Regrind Reduce, Reuse, Regrind
asdasd Plastic is wasted in the injection molding process
cost & user Current Industrial DIY Shredders Regrind Shredder $$$ Not for Sale $500
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need attribute spec Regrind pellet size is Regrind size 2-5 mm diameter suffjcient for reuse Processing speed keeps Throughput >50 g/min up with waste production Space-effjcient Footprint <4 square feet
need attribute spec Regrind pellet size is Regrind size 2-5 mm diameter suffjcient for reuse Processing speed keeps Throughput >50 g/min up with waste production Space-effjcient Footprint <4 square feet
need attribute spec Regrind pellet size is Regrind size 2-5 mm diameter suffjcient for reuse Processing speed keeps Throughput >50 g/min up with waste production Space-effjcient Footprint <4 square feet
risks safety uniform sizing
asdasd Can we grind plastic into small, uniform bits to be reused? key challenge
next steps -Consider other uses for Regrind material -Test with LMP shop staff
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