regulatory inspection programme for ghana research

Regulatory Inspection Programme for Ghana Research Reactor-1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Regulatory Inspection Programme for Ghana Research Reactor-1 (GHARR-1) Michael Annor-Nyarko and Daniel Sika-Boafo Radiation Protection Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission LG 80,Legon-Accra Regional Workshop for Regulators on the Inspection

  1. Regulatory Inspection Programme for Ghana Research Reactor-1 (GHARR-1) Michael Annor-Nyarko and Daniel Sika-Boafo Radiation Protection Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission LG 80,Legon-Accra Regional Workshop for Regulators on the Inspection of Research Reactors , Cairo, Egypt, 28 September- 2 October, 2014

  2. Contents of presentation ▪ Regulatory Body-RPB ▪ Inspection Guide ▪ Description of GHARR-1 ▪ Inspection Procedure for GHARR-1 ▪ Conclusion 2

  3. REGULATORY BODY - RPB ▪ Radiation Protection Board (RPB) is the sole Regulatory Authority. ▪ Established by PNDC Law 308 of 1993 by the amendment of Atomic Energy Act 204 of 1963. LI 1559 of 1993 prescribed the mandate and responsibilities of the board. ▪ ▪ RPB performs these functions among others: ▪ Advise the GAEC on matter relating to radiation protection and the disposal of radioactive waste . ▪ License users, supervise and monitor the use of irradiating devices and radioactive materials. ▪ Ensure operations relating to irradiating devices and radioactive materials are done without risk to public health ▪ Register of owners of irradiating devices, radioactive materials and other sources of ionizing radiation imported into or manufactured in Ghana. 3

  4. INSPECTION GUIDE-GRPB-G4 This guide assist both the RPB and operating organizations to perform systematic inspections of the applications of radiation sources and radioactive materials. The inspection conducted by the RPB can be: 1. Planned i.e. prearranged inspection; 2. Unplanned i.e. such inspections can be conducted without pre-arrangement; 3. At the request of inspected organization. 4

  5. DESCRIPTION OF GHARR-1 • GHARR-1 is an MNSR Type • Designed by China (CIAE) • Nominal Power of 30kW • Core Excess Reactivity of 3.5 - 4.0mk • Max. Neutron Flux of 1x10 12 n/cm 2 .s • HEU (90.2%) fuel (U-Al) • 354 fuel, dummies & tie rod lattices • 344 fuel pins (2.90g/pin) • Cooled by natural convection • Reflectors made of Be alloy • Core life time > 10 years • Uses: Research, Neutron Activation Analysis, R&D, HRD in Nuclear Technology 5

  6. INSPECTION PROTOCOL FOR GHARR-1 Inspection Procedure is undertaken in 3 stages. A. PRE-INSPECTION Team of Inspectors: ▪ Review regulations and documentation since last inspection. ▪ Read reactor facility’s operating manuals. ▪ Review action items from previous inspections. ▪ Arrange for inspection with Reactor Manager. 6

  7. B. INSPECTION Inspection takes the form of:  Physical observation.  Taking readings and measurements.  Reviewing records. C. POST-INSPECTION Inspection report is reviewed to ensure whether reactor facility is operated in conformance with regulatory requirements 7

  8. Actions normally taken after inspection report is reviewed could be one or a combination of these; ▪ Granting of permission to continue operation. ▪ Sending enforcement notice for corrective actions to be taken. ▪ Revoking of licence in case of continued unsafe practices. ▪ Facility shut-down. 8

  9. Thank you for your attention! 9


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