RMCSS Workshop An element of the MCSWG Facilitator Ian Cartwright
Agenda 1. Outline of major elements of RMCSS (8.30-8.50) 2. Confirmation of Vision, goals and objectives, as agreed at the Wollongong Steering Group (8.50-9.30) 3. National Presentations- focused on country needs, based on visits and responses to MRAG report (9.30- 12.00) 4. Group and plenary discussion to agree draft outcomes, based on national/sub-regional needs and gaps, using information from national presentations and Draft RMCSS tables. (1300-1430)
Agenda (cntd) 5.Group and plenary discussion and agreemen t of draft regional actions to inform the development of a Regional Implementation Plan, with emphasis on: – RMCS Coordination centre; and – Data management and exchange (1430-1.00) 6.Friday morning; clear RMCSS outcome documents associated with 2,4 and 5 as advice to the Secretariat, and to allow FFC to make a decision to adopt a RMCSS (0830-0900)
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