returning reimagining revamping

Returning Reimagining Revamping District Process Overview for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Returning Reimagining Revamping District Process Overview for School Year 2020-21 Planning Presentation to Board of Education June 29, 2020 Commit to excellence With every learner , every day , every way! Learning Sense of Belonging

  1. Returning Reimagining Revamping District Process Overview for School Year 2020-21 Planning Presentation to Board of Education June 29, 2020

  2. Commit to excellence With every learner , every day , every way! Learning Sense of Belonging Future Aspirations

  3. Driven by our Values & Guiding Principles Together, We are on the R.I.S.E. (Relationships, Innovation, Student-Centered, Empowerment)

  4. Equip & Engage Guiding Principles-final Student and Staff Commitment to Safety & Wellness Equity & Inclusion Create a culture that elevates student health and well-being, with a focus on social-emotional learning to optimize individual outcomes.

  5. Grow Academic Achievement & Educational Opportunity Guiding Principles-final Quality Instruction to meet Student-Centered Learning the needs of diverse learners Develop one collaborative team that focuses on core academic skills that include literacy, numeracy and technology.

  6. Embrace Innovative Learning Guiding Principles-final Continuous Improvement Innovative Practices Implement innovative teaching strategies that makes learning more personal for students.

  7. Optimize Partnerships & Align Resources Guiding Principles-final Partner with students, staff, Maximize resources families & community Ensure all vital resources, partnerships, support, and capabilities are in place to serve the long-term success of the entire district.

  8. June 2020 Family Survey This is your App Demo 5, 128 Entries Summary Information Equitable Distribution sample from across district 513.943.5000

  9. 89.8% plan to return to WCSD ● 8.4% unsure Survey Summary 62% prefer face to face learning ● 7% prefer remote learning ● Top Concerns Regarding Remote/Hybrid Options: 23.3 % prefer a hybrid model ● Childcare-25.4% 96.4 % have reliable internet ● Alternative Transportation-19.3% Lack of Technology-9.2% 14.7 % would use full time ● online option with 33.3% unsure 37.3% could transport students ● if necessary 23.4% could not

  10. Survey Question Overall response How well do you feel that your child has adjusted to remote learning? Majority of students had difficulties adjusting to remote learning Limiting large gatherings of students (ie. recess, lunch, Majority do not feel we need to limit large gatherings specials/encores/electives) Limiting class size/enrollment to maintain social distancing Majority do not feel we need to limit class sizes to maintain social distancing Maintaining social distancing (6 feet) in classrooms Majority do not feel we need to maintain social distancing Frequent classroom sanitation Majority would like frequent sanitation of classrooms Limiting switching bells/classrooms Even distribution of those who care about limiting switching classes Limiting extracurricular activities Majority want extracurriculars to continue Temperature checking before anyone can enter the building Majority support temperature check before entering the building Requiring face coverings for students Majority oppose face coverings for students

  11. Survey Question Overall response Requiring face coverings for staff Majority opposed face coverings for staff Using hand sanitizer Majority support using hand sanitizer Students utilizing disinfectant wipes to clean personal space Majority support students sanitizing work spaces and equipment (desks, tables, chromebooks, etc.) Students eating lunch in the classroom Majority support students eating in classrooms Full-time return to the regular school day and schedule in the Majority support full time return to school school buildings Full-time return to remote education Majority oppose returning to remote education Combination of grades PK-5 full-time face-to-face learning with Majority oppose splitting the district with PK-5 F2F and 6-12 grades 6-12 remote learning Remote To maintain social distancing in each school, students attend Majority oppose hybrid school in person 2 days each week and complete assignments and activities via remote learning 3 days per week (Based on a 5-day school week)

  12. What We Have Worked on in June... We will continue to investigate and gain clarity on needs and necessary actions. Identify Known & Build Scenarios Recognize Communicate Unknowns Consistencies & Prioritize Involve stakeholder Planning for Prototypes designed Patterns that exist in voice along the way, uncertainty by based on the knowns all scenarios that need problem-solve. Create discerning facts, and unknowns. specific processes and guidance documents assumptions, and protocols established. and playbooks for opinions. stakeholders.

  13. WC Decisions Made All Clermont County School Districts will release detailed plans mid-July. Our investment of planning time is currently devoted to a full face-to-face return with safety precautions and possibility of moving to remote learning as required. CARES ACT money will be spent on expanding 1:Wolf technology to all students K-12 so we will be more prepared to move to remote learning if required. It will also be spent purchasing equipment and supplies to disinfect and clean. New Tentative Date for State Plan Schoology will be the learning management to be released. July 1, 2020 system used for all students.

  14. Align our plans with state guidance & continue to collaborate with county/regional teams Considerations Relook at district master calendar to add more professional days and & Next Steps…. possible new date for restart. Complete *NEW* ODE process for Remote Learning School designation Analyze possibility of West Clermont Online K-12 School Option for families to Complete financial analysis & choose for the 2020-21 school year and beyond. (~15% interested) resource allocations Seek additional staff and family feedback Create guidance documents for as needed. families and playbook for staff

  15. Communication & Resource Allocation Expect to hear from us on the 15th and 30th of the summer months for ‘20-’21 school year updates. ” We will create multiple paths for a return to school to address the learning needs of all students! We will keep stakeholders informed of the financial impact regarding our responsive approach to return Plan Step Step planning. Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. amet, consectetur. amet, consectetur.

  16. Questions? Please email us or call 513.943.5000


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