rigorous global optimization of impulsive planet to

Rigorous Global Optimization of Impulsive Planet-to-Planet Transfers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rigorous Global Optimization of Impulsive Planet-to-Planet Transfers R. Armellin, P. Di Lizia, Politecnico di Milano K. Makino, M. Berz Michigan State University 5th International Workshop on Taylor Model Methods Toronto, May 20 23, 2008

  1. Rigorous Global Optimization of Impulsive Planet-to-Planet Transfers R. Armellin, P. Di Lizia, Politecnico di Milano K. Makino, M. Berz Michigan State University 5th International Workshop on Taylor Model Methods Toronto, May 20 – 23, 2008

  2. Motivation ‣ Space activities are expensive: Ariane 5 launch cost: 200 M$ ÷ Allowed Spacecraft Mass: 10000 kg = Cost per kilogram: 20000 $/kg ‣ Propellant represents the main contribution to s/c mass: • Propellant is on average 40% of spacecraft mass we want to reduce the required propellant ‣ The goal of the trajectory design is to find the best solution in terms of propellant consumption while still achieving the mission goals Roberto Armellin 2

  3. Outline ‣ Dynamical Model ‣ Patched-Conics Approximation ‣ Two-Impulse Transfers • Ephemerides Evaluation • Lambert´s Problem Solution ‣ Differential Algebra Based Global Optimization ‣ Rigorous Global Optimization with COSY-GO Roberto Armellin 3

  4. Dynamical Model: 2-Body Problem ‣ The 2-Body Problem considers two point masses in mutual orbit about each other The relative motion of the two m 1 masses is governed by: r = − k ¨ m 2 � r 3 � r E.g. m 1 Sun m 2 Spacecraft Analytical solutions exist for the 2-Body Problem: Conic Arcs • explicit r = � r ( θ ) � • implicit (Kepler´s equation) t = t ( θ ) Roberto Armellin 4

  5. Patched-Conics Approximation ‣ The whole interplanetary transfer is divided in several arcs ‣ Each arc is the solution of a 2-Body Problem considering the spacecraft and only one other planet at a time E.g.: 2-impulse Earth-Mars transfer 3 conic arcs Earth escape Heliocentric phase Mars capture Roberto Armellin 5

  6. 2-Impulse Planet-to-Planet Transfer ‣ 2-impulse Earth-Mars transfer has been selected as first benchmark problem • Applied for preliminary design of Earth-Mars (any planet to planet transfer) interplanetary transfers • Objective function characterized by several comparable local minima 10 ‣ Future benchmark problems 8 Saturn 01/12/2005 6 Jupiter 17/02/2001 • Multiple Gravity Assist 4 Earth interplanetary transfers 25/10/1997 2 E.g.: Cassini-Huygens Earth (GA) 0 18/08/1999 Venus (GA2) 24/06/1999 Venus (GA1) (11 conic arcs) 19/05/1998 -2 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 Roberto Armellin 6

  7. Optimization Problem ‣ The optimization variables are the time of departure t 0 and the time of flight t tof ‣ The positions of the starting and arrival planets are computed through the ephemerides evaluation: ( r E, v E ) = eph ( t 0 , Earth ) and ( r M, v M ) = eph ( t 0 +t tof , Mars ) ‣ The starting velocity v 1 and the final one v 2 are computed by solving the Lambert´s problem Roberto Armellin 7

  8. Optimization Problem ‣ The parking velocity and desired final velocities are � � v c v c µ M /r c µ E /r c M = E = E M ‣ The pericenter velocities of the escape and arrival hyperbola � � v p v p 2 2 µ E /r c 2 µ M /r c 2 E + v ∞ M + v ∞ 1 = 2 = 1 2 ‣ Objective function ∆ V = ∆ V 1 + ∆ V 2 ‣ Constraint: ∆ V 1 < ∆ V 1 ,max Roberto Armellin 8

  9. Ephemerides Evaluation ‣ Polynomial interpolations of accurate planetary ephemerides (JPL-Horizon) are used for the preliminary phase of the space trajectory design ‣ Given an epoch and a celestial body, its orbital parameters can be analytically evaluated ( a, e, i, Ω , ω , M ) ‣ The nonlinear equation (Kepler’s Eq) M = E − e sin E is solved for the eccentric anomaly E � ‣ The relation delivers θ tan θ 1 − e tan E 1 + e 2 = 2 ‣ The position and the velocity ( r , v ) of the celestial body in inertial frame reference frame are computed We have to solve an implicit equation: Kepler´s equation Roberto Armellin 9

  10. Lambert´s Problem (1/2) Given: ‣ initial position r 1 Find the initial velocity, v 1 , ‣ final position r 2 the spacecraft must have to ‣ time of flight t tof reach r 2 in t tof • The solution of the BVP exploits the analytical solution of the 2-body problem • Given r 1 , r 2 and t tof there exists only one conic arc connecting the two points in the given time Roberto Armellin 10

  11. Lambert´s Problem (1/2) ‣ Several algorithms have been developed for the identification and characterization of the resulting conic arc ‣ We used an algorithm developed by Battin (1960) ‣ A nonlinear equation must be solved (Lagrange´s equation for the time of flight): f ( x ) = log( A ( x )) − log( t tof ) = 0 in which , A ( x ) = a ( x ) 3 / 2 (( α ( x ) − sin( α ( x ))) − ( β ( x ))) � s − c � s , and β ( x ) = 2 arcsin a ( x ) = 2(1 − x 2 ) 2 a ( x ) ‣ The value of s and c depend on r 1 and r 2 , so the nonlinear equation depends both on t 0 and t tof Roberto Armellin 11

  12. DA Solution of Parametric Implicit eqs ‣ Search the solution of for p belonging to f ( x, p ) = 0 p ∈ [ p l , p u ] ‣ Use classical methods (e.g., Newton) to compute x 0 f ( x, p 0 ) = 0 solution of ‣ Initialize and as DA [ p ] = p 0 + ∆ p [ x ] = x 0 + ∆ x variables and expand ∆ f = M ( ∆ x, ∆ p ) ‣ Build the following map and invert it: − 1 � � ∆ f � � [ M ] � � ∆ x � � � � � � ∆ x [ M ] ∆ f = = [ I p ] [ I p ] ∆ p ∆ p ∆ p ∆ p ‣ Force ∆ f = 0 so obtaining the Taylor expansion of of the solution w.r.t. the parameter: ∆ x = ∆ x ( ∆ p ) Roberto Armellin 12

  13. Example: Mars Ephemerides Epoch interval: 40 days (a) (b) Errors on position, (a), and velocity, (b), between the DA and the point-wise evaluation of Mars ephemerides Errors drastically decrease when the order of the Taylor series increases Roberto Armellin 13

  14. Example: Objective Function ‣ The DA evaluation of the planetary ephemerides and the Lambert´s problem solution enables the Taylor expansion of the objective function Taylor representation Taylor representation error of the objective function w.r.t. point-wise evaluation Box width: 40 days Roberto Armellin 14

  15. Earth-Mars Direct Transfer Search space: [1000 , 6000] × [100 , 600] Maximum departure impulse: ∆ V 1 < 5 km/s Platform: Pentium IV 3.06 GHz laptop Objective function overview Roberto Armellin 15 16

  16. DA Based Global Optimizer (1/2) DA based global optimization algorithm: ‣ Subdivide the search space in subintervals � t tof X ‣ Suitably initialize the value of ∆ V opt t 0 � For each subinterval : X ‣ Initialize t 0 and t tof as DA variables and compute a Taylor expansion � of the objective function ∆ V and the constraint ∆ V 1 on X � ‣ Bound the value of on ∆ V 1 X � IF discard min ∆ V 1 > ∆ V 1 ,max X � ‣ Bound the value of on ∆ V X � IF discard min ∆ V > ∆ V opt X Roberto Armellin 16

  17. DA Based Global Optimizer (2/2) ‣ Build and invert the map of the objective function gradient: � ∇ t 0 ∆ V � t 0 � t 0 � ∇ t 0 ∆ V � � � � = M − 1 = M ∇ t tof ∆ V ∇ t tof ∆ V t tof t tof x ∗ = ( t ∗ ‣ tof ) Localize the zero-gradient point � 0 , t ∗ x ∗ / ∈ � � X IF discard � X ∆ V ∗ = ∆ V ( � ‣ Evaluate x ∗ ) ∆ V ∗ < ∆ V opt � x ∗ IF update , and store and � ∆ V opt X ‣ x ∗ If necessary, a more accurate identification of the actual optimum � can be finally achieved using a higher order DA computation on the last � stored subinterval X Roberto Armellin 17

  18. Earth-Mars Direct Transfer Search space: [1000 , 6000] × [100 , 600] Maximum departure impulse: ∆ V 1 < 5 km/s Platform: Pentium IV 3.06 GHz laptop Solution 1: • 10-day boxes + 5th order • Pruning + Global Opt: 59.98 s • = 5.6973 km/s ∆ V opt • x* = [3573.188, 324.047] Roberto Armellin 18

  19. Earth-Mars Direct Transfer Search space: [1000 , 6000] × [100 , 600] Maximum departure impulse: ∆ V 1 < 5 km/s Platform: Pentium IV 3.06 GHz laptop Solution 1: • 10-day boxes + 5th order • Pruning + Global Opt: 59.98 s • = 5.6973 km/s ∆ V opt • x* = [3573.188, 324.047] Solution 2: • 100-day boxes + 5th order • Pruning + Global Opt: 0.55 s • = 5.6974 km/s ∆ V opt • x* = [3573.530, 323.371] Roberto Armellin 19

  20. Verified GO of Earth-Mars Transfer ‣ Implicit equations can be solved in a verified way enabling the Taylor Model evaluation of the objective function ‣ COSY-GO is applied for the global optimization of an impulsive Earth-Mars transfer ‣ Number of steps: 216911 ‣ Computation time: 4954.39 s ‣ Enclosure of the minimum: [5.6974155, 5.6974159] km/s ‣ Enclosure of the solution: t 0 ∈ [3573 . 176 , 3573 . 212] t tof ∈ [324 . 034 , 324 . 088] Roberto Armellin 20


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