responding to an intensifying threat

Responding to an Intensifying Threat Paul Walton CBD Hierarchical - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

INNS, Borders and Biosecurity Responding to an Intensifying Threat Paul Walton CBD Hierarchical Approach Prevention Early detection and Rapid response Control Efforts to mitigate invasions have not been effective enough to keep up

  1. INNS, Borders and Biosecurity – Responding to an Intensifying Threat Paul Walton

  2. CBD Hierarchical Approach Prevention Early detection and Rapid response Control

  3. ‘Efforts to mitigate invasions have not been effective enough to keep up with increasing globalization’

  4. The main negative pressures on designated features on protected sites in Scotland. data c/o SNH, accurate as of March 2019

  5. Where are we?

  6. Aichi Target 9 • By 2020, invasive alien species and pathways are identified and prioritized; • Priority species are controlled or eradicated and; • Measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and establishment

  7. Ponto-Caspian INNS • 23 freshwater species native to Black/Caspian/Azov seas • Moving across Europe facilitated by people moving gear between waterbodies • The species coexist successfully – to exclusion of natives • 90% of benthic macroinvertebrate biomass in some German rivers Patrick Steinmann – Invert sample from Lake Zurich

  8. Armon R.H., Zenetos A. (2015) Invasive Alien Species and Their Indicators. In: Armon R., Hänninen O. (eds) Environmental Indicators. Springer, Dordrecht


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