renewable energy plan in

Renewable Energy Plan in Thailand Karnnalin Theerarattananoon - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Renewable Energy Plan in Thailand Karnnalin Theerarattananoon November 12, 2014 1 Content 1. Thailands Energy Situation 2. Thailands Energy Policy 3. Renewable Energy Development 2 Thailands Energy Situation 3 Energy consumption

  1. Renewable Energy Plan in Thailand Karnnalin Theerarattananoon November 12, 2014 1

  2. Content 1. Thailand’s Energy Situation 2. Thailand’s Energy Policy 3. Renewable Energy Development 2

  3. Thailand’s Energy Situation 3

  4. Energy consumption has been growing at 2.4% per year; renewable account for >10% of consumption Thailand final energy consumption, 2009-2013 Ktoe • Since 2009, final Coal & products Natural gas Renewable energy Petroleum products Electricity Traditional renewable energy energy consumption has been growing by ~2.4% per year • In 2013, renewables 80.0% Fossil fuels 9.2% Renewables accounted for a total 7.7% Imported of 8,232 ktoe of hydro power 3.1% Large hydro consumption, or power ~11% – 5,278 ktoe direct 95.5% Fossil fuels 4.5% Biofuels – 1,612 ktoe fuel – 1,342 ktoe converted electricity SOURCE: Energy in Thailand – Facts and Figures 4

  5. The transportation and industrial segments account for 72% of Thailand’s energy consumption Thailand final energy consumption by industry, 2009-2013 Ktoe • Since 2009, the Agriculture Commercial Residential CAGR Industry Transport 2009-2013 industrial sector has overtaken the transportation 2.4% sector as the largest source of demand • Commercial sector is 2.2% second smallest but fastest growing 3.3% • Industry and transportation both 2.5% account for ~ 36% of total energy 2.4% consumption SOURCE: Energy in Thailand – Facts and Figures 5

  6. Final Energy Consumption 2013 Thousand barrel oil Domestic 53 % equivalent / day Import 47 % 2,000 2% Hydropower 1,800 16% Coal/Lignite 1,600 Domestic 3 0 % Import 70 % 1,400 1,200 Import 20 % Natural Gas 46% 1,000 Domestic 0 % 800 Domestic 9 % 600 Oil 36% 400 200 Import 81 % 0 Consumption Oil Natural gas Coal/Lignite Electricity Total Thousand barrel oil 727.56 917.02 313.42 46.64 2,004.63 equivalent / day Growth (%) 4.7 . 5. 3.4 6.7 6 Source : Ministry of Energy 2013

  7. Thailand’s Energy Policy 7

  8. Energy Policy Thailand’s Energy Policies Secure Thailand Energy supply  • Exploration and production of natural gas and crude oil both in the sea and on land • More new power plant by government agencies and private organizations • Increase the use of renewable energy • International energy development cooperation พลเอกประยุทธ์ จันทร์โอชา Fair Energy Pricing  นายกรัฐมนตรี • Energy price restructure • Appropriate tax between different types of oil Energy conservation  • More efficient use of energy • Awareness of consumer 8

  9. Country Strategy Green Economy Growth & Competitive ness Infrastructure / Economic Growth People / Quality of life Production / R&D Sustainable Development / Knowledge / Justice environmental friendly Balance & Develop Good Public management System Green Inclusive Growth Growth Fostering economic growth and development in environmental Laws & Regulations friendly way 9

  10. Thailand’s Alternative Energy Potential Natural • Solar • Hydro • Wind Electricity Crop • Sugar cane (Molasses) • Cassava • Palm Fuel Heating Waste • Agricultural wastes • Industrial wastes • Municipal solid waste (MSW) 10

  11. Renewable Energy Development 11

  12. The Alternative Energy Development Plan is the current roadmap for renewable energy development targets Foundation: Commitment to the development of a low-carbon society Facilitator: Facilitator: Strategy: Alternative Energy Private-led Government Development Plan 2012-2021 investment funded RD&D Goal: Target 25% renewables in Total Energy Consumption by 2021 Bio-Energy Bio-Fuel 2 nd Gen. Biomass Biogas MSW Ethanol Biodiesel 4,800 MW 3,600 MW 400 MW 8,500 ktoe 1,000 ktoe 200 ktoe 9 ML/Day ~7 ML/Day 3 ML/Day 8,800 MW Power | 9,700 Ktoe Heat Solar Wind Hydro New-Energy 3,000 MW Tidal Wave Geothermal Mini Micro 1,800 MW (<1 MW) (<100 kW) 100 Ktoe 2 MW 1 MW 4,800 MW Power | 100 Ktoe Heat 324 MW 3 MW 12

  13. In Q1 2014, renewables accounted for 11.3% of energy consumption, mostly in the form of heat Thailand final energy consumption, Q1 2014 Ktoe • In the first quarter of Fossil fuels Traditional renewables Large hydropower (domestic) Alternative & renewable Imported hydropower 2014, renewable Renewable % of total consumption energy consumption: 11.3% increased slightly to 11.3% of overall Small hydro : 0.03% consumption Renewable power • Majority of (Solar, Wind, Biomass, MSW, Biogas): 1.90% renewables consumption is in Biofuels : 2.30% the form of heat, but power and biofuels are contributing a Heat (Solar, Biomass, growing share of Biogas, MSW): 7.10% renewable energy SOURCE: Energy in Thailand – Facts and Figures 13

  14. Progress towards 2021 AEDP goals varies significantly by energy source Development progress , MW and % target Renewable Electricity 28% 3,969 MW / 13,927 MW Development progress , ktoe and % target 1 Renewable Heat 55% 1,345 ktoe / 2,450 ktoe 1 Development progress , ML/day and % target Biofuels 31% 5.9 ML/day / 19.2 ML/day 1 Note that the full year target is 9,800 ktoe; this is a prorated target for Q1 SOURCE: Energy in Thailand – Facts and Figures 14

  15. Renewable energy class detail: Wind Current development progress Development initiatives • Promote community scale usage Power generation development  Co-generation (e.g. wind & solar) off-grid MW installed capacity applications  Direct agricultural applications (e.g. irrigation pumping) 6.2% 12.4% 12.4% • Accelerate amendment of laws and regulations which do not currently support wind energy development • Improve infrastructure system  Establish the extension plan for transmission  Support emerging electricity storage technologies • Establish network of producers and consumers • Promote R&D on wind turbine design SOURCE: Energy in Thailand – Facts and Figures 15

  16. Renewable energy class detail: Solar Current development progress Development initiatives • Promote implementation of community/ Power generation development MW installed capacity residential scale solar system projects • Promote integrated upstream industry for 12.6% 27.4% 32.0% domestic solar panel production (e.g. silicon wafer plant support) • Assign Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (in conjunction with PEA and MEA) to review transmission and distribution network development to support increased Heat development solar generation ktoe • Develop efficiency standards for solar collector systems 3.5% 4.5% 6.8% • Accelerate the amendment of Laws and Industrial Act , 1992 (B.E. 2535) • Supplant ADDER incentive system with revised feed-in tariff (FiT) system SOURCE: Energy in Thailand – Facts and Figures 16

  17. Renewable energy class detail: Small Hydro Current development progress Development initiatives • Support construction of hydropower at Power generation development MW installed capacity a community level • Work with EGAT on developing small hydropower system for downstream 31.4% 33.6% 34.6% irrigation dam and mini hydropower systems with power capacities ranging from 0.2 to 6 MW • Disseminate and conduct public relations on information and advantages of hydropower projects • Develop higher efficiency Micro Hydro Turbine (run-of-river) designs • Study and develop low head hydro turbines SOURCE: Energy in Thailand – Facts and Figures; Images: 17

  18. Renewable energy class detail: Biomass Current development progress Development initiatives • Promote plantation of fast growing trees that Power generation development MW installed capacity can be used as feedstock for power/heat generation 40.8% 48.4% 49.0% • Develop production and standard of biomass pellets for future biomass fuel • Develop advanced gasifier and gas engine technology as well as biomass-to-liquid (BTL) technology • Promote use of high pressure boilers to Heat development ktoe improve efficiency of power generation from biomass 51.1% 55.2% 59.5% • Promote Distributed Green Generation (DGG) – community level biomass energy • Coordinate with EGAT to develop necessary transmission and distribution infrastructure SOURCE: Energy in Thailand – Facts and Figures 18

  19. Renewable energy class detail: Biogas Current development progress Development initiatives • Promote and support biogas production at a Power generation development MW installed capacity household level • Support community self-management of 5.4% 7.4% 7.6% biogas assets • Study biogas production from alternative feedstock sources • Promote production and utilization of compressed bio-methane gas (CBG) from Heat development biomass and energy crops for transportation ktoe and power generation • Study and develop regulations for biogas 45.8% 49.5% 52.8% safety standards • Conduct public relations to disseminate knowledge and news to help build public image of safe biogas usage SOURCE: Energy in Thailand – Facts and Figures 19


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