rencp eccd wor orking group update january a august 2012

RENCP ECCD Wor orking Group Update January-A August 2012 ssembly - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RENCP ECCD Wor orking Group Update January-A August 2012 ssembly 14 th August RENCP General As CP ECCD working group led th the organization of the ECD on Week from 22 to 28April 2012 12 in partnership with the ernment of Rwanda objectives

  1. RENCP ECCD Wor orking Group Update January-A August 2012 ssembly 14 th August RENCP General As

  2. CP ECCD working group led th the organization of the ECD on Week from 22 to 28April 2012 12 in partnership with the ernment of Rwanda objectives of the Action Week: aise Early Childhood Developmen ent awareness; upport government of Rwanda in n the dissemination and ilization around the ECD policy an nd its strategic plan; ngage high level stakeholders aro round ECD budgeting; eek public commitment to de ECD in Sector and ict level performance plan.

  3. Activit ities: Media mobilization – through an o orientation with journalists conducted on 18th April – TV cove verage, Radio coverage and writte media coverage of activities condu ducted during the Action Week

  4. CD National Stakeholders meeting ing launched by Her Excellency th t Lady of Rwanda on 19th April more information, please visit the e MINEDUC website: :// evelopment and Distribution of EC CD communication materials 000 Posters, 20,000 booklets and d 1000 brochures)

  5. ommunity mobilization through pu public discussions, scale-up of jects, sms messages and radio sp pots which resulted in the inclusio CD in District/Sector performance e plans (approx. 12,000 people ched in around 18 Districts). artnership with Mobile Company T y TIGO - setd out 250,000 free sm ssages on ECD at a frequency of 5 f 50,000 messages each day for 5 s.

  6. What did we learn as a working ng group through this process? w to work together; hat doing Advocacy means in prac actice; w to organize a campaign; w to develop communication mate aterials; w to get Government and other st stakeholder’s buy-in; w to interact with the private secto ctor;

  7. rent national-level engagement t of the RENCP ECD working gr D is gaining momentum in Rwand nda; olvement in the Education Sector or Strategy Review to ensure ECD ded; olvement and leadership of workin king groups set-up as a result of th national stakeholders meeting: a a) communication WG; b) modelin ; c) M&E WG s for August-December: arning labs and study-visits to t the following programmes: ust – CHF - Playgroups tember – PLAN – ECCD centre ba based provision ember – Umuhuza – 0-3 Family lit literacy

  8. Murakoze e Cyane!

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