  North Sea OSV  Wind farm vessels 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 7

  8. BWMC: A-4 Exemption from D-2; valid 5 years • Ship operates between specified ports or SPECIFIED LOCATIONS locations • Three types of RA, but must show low RISK ASSESSMENT risk for invasive species (in SRA species-to-species) • Vessel may only discharge untreated BW NO MIXING from/to the specified ports or location 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 8

  9. The SRA procedure  In summary, the key elements of the SRA concept are: 1. exemption procedure under the Convention regulation A-4; Extent of SRA is Vessels apply MEPC is 2. based on a risk assessment States identify Risk assessment agreed among for exemption in informed of SRA possible SRA related to identified target conducted with SRA states one state with and vessels and target SRA objective based on risk cc to other SRA granted species; species assessment states exemption 3. defines an area that exhibits acceptable risk regarding transfer with ballast water of target species compared to the estimates of natural dispersal over time (connectivity); and 4. exemptions can be granted to vessels operating exclusively in this area and not mixing water and sediments if travelling outside the area. 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 9

  10. The Same Risk Area Scientific basis Natural dispersal Target species characteristics and “connectivity” e.g. the occurrence and duration of egg or larval stages, foraging and mobility, spawning characteristics, settling rate, mortality, and behavioural aspects Hydrodynamic, environmental and meteorological features e.g. the historic and seasonal pattern of Dispersal distances • currents, tidal regime, salinities, Pelagic Life Duration temperature, and wind patterns • Hydrodynamics/flow regimes • Habitat occurrence and preference , Biophysical modeling • e.g. the occurrence of soft or hard (Genetic metrics) bottom environs, corals, river banks, • littoral and high energy zones Agent-based modeling • 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 10

  11. The Same Risk Area Scientific basis Natural dispersal Target species characteristics and “connectivity” e.g. the occurrence and duration of egg or larval stages, foraging and mobility, spawning characteristics, settling rate, mortality, and behavioural aspects Hydrodynamic, environmental and meteorological features e.g. the historic and seasonal pattern of currents, tidal regime, salinities, Availability of key data on target species temperature, and wind patterns • History of hydrodynamic base data • Habitat occurrence and preference , (10 y 95% fractile, annual average, e.g. the occurrence of soft or hard seasonal extreme?) bottom environs, corals, river banks, littoral and high energy zones Run time for dispersal • (5, 10, >10 years?) 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 11

  12. The Same Risk Area tool Agent based model: Connectivity model: Larvae traits; Kattegat- Skagerrak (N. Europe) Pelagic larvae; Great Barrier Reef (Australia) Coral reef fish, islands (Indo- Pacific) Used in assessing marine parks network 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 12

  13. The Same Risk Area tools  Hydrodynamic provinces in the Tyrrhenian Sea / Adriatic Sea (Vincent et al 2014)  Pelagic Larval Duration 30 and 60 days 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 13

  14. The Same Risk Area tools  Hydrodynamic and biological regimes in the Kattegat Sea (Jacobi et al 2012) 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 14

  15. The Same Risk Area tools  Connectivity in the Kattegat (Hansen et al 2014) 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 15

  16. Same Risk Area – Risk assessment Risk Assessment steps (G7 species-specific)  Identify area, i.e. ports and locations  Target species and characteristics  Identify hydrodynamic and environmental conditions  Assess natural dispersal in respect of species biology and hydrodynamic regime (connectivity)  Reduce area to include only ports with connectivity – the SRA  Compare natural dispersal to ballast water mediated transfer  In the final area include only ports and locations with acceptable low risk 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 16

  17. Conclusions  The SRA is aimed at providing a risk-based approach to area based exemptions founded on G7  The key new component of SRA is the assessment of the natural dispersal of target species by way of hydrography or other natural mechanisms  The SRA can be a valuable tool for reducing complexity, costs and administrative burden in short sea shipping 29/11/16 OSPAR HELCOM TG Ballast 17


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