role of evidence in policy planning

Role of Evidence in Policy Planning, KZN Research Dissemination - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Presidency Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Role of Evidence in Policy Planning, KZN Research Dissemination Monitoring & Conference Durban, KZN Evaluation Antonio Hercules 30 August 2017 Summary Importance of

  1. The Presidency Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Role of Evidence in Policy Planning, KZN Research Dissemination Monitoring & Conference Durban, KZN Evaluation Antonio Hercules 30 August 2017

  2. Summary  Importance of evidence  Why use of evidence is critical for strategic management The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 3

  3. Evidence-based policy-making The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 4

  4. Evidence-based policy and practice • Helping people make better decisions and achieve better outcomes, by using the best available evidence from research and other sources • Knowing what are effective interventions (“what works?”) • In achieving which outcomes? • For which groups of people? • Under what conditions? • Over what time span? • At what costs?, plus • Integrating research with decision makers’ knowledge, skills, experience, expertise and judgement Source: Phil Davies, course in Evidence-Based Policy Making and Implementation

  5. Some problems with evidence • Evidence is not the only factor • Little agreement on what counts as ‘evidence’ • Evidence is always contestable/contested • Evidence is seldom definitive, nor self-evident • Evidence is almost always probabilistic/uncertain • Not all evidence is of equal value • Not all research is of equal value/sufficient quality • Positive evidence is usually reported more than negative • We need the balance of evidence – research synthesis • Source: Phil Davies, course in Evidence-Based Policy Making and Implementation The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

  6. Evidence versus Opinion Evidence : (Wide and deep) Data that meet the standards of: • internal validity (coherent – shows causality between variables) • external validity (a study that allows its findings to generalize) • reliability – consistency of data (test-retest) • adequacy of reporting – statistics adequate and data support findings Opinion • Statements and claims that do not meet the standards of evidence • Key qualities: positional, subjective, partial (selective), hard to verify

  7. Evidence Based Policy Making and Implementation Intervention Theory Options for of addressing the change problem Understand- Design ing the root causes DIAGNOSING PLANNING Operational plan What is known Analysis of the Policy/Program and resourcing about the problem and me planning and problem options budgeting Document, Agenda evaluate, reflect & learn OUTPUT Implementing OUTCOME & What is the Implementation the plan IMPACT change – and monitoring desired and undesired? Monitoring the plan, Value for environment and money? Are planned budget outcomes Review, being refine and achieved? The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation continue

  8. Where in Policy Cycle do you use evidence? None / weak All Evaluate Imple & Monitor Intervent Design Analysis & ToC Agenda Setting 0 5 10 15 20 25 9

  9. Type of evidence most often used for policy decision-making (interviews with 55 senior managers) All Research Synthesis Scientific Research Formal Research More of Substantive Current Informal Opinion None 0 5 10 15 20 25 The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 10

  10. The main factors that influence policy (interviews with 55 senior managers) Evidence Pragmatics & Contingencies Experience & Expertise Future Judgement Current Resources Values Habits & Traditions Lobbyists & Pressure Groups 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 11

  11. Definitions C ONTINUUM OF T YPES & S OURCES OF E VIDENCE U SED None Opinion Informal Substantive Formal Scientific Review & Research Research assessment of available evidence No Of the Anecdotal, Careful Empirical, Statistical, Testing, explicit policy stories, truth appropriate compara- analysing & basis makers; or uncritical seeking, design & tive, causal synthesising for broadly use of develop- methodol- available policy accepted information mental ogy evidence. Rapid decis- public to hand, evaluation, reviews; ions opinion; partial & data systematic lobby limited analysis of enquiry; meta- groups; survey & analysis others admin data Adapted from: Hayes, W, 2002, The Policy Cycle 12

  12. Evidence Based Policy Making and Implementation Intervention Theory Options for of addressing the change problem Understand- Design ing the root causes DIAGNOSING PLANNING Operational plan What is known Analysis of the Policy/Program and resourcing about the problem and me planning and problem options budgeting Document, Agenda evaluate, reflect & learn OUTPUT Implementing OUTCOME & What is the Implementation the plan IMPACT change – and monitoring desired and undesired? Monitoring the plan, Value for environment and money? Are planned budget outcomes Review, being refine and achieved? The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation continue

  13. Different types of evaluations related to questions around the outcome model Expenditure Review (NT) What are the activities, are they cost-effective? Impact evaluation Has the intervention had impact at outcome and impact level, and why Economic Evaluation What are the cost-benefits? Implementation evaluation - what is happening and why DESIGN Diagnostic Design evaluation what is the underlying situation Does the theory of and root causes of the change seem strong? problem 14 The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

  14. Government Proj/Prog Monit itorin ing System Main Main results monitoring reported here data here 15

  15. Implementation Evaluations: sense of emphasis, importance 1. Design Effectiveness (ToC, results framework ) 1. Org. Efficiency 2. Outputs Design 3. “Results” 2. Manage- (immediate ment & outcomes) Account- to date ability 3. Value-for- money? Sustainability 1. Institut- Comparison 1. Relevant 1. Current Relevance ionalization Impact & aligned? Data 4. Systems, 2. Financial Procedures 2. Appro- 2. Emerging 3. Content priate for Insights, Context and Lessons Stake- Sources of holders Sources of Evidence: Sources of prog/dept. Sources of Sources of Evidence: Policy Evidence: Policy documents, monitoring documents, Evidence: Evidence: Policy quality documents, prog/dept. records, other prog/dept. records eg prog/dept. programme/dep monitoring monitoring records, minutes, records, primary monitoring t monitoring primary records, primary records literature data evaluation data evaluation data evaluation data

  16. Thank you Antonio Hercules Evidence and Knowledge Systems The Presidency: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 17


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