right triangles and trigonometry

Right Triangles and Trigonometry Construc.on of the unit circle - PDF document

5/1/17 Right Triangles and Trigonometry Construc.on of the unit circle Introduction David Berger HS teacher in Menomonie, WI Finishing my 16 th year at MHS 1 5/1/17 Ice Breaker Introduce yourself to your table. Where are you

  1. 5/1/17 ì Right Triangles and Trigonometry Construc.on of the unit circle Introduction ì David Berger ì HS teacher in Menomonie, WI ì Finishing my 16 th year at MHS 1

  2. 5/1/17 Ice Breaker ì Introduce yourself to your table. ì Where are you from? ì Where do you work? ì Favorite math joke? Understanding the Unit Circle ì Original presenta.on was November 2015 at NCTM Regional in Minneapolis with Jake Leibold. ì Built from previously understood concepts� ì Allows students to experience the unit circle through construc.on – great for visual and kinesthe.c learners� ì Doesn’t rely on memoriza.on tricks� ì Developed by a team of teachers during a lesson study at the Park City Math Ins.tute in 2014� ì Depending on the level of your students – could take between 60 and 120 minutes to complete 2

  3. 5/1/17 Today’s Agenda 1. Pre-requisite Overview� 2. Unit Circle Construc.on� 3. What we learned… 4. Radian Explora.on� 5. What we learned… 6. Reflec.ons, Logis.cs, Student Work Samples� 7. Ques.on and Answer with Exit Ticket Student Prerequisite Knowledge ì Special Right Triangle Measurements� ì Scaling Shapes (to scale down special right triangles)� ì Right Triangle Trigonometry� ì Ra.onalizing Denominators with single square roots� 3

  4. 5/1/17 Students should not know ì Conversion between radians and degrees ì Reference angles ì Unit Circle Goal: Create the unit circle by using an understanding of special right triangles Common Core Standards� ì F-TF.3 (+) Use special triangles to determine geometrically the values of sine, cosine, tangent for π/ 3, π/4 and π/6, and use the unit circle to express the values of sine, cosines, and tangent for x, π + x, and 2π – x in terms of their values for x, where x is any real number.� ì F-TF.4 (+)Use the unit circle to explain symmetry (odd and even) and periodicity of trigonometric func.ons. 4

  5. 5/1/17 Unit Circle Construction Materials ì Picture of Graph Unit Circle Construction Materials 5

  6. 5/1/17 Unit Circle Construction� Labeling the Triangles Unit Circle Construction –Plotting Points Grab one triangle� 1. Place the labeled angle at the origin 2. and the darkened base along the x-axis� Plot the point at the vertex of the other 3. acute angle� Label the coordinates of the point 4. Flip the triangle along the y- and x-axis 5. to plot more points� Repeat the steps with the other 3 6. triangles 6

  7. 5/1/17 Unit Circle Construction –Plotting Points Grab one triangle� 1. Place the labeled angle at the origin 2. and the darkened base along the x-axis� Plot the point at the vertex of the other 3. acute angle� Label the coordinates of the point 4. Flip the triangle along the y- and x-axis 5. to plot more points� Repeat the steps with the other 3 6. triangles Unit Circle Construction� Plotting Points 7

  8. 5/1/17 Unit Circle Construction� Plotting Points ì Once you have finished plojng your points, grab 3 more of 1 color and glue them down they way you ploked them� ì Glue your other three triangles on the bokom of the sheet� ì Turn the sheet over and work on the ques.ons Unit Circle Construction� Degrees 8

  9. 5/1/17 Unit Circle Construction� Connections Unit Circle Construction� Connections 9

  10. 5/1/17 Unit Circle Construction� Connections Unit Circle Construction� Connections 10

  11. 5/1/17 Unit Circle Construction� Degrees Why is the circle you created called the unit circle?� 1. Where can you look on the unit circle to find the value 2. of cos(30°) or cos(60°)? Why? Be specific� What about sin(45°) or sin(30°)? Be specific� 3. Another ques.on asks you to find the sin(135°). Where 4. do you think you would look to find that? Why?� Finally, you are asked to find cos(-60°). Where do you 5. think this would be located? Why? Unit Circle Construction� Recap 1. Special right triangles put up on the board� 2. Scale hypotenuse to 1 (independent, group, or as a class) for both triangles� 3. Label given triangles cut-outs with this informa.on� Use triangles to plot points� 4. Use triangles to label coordinates at the points� 5. 6. Glue set of 4 of one color on the coordinate grid. Glue other 3 on bokom of sheet� 7. Answer ques.ons on the back (independent, group, or as a class)� 8. Walk through degree extension/connec.on� Label degrees on created unit circle 9. 11

  12. 5/1/17 What We Learned ì What are some things you no.ced about this ac.vity?� ì Think about your students – how would this ac.vity go for them? What might be some of their challenges or misconcep.ons?� ì What lingering ques.ons do you have? Radian Exploration Introduction ì What are some common misconcep.ons about Radians? ì What exactly is a Radian? ì How were you taught Radians? ì How do you teach Radians? 12

  13. 5/1/17 Radian Exploration� Standards ì F-TF.1. Understand radian measure of an angle as the length of the arc on the unit circle subtended by the angle. � ì F-TF.2. Explain how the unit circle in the coordinate plane enables the extension of trigonometric func.ons to all real numbers, interpreted as radian measures of angles traversed counterclockwise around the unit circle.� ì G.C.5 Derive using similarity the fact that the length of the arc intercepted by an angle is propor.onal to the radius, and define the radian measure of the angle as the constant of propor.onality. Radian Exploration� Circle Circumference ì Calculate the circumference of the unit circle� ì C=2πr, r=1 -> C=2π� ì There are Wikki S.cks at your table – wrap them around the circle having the two tapped ends line up. How long is the Wikki S.ck?� ì Label each end of the pipe Wikki S.ck as 0 and 2π with the marker at your table� ì No.ce the other taped intervals – label these with the correct measurements 13

  14. 5/1/17 Radian Exploration� Wikki Stick Rulers ì Aper the Wikki S.x/pipe cleaners are labeled, wrap a Wikki S.x/pipe cleaner around the unit circle – no.ce how each interval basically matches up with one of the points ploked� ì Label these measurements with a blue pencil Radian Exploration� Radians 14

  15. 5/1/17 15

  16. 5/1/17 Radian Exploration� Radian Connection ì Through this ac.vity resist the urge to use “radian” – use “arc length” instead� ì Near the end of the ac.vity, use the Common Core Standards to define radian: “the length of the arc on the unit circle subtended by the angle”� ì Students experience the physical nature of radians, not just another way of measuring an angle What We Learned ì What are some things you no.ced about this ac.vity?� ì Think about your students – how would this ac.vity go for them? ì What might be some of their challenges or misconcep.ons?� ì What lingering ques.ons do you have? 16

  17. 5/1/17 Reflections ì Students that struggle with the pre-requisite knowledge will have difficulty� ì Can easily become teacher centered, not teacher facilitated� ì Time consuming – hard to complete quickly� ì Students that miss a day will have a hard .me catching up� ì Supply prep can take awhile Logistics ì Digital Resources� hkp://www.wismath.org/2017-WMC-Annual- ì Conference-Speaker-Materials Print-ready versions of today’s classwork sheet, triangles, ì exit .ckets, and addi.onal ques.oning ideas (for higher level students)� Lesson Plans, Classroom PowerPoint slides� ì ì Supplies� Mul.-Color Card Stock Paper� ì 19’’/20’’ pipe cleaners� or Wikki S.x ì Tape/glue s.cks/dry erase markers ì 17

  18. 5/1/17 Questions and Answers Exit Ticket Did you come up with any neat ideas during the session? If so, ì I would love to hear from you!� What revisions would you suggest to either por.on of the ì lesson? � Digital Copies of all resources from today, as well as detailed ì lesson plans, classroom PowerPoints, print-ready materials (including triangle sheets):� hkp://www.wismath.org/2017-WMC-Annual-Conference- ì Speaker-Materials Contact: berger.dave.m@gmail.com ì 18

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