remote citrus qc measurements tools for teaching and

Remote Citrus QC Measurements. Tools for Teaching and Training Jos - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Remote Citrus QC Measurements. Tools for Teaching and Training Jos I. Reyes De Corcuera Tracy Irani Art Teixeira September 16, 2010 Background 30% Teaching UF Gainesville UF Gainesville FOS 5561 CREC Lake Alfred Citrus

  1. Remote Citrus QC Measurements. Tools for Teaching and Training José I. Reyes De Corcuera Tracy Irani Art Teixeira September 16, 2010

  2. Background • 30% Teaching UF Gainesville UF Gainesville • FOS 5561 CREC Lake Alfred Citrus Processing Technology

  3. Distance Education Strategies � Lecture delivery • Mailing • Kits with printed lecture, audio tapes, VHS, etc. • Internet • Recorded simultaneous narration and slide presentation, journal, grading book, quizes, links, etc. (WebCT, Vista, Sakai ~2004-2010) • No live interaction with instructor or among students • Interaction replaced by ‘chat rooms’ • PC-based real time lecture (Elluminate) • Video conference (Polycom)

  4. Distance Education Strategies � Laboratories Virtual Labs Remote Labs • No actual experiment takes • Experiments are taking place in place real time • Mathematical models • ‘Real’ data • Allow running many experiments • Run experiments off-site • Time and safety in a short time • No instrument or equipment or • Need local set-up • Students observe real consumables • Students typically do not instruments and equipment in observe real instr. and equip. cases unique

  5. Objectives � Long term • Remote Citrus Quality Assurance and Unit Operations Lab. � Unit Operations � Quality Assurance • Extraction and Finishing • SSC and TA (2011) • Centrifugation • Recoverable Oil (2010) • Pasteurization (2011) • PME (2011) • Evaporation (2006-08) • Viscosity (2010)

  6. Students w ill be able to identify different parts of a TASTE evaporator

  7. Students w ill be able to describe the operation conditions of a TASTE

  8. 9 8 4 5 6 7 1 0 1 3 2 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 8 9 4 5 6 7 11 1 3 2 Recoverable Oil

  9. 6.85 mL 0.0 mL Recoverable Oil

  10. Viscosity of OJ

  11. A/D DAQ Board RS-232 USB WWW 60 rpm WWW 15 cP m m m m m p p p p p r r r r r 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 6 P P P P P c c c c c 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1

  12. Orange Juice Viscosity Lab � Learning objectives • Explain the effect of temperature on the rheological properties of orange juice at selected concentrations • Understand the effect of concentration on the rheological properties of orange juice • State the order of magnitude of orange juice viscosity at selected temperatures and concentrations • Describe the principle of operation of a Brookfield viscometer and its components

  13. Student Experience Prior to the Remote Lab Familiar with methods of determination of viscosity. 100.0 I can name two or more courses where 80.0 remote and/or virtual labs are being I have done viscosity determinations used 60.0 40.0 I have participated in a remote lab I have used a rotating spindle 20.0 before viscometer 0.0 Familiar with remote laboratories I have used a Brooksfield Viscometer Familiar with virtual laboratories Familiar with the concept of viscosity % SD %D %N %A %SA

  14. Satisfaction Level Satisfied with remote laboratory 80.0 60.0 40.0 Level of real ‐ time online Quality images network cameras interaction 20.0 0.0 Quantity of process diagrams and Quality of the process diagrams and displays display %VS %S %U %US %VUS

  15. Perceived Learning Positive learning experience 100.0 80.0 60.0 I would recommend this lab to 40.0 Understanding of viscosity improved another student due to remotely determining it 20.0 0.0 Understanding of viscosity Increased confidence in ability to determination improved as a result of determin viscosity locally operating the viscometer % SD %D %N %A %SA

  16. Why you w ould recommend this lab? � Good to learn how to measure viscosity � Interesting topic, good tool to remote test machines � This lab was great. I would recommend this to be used in other classes � The lab was OK. However, still there was a need for an on-site operator when link broke

  17. Conclusions � Perceived as positive � Effective learning tools � Reach out to distance students • Gainesville • Abroad? • Industry? � Can serve as the foundation for virtual laboratories and assay automation

  18. Future Trends � Consolidate courses • Continued development of virtual labs. • INTERACTIVE VIRTUAL EXPERIMENTS FOR FOOD PROCESSING EDUCATION (MORGAN, M. T. HAYES, K. D.) • Virtual reality • 3-D Videogame-type training

  19. Acknow ledgements � UF CALS � Shelley Jones � John Henderson � Brittany Tomlin � Elyse Payne

  20. 2010 Happy Independence Day! 1810

  21. Thank you! � FOS 5561 ‘Citrus Processing Technology’ will be taught in the Spring 2011 � For more information: � Syllabus es/reyes_jose.htm


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