salmon life it takes a community elders to youth teaching

Salmon=Life It takes a community. Elders to Youth Teaching - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Salmon=Life It takes a community. Elders to Youth Teaching Learning Hard Work Unites Us Defines Us H UNT NG & F NG T ASK F ORCE I I SHI Pa rtne rs Upda te F e b rua ry 16, 2016

  1. Salmon=Life

  2. It takes a community….

  3. Elders to Youth

  4. Teaching

  5. Learning

  6. Hard Work

  7. Unites Us

  8. Defines Us

  9. H UNT NG & F NG T ASK F ORCE I I SHI Pa rtne rs Upda te F e b rua ry 16, 2016


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