
SafeLaunch Voluntary Behavioral Health Program for Schools - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SafeLaunch Voluntary Behavioral Health Program for Schools Normal Brain Development and SUD Risk Substance Use Disorder Risks Adolescent Drug Exposure Genetics Mental Illness Social Environment Childhood

  1. SafeLaunch Voluntary Behavioral Health Program for Schools

  2. Normal Brain Development and SUD Risk Substance Use Disorder Risks ● Adolescent Drug Exposure ● Genetics ● Mental Illness ● Social Environment ● Childhood Trauma (ACEs)


  4. 12-17 Marijuana Use Increases Risk

  5. 12-17 Alcohol Use Increases Risk

  6. 12-17 Cigarette Use Increases Risk

  7. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) ● 1995-97 CDC Kaiser Study - 17,000 adults ● Identified 10 categories of trauma ● Each “ACE” increases the likelihood of early drug use 2 to 4 fold ● Creating trauma informed schools is crucial to reducing drug use and improving overall health outcomes

  8. Lead doctor of the ACEs Study Says... “Adverse childhood experiences are vastly more common than recognized or acknowledged. Of equal importance is our observation that they had a powerful correlation to adult health a half-century later.” - Vincent J Felitti, MD

  9. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Take ACEs Quiz Online Text: ACES To: 841-541-SAFE

  10. Good News ● Many students are choosing NOT TO USE any drug. ● Voluntary Random Drug Screening is a good way to support and expand this group of students.

  11. Primary Prevention Saves Lives ● Universal Primary Prevention targets the whole population ● Early Intervention most effective way to help prevent a Substance Use Disorder from developin g

  12. The Case for Universal Primary Prevention Universal interventions are required to ensure that all children - not only those entering early adolescence on an at-risk trajectory - receive an adequate dose of prevention. Odgers, C. L., Caspi, A., Nagin, D. S., Piquero, A. R., Slutske, W. S., Milne, B. J., Dickson, N., Poulton, R., … Moffitt, T. E. (2008). Is it important to prevent early exposure to drugs and alcohol among adolescents?. Psychological science, 19(10), 1037-44.

  13. Voluntary Oral Drug Screening Benefits Enrollment in a drug screening program gives students a reason to say NO to the pressure to experiment with drugs. Low Cost ● Students feel safe and protected ● 100% Confidential ● Screen Anywhere, even in groups ● Non-Invasive ● Can’t be adulterated ● Anonymized data for school reporting ●

  14. No-Cost Parent Counseling ● Partnership for Drug Free-Kids certified coaching ● 30-minute phone consultations ● Parents get the help they need when they need it… ASAP

  15. Benefits of School Drug Screening Programs ● Enhances all other drug prevention efforts to reduce teen substance use ● Give students a reason not to use ● Enable early intervention to protect students from developing drug dependency

  16. Prevent Teen Drug Use Teen drug exposure wires the ● developing brain for future drug dependency. Ninety percent of adults suffering ● from substance use disorder were exposed before age 18 . 72,000 Americans died of drug ● overdose in 2016, exceeding those who died in automobile 72,000 people in the San Diego football stadium crashes.

  17. Bring Voluntary Drug Screening to Your School A crucial component of your school’s comprehensive drug prevention plan Contact Janet Rowse 805-283-7233 SafeLaunch | Santa Barbara, California | Tax ID 46-2832792


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