Reopening Schools 2020 Secondary
Student Daily/Weekly Schedule
What does my student’s daily schedule look like?
Instructional Content: Priority Standards
How will it be taught? Pre-recorded videos & lessons will be laid out in a consistent weekly overview plan. Live Google Meets will be recorded and posted to Google Classroom for reference as needed (if new material is taught) Google Classroom for Secondary level organized consistently (SeeSaw for elementary)
Turning in assignments? Will due dates be known?
Grading/Assessment Use of Skyward student database system for entering assignments/grades Standard grading scale (A, B, C, D, F) There will be a late work policy for all courses except upper level (ex. Advanced Placement and College Prep). Students with connectivity issues will be given additional time to turn in assignments. Assessments will focus on identified priority standards (enduring understanding). Attendance at Google Meets is required. Teachers may award participation/engagement credit for activities or assignments during the Meet. Similar opportunities will be made available to students absent from scheduled Meets.
Internet/Connectivity Options Chromebooks will be available for every student. Please check with your building for distribution times. Hotspots are available for those families without home internet access. Instructional materials may be downloaded for offline access. **Individual schools will reach out for checkout schedule/times
Social Emotional Supports School districts have been directed to make Social Emotional Supports a priority. To this end, we will establish a character strong program. Character Strong will be implemented through Advisory. This curriculum focuses on character development in order to help students cultivate social-emotional skills, their emotional intelligence, and help them develop a stronger identity and purpose in school and in the world.
Secondary--Advisory We have advisory class to build community, support our strategies for social-emotional learning and get help during distance learning. Topics covered during this time include: ● Required student yearly trainings (Student Handbook, Harassment, Drills) ● High School and Beyond Plan Lessons ● Character Strong Lessons Day/Time ● Advisory may be a separate class with specific advisory times or integrated into a building wide schedule. ● Schedules will be common to each building and are still being worked out.
Additional Assistance Wednesdays - Teachers will have office hours on Wednesdays to provide additional support for students. Other Support - Please reach out to teachers, counselors, or administrators if your student is struggling.
Attendance Attendance will be taken during continuous learning. We are waiting for state level guidance regarding how attendance will be collected and monitored.
Secondary--Electives There will still be elective options for students in the continuous learning model. Staff are working on plans on how best to provide the curriculum in an online setting.
High School--Graduation ● Graduation requirements for the Class of 2021 and beyond remain consistent with the requirement from before the closure. These requirement include: ○ Complete a High School and Beyond Plan ○ Earn high school credits (24 credits) ○ Complete a Graduation Pathway
Special Populations We are going to have a phase-in model for special populations. The first priority group that the district is working on bringing in to the school buildings is kindergarten. Following kindergarten will be English Language Learners, McKinney Vento and Special Education students.
Special Education Phase 1 - All special education students in continuous learning 2.0; No in-person instruction Phase 2 - ASSIST program in-person instruction two days per week, beginning with elementary, then increasing to secondary; Resource students receive one-day per week of in-person paraeducator support. Phase 3 - Adding behavioral program instruction in-person two days per week, beginning with elementary, then increasing to secondary. Phase 4 - Adding pre-school instruction in-person; increasing ASSIST and behavioral instruction to four days.
High School Athletics/Activities/Clubs HS Athletics: WIAA Tentative Modified 4 Season Schedule Season 1 Sept 7 - Dec 27: No WESCO sports Season 2 Dec 28 - Feb 28: Boys/Girls BB and WR, Boys Swim Season 3 March 1 - May 2: VB, Girls Soc., Girl’s Swim, XC, FB (Feb 17 - May 9) Season 4 April 26 - June 27: Track, Baseball, Fastpitch, Golf, Boy’s Soccer, Girl’s Tennis **Out-of-Season Period 8/17 - 9/27 Out-of-Season Coaching Period 9/28 - 11/30 HS Activities (online options): Depending on the club/activity, students may be able to participate on a bi-weekly or monthly basis.
MS Athletics/Activities/Clubs MS Athletics: Tentative Modified 4 Season Schedule starting in January MS Activities (online options): ● Weekly grade level meetings will include online trivia/games/recognitions ● Morning announcements will take place daily at 9 a.m. ● Throughout the year, we will add virtual clubs that will be communicated as they become available
Career & Technical Education (CTE) ● CTE Programs will continued to be offered. ● Staff are working on plans for curriculum delivery. ● Technology Services is setting up a Virtual Desktop Environment so students can access software. ● Looking to bring in small groups of students. ● A few specialty programs may be impacted. We will contact those families as needed.
Food Service Grab ‘n Go breakfast and lunch meals will be available for multiple days for purchase. More information regarding food service delivery will be available on our school and district websites before the start of school.
On Campus Requirements Any individual coming onto campus needs to check in at the front door (temperature check, no symptoms). Follow signage as to maintaining 6 ft. distance and directional arrows. Wear a mask.
Parent/Guardian Tips ● Make a space for learning to take place. ● Set up a schedule to follow. ● Maintain breaks. ● Encourage student to reach out to teachers when they need more support. ● Make sure your student is using technology responsibly. ● Check email for updates daily (student and parent/guardian email).
Opening Dates Stanwood High School Stanwood Middle School Welcome Back Video - Monday 8/31 Welcome Back Video - Sunday 8/30 Schedules available - Monday 8/31 Grade Level Orientation - Tuesday 9/01 Supply Pick Up, Fees & Pictures - Monday 8/31 & Supply Pick Up & Pictures - Wednesday 9/02 Wednesday 9/02 Virtual Freshman Orientation - Wednesday 9/02 (11 a.m. - 12 p.m.) Port Susan Middle School Lincoln Hill / Lincoln Academy Welcome Back Video - Sunday 8/30 Welcome Back video - Monday 8/31 Grade Level Orientation - Tuesday 9/01 Schedules available - Monday 8/31 Supply Pick Up & Pictures - Wednesday 9/02 Chromebook, hotspot and materials pick-up beginning Monday 8/31.
Thank you Please remember to be flexible and give yourself (and others) grace during this time of online learning.
Q & A time Please post questions in the chat. District administrators are monitoring the chat and will ask the building administrators the questions.
MS/HS contacts Stanwood High School Stanwood Middle School (360) 629-1300 (360) 629 - 1350 Christine Del Pozo - Principal Tod Klundt - Principal Carolyn Coombs - Asst. Principal/Activities Holly Christmas Harris - Tom Wilfong - Asst. Principal/Athletics Asst. Principal/Athletics Ross Short - CTE Director Denise Eichler - Dean of Students Port Susan Middle School Lincoln Hill / Lincoln Academy (360) 629 - 1360 (360) 629 -1340 Cherae Almanza - Principal Ryan Ovenell - Principal Crysty Auckland - Asst. Principal/Athletics
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