right angled coxeter groups commensurable to right angled

Right-angled Coxeter groups commensurable to right-angled Artin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Right-angled Coxeter groups commensurable to right-angled Artin groups Ivan Levcovitz (Technion) joint with Pallavi Dani (LSU) RAAGs and RACGs a finite simplicial graph with vertex set S and edge set E RAAGs and RACGs a finite simplicial

  1. Right-angled Coxeter groups commensurable to right-angled Artin groups Ivan Levcovitz (Technion) joint with Pallavi Dani (LSU)

  2. RAAGs and RACGs Γ a finite simplicial graph with vertex set S and edge set E

  3. RAAGs and RACGs Γ a finite simplicial graph with vertex set S and edge set E Definition (right-angled Artin group (RAAG)) A Γ = � S | st = ts for ( s , t ) ∈ E �

  4. RAAGs and RACGs Γ a finite simplicial graph with vertex set S and edge set E Definition (right-angled Artin group (RAAG)) A Γ = � S | st = ts for ( s , t ) ∈ E � We say that ( A Γ , S ) is a RAAG system .

  5. RAAGs and RACGs Γ a finite simplicial graph with vertex set S and edge set E Definition (right-angled Artin group (RAAG)) A Γ = � S | st = ts for ( s , t ) ∈ E � We say that ( A Γ , S ) is a RAAG system . Definition (right-angled Coxeter group (RACG)) W Γ = � S | s 2 = 1 for s ∈ S , st = ts for ( s , t ) ∈ E �

  6. Every RAAG is finite-index in some RACG Theorem (Davis-Januszkiewicz) Every RAAG embeds as a finite-index subgroup in some RACG.

  7. Every RAAG is finite-index in some RACG Theorem (Davis-Januszkiewicz) Every RAAG embeds as a finite-index subgroup in some RACG. Question Which RACGs contain finite-index RAAGs and are therefore commensurable to a RAAG?

  8. Every RAAG is finite-index in some RACG Theorem (Davis-Januszkiewicz) Every RAAG embeds as a finite-index subgroup in some RACG. Question Which RACGs contain finite-index RAAGs and are therefore commensurable to a RAAG? Question Which RACGs are quasi-isometric to RAAGs?

  9. Every RAAG is finite-index in some RACG Theorem (Davis-Januszkiewicz) Every RAAG embeds as a finite-index subgroup in some RACG. Question Which RACGs contain finite-index RAAGs and are therefore commensurable to a RAAG? Question Which RACGs are quasi-isometric to RAAGs? We now see that many RACGs are not quasi-isometric (and therefore not commensurable) to any RAAG.

  10. Example: some hyperbolic reflection groups Γ an n -cycle, n ≥ 5. The RACG W Γ is a Fuchsian group.

  11. Example: some hyperbolic reflection groups Γ an n -cycle, n ≥ 5. The RACG W Γ is a Fuchsian group. which is: 1 One-ended

  12. Example: some hyperbolic reflection groups Γ an n -cycle, n ≥ 5. The RACG W Γ is a Fuchsian group. which is: 1 One-ended 2 Hyperbolic

  13. Example: some hyperbolic reflection groups Γ an n -cycle, n ≥ 5. The RACG W Γ is a Fuchsian group. which is: 1 One-ended 2 Hyperbolic Every one-ended RAAG contains Z 2 subgroups and are not hyperbolic.

  14. Example: some hyperbolic reflection groups Γ an n -cycle, n ≥ 5. The RACG W Γ is a Fuchsian group. which is: 1 One-ended 2 Hyperbolic Every one-ended RAAG contains Z 2 subgroups and are not hyperbolic. So W Γ is not quasi-isometric to any RAAG.

  15. More RACGs not QI to RAAGs Divergence Divergence is a quasi-isometry invariant measuring the max rate a pair of geodesic rays diverge in the Cayley graph of a group. A RAAG has either linear, quadratic or exponential divergence. [Behrstock-Charney] A RACG can have polynomial divergence of any degree. [Dani-Thomas]

  16. More RACGs not QI to RAAGs Divergence Divergence is a quasi-isometry invariant measuring the max rate a pair of geodesic rays diverge in the Cayley graph of a group. A RAAG has either linear, quadratic or exponential divergence. [Behrstock-Charney] A RACG can have polynomial divergence of any degree. [Dani-Thomas] Morse boundary The Morse boundary is a quasi-isometry invariant which is a boundary associated to Morse geodesics. A RAAG has totally disconnected Morse boundary. [Charney-Sultan, Cordes-Hume, Charney-Cordes-Sisto] There are RACGs with quadratic divergence and Morse boundary with non-trivial connected components. [Behrstock]

  17. Planar RACGs Let W Γ be a 2-dimensional (i.e. no 3-cycles in Γ), one-ended RACG with Γ planar.

  18. Planar RACGs Let W Γ be a 2-dimensional (i.e. no 3-cycles in Γ), one-ended RACG with Γ planar. Theorem (Nguyen-Tran) There is a bi-colored visual decomposition tree T associated to Γ . W Γ is quasi-isometric to a RAAG ⇐ ⇒ every vertex of T is black.

  19. Planar RACGs Let W Γ be a 2-dimensional (i.e. no 3-cycles in Γ), one-ended RACG with Γ planar. Theorem (Nguyen-Tran) There is a bi-colored visual decomposition tree T associated to Γ . W Γ is quasi-isometric to a RAAG ⇐ ⇒ every vertex of T is black. Theorem (Dani-L) W Γ is quasi-isometric to a RAAG ⇐ ⇒ W Γ is commensurable to a RAAG.

  20. Planar RACGs Let W Γ be a 2-dimensional (i.e. no 3-cycles in Γ), one-ended RACG with Γ planar. Theorem (Nguyen-Tran) There is a bi-colored visual decomposition tree T associated to Γ . W Γ is quasi-isometric to a RAAG ⇐ ⇒ every vertex of T is black. Theorem (Dani-L) W Γ is quasi-isometric to a RAAG ⇐ ⇒ W Γ is commensurable to a RAAG. To prove the above theorem, we find a way to detect finite-index RAAG subgroups of RACGs.

  21. Candidate RAAG subgroups: visual RAAGs Let Γ be a simplicial graph.

  22. Candidate RAAG subgroups: visual RAAGs Let Γ be a simplicial graph. Let s , t ∈ V (Γ) be non-adjacent vertices.

  23. Candidate RAAG subgroups: visual RAAGs Let Γ be a simplicial graph. Let s , t ∈ V (Γ) be non-adjacent vertices. The word st represents an infinite order element of the RACG W Γ .

  24. Candidate RAAG subgroups: visual RAAGs Let Γ be a simplicial graph. Let s , t ∈ V (Γ) be non-adjacent vertices. The word st represents an infinite order element of the RACG W Γ . ( s , t ) corresponds to an edge of Γ c , the complement graph.

  25. Candidate RAAG subgroups: visual RAAGs Let Γ be a simplicial graph. Let s , t ∈ V (Γ) be non-adjacent vertices. The word st represents an infinite order element of the RACG W Γ . ( s , t ) corresponds to an edge of Γ c , the complement graph. Given a subgraph Λ ⊂ Γ c we identify E (Λ) with the corresponding infinite order elements of W Γ , and we let G Λ be the group generated by these elements.

  26. Candidate RAAG subgroups: visual RAAGs Let Γ be a simplicial graph. Let s , t ∈ V (Γ) be non-adjacent vertices. The word st represents an infinite order element of the RACG W Γ . ( s , t ) corresponds to an edge of Γ c , the complement graph. Given a subgraph Λ ⊂ Γ c we identify E (Λ) with the corresponding infinite order elements of W Γ , and we let G Λ be the group generated by these elements. Definition (Visual RAAG) Let Λ ⊂ Γ c . Let G Λ < W Γ be generated by E (Λ).

  27. Candidate RAAG subgroups: visual RAAGs Let Γ be a simplicial graph. Let s , t ∈ V (Γ) be non-adjacent vertices. The word st represents an infinite order element of the RACG W Γ . ( s , t ) corresponds to an edge of Γ c , the complement graph. Given a subgraph Λ ⊂ Γ c we identify E (Λ) with the corresponding infinite order elements of W Γ , and we let G Λ be the group generated by these elements. Definition (Visual RAAG) Let Λ ⊂ Γ c . Let G Λ < W Γ be generated by E (Λ). If ( G Λ , E (Λ)) is a RAAG system, then we say that G Λ is a visual RAAG .

  28. Candidate RAAG subgroups: visual RAAGs Let Γ be a simplicial graph. Let s , t ∈ V (Γ) be non-adjacent vertices. The word st represents an infinite order element of the RACG W Γ . ( s , t ) corresponds to an edge of Γ c , the complement graph. Given a subgraph Λ ⊂ Γ c we identify E (Λ) with the corresponding infinite order elements of W Γ , and we let G Λ be the group generated by these elements. Definition (Visual RAAG) Let Λ ⊂ Γ c . Let G Λ < W Γ be generated by E (Λ). If ( G Λ , E (Λ)) is a RAAG system, then we say that G Λ is a visual RAAG . Visual RAAGs were first studied in LaForge’s thesis.

  29. Visual RAAG Example Figure 1: RACG defining graph Γ

  30. Visual RAAG Example Figure 1: RACG defining graph Γ Figure 2: Choice of Λ ⊂ Γ c in red and blue. Λ has two components in this case.

  31. Visual RAAG Example Figure 1: RACG defining graph Γ Figure 2: Choice of Λ ⊂ Γ c in red and blue. Λ has two components in this case. We always draw Γ in black and Λ in colors. Each color of Λ corresponds to a component of Λ.

  32. Obstructions We can’t pick Λ ⊂ Γ c randomly and expect G Λ to be a RAAG...

  33. Obstructions We can’t pick Λ ⊂ Γ c randomly and expect G Λ to be a RAAG... We will now discuss necessary conditions on Λ for G Λ to be a visual RAAG. The first three are due to LaForge.

  34. Obstructions We can’t pick Λ ⊂ Γ c randomly and expect G Λ to be a RAAG... We will now discuss necessary conditions on Λ for G Λ to be a visual RAAG. The first three are due to LaForge. These conditions naturally are characterized by the number of components of Λ involved.

  35. Single component conditions: R 1 and R 2 Definition ( R 1 ) Λ does not contain cycles.

  36. Single component conditions: R 1 and R 2 Definition ( R 1 ) Λ does not contain cycles. Definition ( R 2 ) Given a path in Λ with endpoints p and q , then p and q do not span an edge of Γ.

  37. R 2 is necessary Lemma (LaForge) If Λ does not satisfy R 2 , then G Λ is not a RAAG.

  38. R 2 is necessary Lemma (LaForge) If Λ does not satisfy R 2 , then G Λ is not a RAAG. Proof. Suppose s 1 , . . . , s n is a path in Λ with s 1 and s n adjacent in Γ (and thus commuting in the ambient RACG W Γ ).


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