rotary alumni engagement

Rotary Alumni Engagement Patti Johnson, Buffalo-Sunrise 7090 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rotary Alumni Engagement Patti Johnson, Buffalo-Sunrise 7090 District Council Sept. 10, 2015 WHO ARE ALUMNI? Individuals who have experienced Rotary through various program s: Interact, Rotaract, Youth Form er TRF program s: Exchange,

  1. Rotary Alumni Engagement Patti Johnson, Buffalo-Sunrise 7090 District Council Sept. 10, 2015

  2. WHO ARE ALUMNI? Individuals who have experienced Rotary through various program s:  Interact, Rotaract, Youth  Form er TRF program s: Exchange, RYLA  Ambassadorial Scholarships  New Generations Service Exchange  Grants for University Teachers  Peace Fellowships  Group Study Exchange (GSE)  Global Grant Scholarships  Rotary Volunteers Program  Vocational Training Teams (VTT)  District Grant Scholarships TITLE | 2

  3. ALUMNI STATISTICS How m any alum ni are there?  Potentially 500,000 former program participants.  2015-16 RI database  286,000 alumni records  13,410 are Rotarians (4.6%)  54% interested in membership  18% volunteered with Rotary in past year TITLE | 3

  4. FINDING ALUMNI – DISTRICT INFORMATION What resources do we have? TITLE | 4

  5. DISTRICT 7090 STATISTICS – ALUMNI RESIDING IN DISTRICT Alum ni by Program  Group Study Exchange (1990 ): 178 (20 Rotarians; 11%)  Am bassadorial Scholarships (1951): 94 (1)  Rotary Peace Fellowships: 1  Vocational Training Teams: new  Rotaract (1999): 34 (1)  Interact (1996): 50 (0)  Rotary Youth Exchange: 2  Rotary Youth Leadership Awards: ?  Total: at least 359  Total Rotarians: 23 (6%) TITLE | 5

  6. BENEFITS OF ENGAGING ALUMNI As Mem bers Alumni are interested in acquiring and expanding leadership and • professional skills. They like to interact with other leaders (alumni!) As Volunteers Alumni are volunteers and many show a strong interest in • international service. As Speakers and Mentors Alumni are interested in connecting with a diverse group • of professionals and sharing their Rotary experience. TITLE | 6

  7. HOW DO WE ENGAGE OUR ALUMNI? TAKE ACTION Contact your alumni!!! • Include alumni on newsletters and social media • Include in service projects or Rotary Community Corps • Encourage donations or fundraising • Join discussion groups on My Rotary or LinkedIn • Encourage scholarship applications and invite them to mentor • current scholars Encourage vocational training team participation • Nominate alumni and alumni associations for alumni awards (i.e. • The Global Alumni Service to Humanity & Alumni Association of the Year Awards) TITLE | 7

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  11. FINDING ALUMNI  LinkedIn https:/ / / groups/ Rotary- Reconnect-731/ about  Facebook https:/ / / rotaryreconnect  Reconnect newsletter https:/ / m yrotary/ en/ news- features/ newsletters  Alumni webpage alum ni My Rotary  Alumni ages 13+ can update contact information  Alumni 18+ can use discussion boards TITLE | 11

  12. My Goals as District Alumni Chair Suggest the DG contact non-Rotarian alumni residing in our District, • inviting them to the District Conference. I will supply the contact list to Kevin and Pene Encourage all clubs to contact their alumni and engage them as discussed • earlier Increase alumni registration on RI • Set up District 7090 Facebook and LinkedIn sites • Collaborate with AGs and District Chairs to find and engage alumni • Hold alumni meet-and-greet events • Establish a District 7090 Alumni Association • TITLE | 12

  13. Rotary Alumni Engagement • Again, I am Patti Johnson, with THE Buffalo-Sunrise Club. • I can be reached at or at 716-830-6173 • If you have any questions or suggestions I would love to hear from you. TITLE | 13


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