resonant surface scattering

Resonant Surface Scattering 1 on Nanowires -Introduction BY DAVID - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Resonant Surface Scattering 1 on Nanowires -Introduction BY DAVID ROFFMAN -Model Thanks to: -Mass Disorder vs Skutterudites -Dr. Selman Hershfield -One Dimensional Models -Dr. Hai Ping Cheng -Sprayed Skutterudites -Dr. Khandker Muttalib

  1. Resonant Surface Scattering 1 on Nanowires -Introduction BY DAVID ROFFMAN -Model Thanks to: -Mass Disorder vs Skutterudites -Dr. Selman Hershfield -One Dimensional Models -Dr. Hai Ping Cheng -Sprayed Skutterudites -Dr. Khandker Muttalib -Scaling in Clean Lattices, Ordered Sprays and Disordered Sprays -Dr. Simon Phillpot -Conclusion -Dr. Gregory Stewart

  2. 2 New Content  1- D Model for “off” atoms (motivation for sprays)  More detailed model for skutterudites  Effect of ordered sprays on 3-D lattices and skutterudites  Scaling of transmission in ordered sprayed samples as a function of sample cross section and length  Disordered spraying of cubic lattices and the effects on mean free path, transmission, and thermal conductance (the focus of the thesis)

  3. 3 Questions Asked  How do transmission and conductance vary due to different sample masses and spring constants in 1-D chains and cubic lattices?  How to modify the properties of skutterudites?  How to consistently lower transmission, thermal conductance, and mean free path via sprays?

  4. 4 Motivation  Electricity can be generated by a temperature difference (thermoelectric devices). This thesis studies the heat transfer aspect of such devices.  Making thermoelectric devices more efficient by modifying the sample region  Understanding what affects transmission through lattices, to set the framework to develop more efficient materials (eventually)  Learn how to create materials with low lattice conductivity

  5. 5 Sketch of Geometry Being Solved

  6. 6 Model Basics  As I am using a classical model, in order to obtain transmission, mean free path and conductivity, the positional amplitudes of the atoms are required  In my model by using the harmonic approximation of a generic potential, one will arrive at the Rosenstock-Newell Model: the EOMs of each spatial coordinate are independent.  Example: the X EOM doesn’t contain Y or Z  Nearest neighbor only interactions

  7. 7 3-D Harmonic Lattices Part I  Similar to previous models, except now in higher dimensions  There are multiple allowed incident modes for a given frequency  Mode transitions can occur only if there is mass disorder

  8. 8 Scattering Boundary Condition  Expressing the first layers of the sample in terms of the reflection and transmission coefficients  This is accomplished by using EOMs for the first layers of the baths to solve for the first layers of the sample  Necessary if the sample has disorder or structure (see thesis Numerical Methods Chapter for a detailed example)

  9. 9 Define Transmission  In this model, transmission can be greater than unity in the 2-D and 3-D cases: It’s maximum value is the number of incident modes  However, for each incident mode the transmission and reflection still sum to one

  10. 10 Define Conductance  This equation is based off the Landauer Formula for phonons  Thermal conductance has units of [Energy]/([Time][Temperature])  Classical equations lead to quantized modes

  11. 11 Define Mean Free Path  The momentum relaxation length  Where N m is the number of modes excited in the bath, l is the mean free path, and L is the sample length: solve this for l

  12. Mass Disorder vs. Skutterudites 12

  13. 3-D Harmonic Lattices Part II 13  Notice that mass disorder suppresses the transmission function at moderate to high frequencies, but has virtually no impact at low energy

  14. Skutterudites of the Form MX 3 14  A substance with caged atoms, low thermal conductivity, and is easy to modify  Caged atoms are rectangular structures sealed in a cubic cage  Out of all the springs in the LK model (k1-k6), it appears that k1 (Cubic-Cage) has the most drastic effect on reducing transmission  Adding these caged atoms decreases transmission at lower energies, whereas mass disorder doesn’t really have any effect in that regime

  15. Clean vs Disorder vs Skutterudite 15  The assumption here is square X geometry

  16. Changing the Skutterudite Parameters 16

  17. 1- D “Off” Atoms: Motivating Sprays 17  Skutterudites have lower transmission when compared to a cubic lattice because of caged atoms  What happens if “extra” atoms are added to a system on the surface instead of inside the sample?  This is not easy to understand analytically in higher dimensions, so a set of 1-D models are tried first

  18. 18 Model I: The clean sample  Simplest Model  What effects transmission is easily understood:

  19. Model II: Changing one spring 19  What happens if springs vary?  This will eventually result in the motivation for using spring constant disorder for resonant surface scattering on wires

  20. Model III: A cage in 1-D 20  An attempt to understand why caged atoms reduce transmission in a skutterudite  mP can also be viewed as a spray  This extra atom actually causes a dip in the transmission function:

  21. Model IV 21  Another model for a spray to better understand if it is an effective idea  Once again there is a dip in the transmission:

  22. 22 Controlling the Dips in Transmission  By altering the springs that connect the sample to mP (or mP itself), the location of the dip can be changed or even eliminated altogether  There is only one dip, so the next question is: would additional sprayed masses create more zeros in the transmission function?

  23. Models V and VI: A Better Analog 23  Testing the effects of two sprayed - on atoms  Model VI adds an interaction in between the sprayed atoms  Model V has two dips unless the masses and interactions are the same:  These models motivate the use of multiple sprayed atoms in 3-D

  24. Models V and VI Plot 24  In Model VI there can be two dips even if the pairs of sprayed masses and interactions are identical  In Model VI the number of dips can be reduced to one for certain values of kP3

  25. Sprayed Skutterudites 25  The previous 1-D models motivated a use of a surface spray  A surface spray on a skutterudite was tested, and it did indeed reduce the transmission and conductance  The geometry is:  As a reminder, the 1-D analog is below

  26. 26 Sprayed Skutterudites Results

  27. 27 Scaling of Transmission in Cubic Lattices  The issue with all of the previous results is that increasing the sample length doesn’t further reduce transmission  To find out why this is, the effects of increasing sample length and cross section in a clean cubic lattice are studied

  28. 28 T(Length) for Various Cross Sections  Wiggles in T are due to different resonances

  29. 29 Normalized T(Area) for Various Lengths

  30. 30 Ordered Spray Geometries  Scaling results are similar to the clean lattice  The transmission is lower if there is a spray, but the length of the sample is still irrelevant  Two geometries are tested: Geometry 1 and Geometry 2

  31. 31 T(Length) for Various Cross Sections

  32. 32 Normalized T(Area) for Various Lengths

  33. 33 Spring Constant Disordered Spray  The previous slides indicated that the reason for decreased transmission for a spray is the mismatch between heat bath and sample cross sections  Based on the results of cubic mass disorder and Model II from the 1-D cases, it was decided to try a spray with disordered springs  This was successful, as the transmission was lower than for a clean cubic lattice and a uniform spray  Most importantly the transmission will decrease as the sample length increases

  34. 34 Geometry of a Disordered Spray  Sprayed atoms can be connected to the inner sample with springs that vary randomly in between 0 and 1  The amount of disorder is defined as the percent of springs that are attached to the inner sample

  35. 35 Transmission (Disorder)  More disorder means less transmission  Randomness is accounted for by averaging

  36. 36 Mean Free Path  As a reminder, the mean free path is obtained from:  This will result in a linear Length vs 1/Transmission plot (on the left)  If plotted over the spectrum of allowed frequencies (and showing various amounts of disorder), the mean free path goes down

  37. 37 Thermal Conductance of Disordered Sprays  This is for 100% disorder  Note how increasing length reduces thermal conductance

  38. 38 Conclusion  The thermal properties of cubic lattices, sprayed cubic lattices, skutterudites, sprayed skutterudites, and spring disordered sprays were examined  Skutterudites have low energy dips in the transmission function due to the caged atoms  Ordered sprays reduce transmission due to mismatching between the bath and sample, however this effect doesn’t depend on sample length  To decrease transmission, conductance, and the mean free path as function of length, a disordered surface spray is effective


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