regional trail greenway

Regional Trail & Greenway Draf aft Environmental Im Impa pact - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Monterey Peninsula Regional Park Dis istrict Fort Ord Regional Trail & Greenway Draf aft Environmental Im Impa pact Report Project Vision 28 mile multi-use trail Safe, accessible, and separated alternative to cars Connect people

  1. Monterey Peninsula Regional Park Dis istrict Fort Ord Regional Trail & Greenway Draf aft Environmental Im Impa pact Report

  2. Project Vision 28 mile multi-use trail Safe, accessible, and separated • alternative to cars Connect people to open space • and recreation Enhance connections between • Fort Ord, Monterey Peninsula, and Salinas Valley Function as habitat corridor • Complementary to the built • environment

  3. Trail Width GREENWAY GREENWAY 2’ 8’ - 12’ 2’ (up to 150’) (up to 150’) 16’

  4. Draft Environmental Impact Report

  5. Environmental Impacts and Mitigations Mitigation measures to reduce impact: Biological Draft EIR Draf EIR Resources Habitat mitigation and monitoring • pub ubli lic c Biological resources avoidance and • com comment Aesthetics minimization perio eriod Construction best management • practices clos cl oses Public Safety and Services Janua Ja nuary 3, 3, Invasive weed management • 2020 2020 Wetland restoration • Hydrology and Water Quality Native American resources monitoring •

  6. Resident Concerns Increased bicycle traffic on Angelus ▪ Way and Frog Pond Wetland Preserve Impacts to wildlife and biological ▪ resources Homeless intrusion ▪ Safety and aesthetic impacts at ▪ underpasses

  7. Project Alternatives No trail / continued reliance on cars No Build • Lower bio impact / lower cost / • Increase use of greater vehicle-bike conflicts / less existing roadways accessible Lower visual impact / Lower cost / • Substitute at-grade greater vehicle-bike and vehicle- crossings ped conflicts Lower wetland impact / better • Frog Pond Wetland Preserve separation from existing walking path Northerly Alignment

  8. Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District

  9. Laguna Grande Regional Park Al Alte tern rnative Al Align gnment Pr Proposed FORTAG Align Al gnment Existing Nort rth Fre remont t Mu Multi-Moda dal Corr rridor r

  10. Laguna Grande to Frog Pond

  11. Existing Roadway Alternative SR 218 Bike Lanes Constrained roadway ● width Only for bicycle travel ● Safety risks from high- ● speed, high-volume highway traffic Not accessible to all ● users

  12. Alternative Alignment to Angelus Way Plumas Ave (PG&E Easement) PG&E easement - ● recapture backyard right-of-way Alternative Alte Tunnel effect behind ● Align Al gnment Plumas Ave homes vs. user safety Missed opportunity to ● connect parks Roundabout at S Boundary Rd (planned) Pr Proposed FORTAG Al Align gnment

  13. Frog Pond Nort rthern rn Al Alte tern rnative Northern Alignment Nort rthern rn Align Ali gnment Alte Al tern rnative Alternative Avoids impacts to wetland • Opportunities for removal of • invasive plants and restoration of habitat Better separation of bike trail • from walking path Pr Proposed Proposed Pr FORTAG FORTAG Wildlife Corridor Wildlife Align Al Al Align gnment gnment Corridor Bike/Ped Undercrossing (proposed)

  14. At-Grade Crossing Alternative to Tunnel Carlton Drive / SR 218 Eliminates tunnel • Requires crosswalk • warning system Traffic signal not • warranted

  15. Draft Environmental Impact Report Public Review Period Nov. 7, 2019 – Jan. 3, 2020

  16. Schedule: Environmental Review Approval of Public Final Environmental Public Comment Impact Report Comment Closes @ TAMC Board of Directors Starts Dec. 4, Feb. 2019 2020 Design Jan. 3, Mar. 25, Nov. 7, 2020 2020 2019 Public Hearing TAMC incorporates @ TAMC Board of Directors comments and responses into final document

  17. How do I submit Draft Environmental Document my comments? Onl nline: Har ardcopie ies for or vie viewing: TAMC offices, Marina and Seaside public libraries unt until Jan Januar ary 3, 3, 202 2020 unt until Jan Januar ary 3, 3, 202 2020 November 201 2019 - De December 201 2019 Letter Email Public Meeti tings TAMC Check Che 55-B Pl 55 Plaza Circ Circle rich ch@tamcmonterey.o .org www.t .tamcmonterey.c .com Salin inas, , CA CA 939 93901 for da for dates tes Attn: Rich Att ch Dea Deal, l, Pri Principal l Eng Engin ineer

  18. Questions? Rich Dea eal Ste tefania ia Cast astil illo lo Proje ject Man anager As Assis istant nt Proje ject Man anager rich@tamcmon ontere rg ste stefania ia@ta tamcmont nterey.o .org


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