Rene nee e C. Cricht chton, on, City ty Manager ger City of Hallandale ndale Beach ch
The Principle Differences In Pre and Post Recession Management Financial Growth Employee Expectations Community Expectations
Financial Growth You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that is …it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before, Rahm Emanuel
Financial Growth The e trend nd of slow to no gro rowth wth in taxabl able e va value e necessi sitat tates es consis istent ent efforts ts towa wards cost reduct uctio ion, n, innovati ation, on, and d in some cases whol olesa esale le system em eva valua uati tion on and ch chang ange. e.
Financial Growth Challen llenges ges : O Legac acy y cost t of pensi nsions ns O Cost st of benefits its bargain gained ed in bett etter er financi ncial al times mes O Finding the ”right size” for your organization Oppor ortunitie unities: s: O Venue e for balanced nced pension sion reform orm O Abilit lity y to evaluat ate e hist storic oric pay plan structu ructures res O Use the financi ncial al climat mate e as a driving ing force e for the organiz anization ation to focus us and nd be become me strat rateg egic ic abo bout ut the future ure.
Employee Expectations Challen lenges: ges: O Managi ging ng Moral ale O Finding nding the e dollar lars to invest t in emplo mployee e devel elopme opment nt and trainin ning O Recess cession ion malais ise Opportu tunities nities: O Develop elop progr grams ams and initiativ iatives es that t recogn cognize ize out utsta tand nding ng performance ormance O Make e the e invest stment ent in the e profession ssional l growth wth of staff f O Never loose sight of the fact that the “doing more with less” conc ncept ept over erti time me dishe heartens ns your team m O Be Inno novati tive, e, assign n projects ects out utside ide of the e box, x, challen lenge ge them em to be a p problem oblem solver ers s at all levels els.
Community Expectations Challen lenges: ges: O Reside idents nts demand emand efficien cient t servi vice ce despit spite e cut utbacks backs O Reside idents nts want t immediat mediate progre ress ss and d accou ountable ntable proce cess ss O Reside idents nts want t smaller ler govern ernme ment, nt, witho hout ut impac pacti ting ng the e servi vice ces s impor porta tant nt to them em Opportu tunities nities: O The e dema emand nd for efficien cient t servi vice ce in tough ugh econ onomic c times mes opens ens the e door oors s to inno novati tion on O The e dema emand nd for immediac mediacy y and d smaller ler governm ernment nt provides vides a platform orm to communic mmunicat ate e with h the e residen idents ts about t priori riti ties es Make e it clear r that t you u canno not t be all thing ings s to all peopl ple, e, at least t not t all at once ce.
Questions Renee e C. Cricht chton, on, City ty Manager ger City of Hallandale ndale Beach ch
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