research project 2 forensic challenge

Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge Axel Puppe & Joeri - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis June 30, 2010 Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge Outline

  1. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis June 30, 2010 Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  2. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  3. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Digital Forensic Research Workshop (DFRWS) ◮ Founded in 2001, annual meeting ◮ Advancing digital forensic science ◮ Target crowd: ◮ University researchers ◮ Computer forensic examiners ◮ Analysts ◮ Since 2005 annual challenge Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  4. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Scenario ◮ Suspected arms dealer ◮ Recovered phone from canal (memory dumps) ◮ Questions: ◮ Evidence connecting suspect to the sale of arms ◮ Evidence of the receipt of payment ◮ Recovery of any other leads: individuals, companies, or bank accounts Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  5. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion What information can be expected in a mobile phone? ◮ Phone data ◮ Internet data ◮ Log ◮ Browser ◮ Phone calls ◮ History ◮ Text messages ◮ Cache ◮ Bookmarks ◮ Calendar ◮ E-mail ◮ Appointments ◮ Reminders ◮ Sent ◮ Birthdays ◮ Received ◮ Drafts ◮ Address book ◮ Deleted ◮ File data ◮ Account settings ◮ Multimedia files ◮ Instant messaging ◮ Audio ◮ Video ◮ Photos ◮ Documents Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  6. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion ◮ Standard forensic tools ◮ Developed forensic tools ◮ FAT Walker ◮ Xarver Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  7. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Standard Forensic tools ◮ Unsuccessful : Autopsy/Sleuthkit, Encase, FTK, Paraben Cell Seizure, pyflag ◮ Beneficial : Scalpel(carving), Standard Linux commands(strings, file, grep), Google goggles. Figure: Picture taken and identified by Google goggles Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  8. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion FAT ◮ Extract Directory Table Entries ◮ On physical memory dumps ◮ Filenames/Extension, MAC times ( Modified/Access/Creation ) ◮ Benefits for a forensic investigator: ◮ Initial research ◮ Possible user behaviour on the phone ◮ Last created files ◮ Build an absolute path (depending on the parent and current directory) Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  9. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Screenshot ◮ Memory dump 1: ◮ Only two distinct MAC times ◮ Memory dump 2: ◮ Clear gap from 2008 to 2010 ◮ Top files created since 2010: JPG, BIN, DAT and XML. ◮ Not updated: Access and Modification time ◮ Decide possible focus! Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  10. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Forensics> <Unit> <Name> The Netherlands Forensic Institute </Name> <City> The Hague </City> </Unit> <Unit> <Name> New Scotland Yard </Name> <City> London </City> </Unit> </Forensics> Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  11. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion XML ◮ XML Usage: ◮ Sim Cards ◮ Databases ◮ Open Office XML ◮ Mobile phone (Android) applications ◮ And more. . . ◮ Xarver features: ◮ Read raw data ◮ Build XML tree ◮ Deal with damaged XML ◮ Gives offsets of original data Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  12. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Screenshot Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  13. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Combining the tools Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  14. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Xarver results ◮ MMS ◮ Subjects: Look at this, This?, Contact, . . . ◮ Email ◮ Subjects: Buy, Engine, Payment, . . . ◮ Email Settings ◮ Email address ◮ Username ◮ Password ◮ And more. . . ◮ Call log Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  15. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Pictures Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  16. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Conclusion ◮ Evidence connecting suspect to the sale of arms ◮ Found emails + pictures ◮ Evidence of the receipt of payment ◮ Suspected email (subject: ‘payment’) ◮ Recovery of any other leads: individuals, companies, or bank accounts ◮ Individuals yes, Companies/Bank account(s) nothing so far. . . Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge

  17. Outline Introduction Method FAT Walker Xarver Investigation Conclusion Questions Questions? Axel Puppe & Joeri Blokhuis Research Project 2: Forensic Challenge


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