Recursion 4-11-2013
Clarkson Career Center “Technical Careers: Preparation & Opportunities” Alumni to Student Program: CS, DA&S, Comm & Media, ISBP, SoftEng Thursday, April 18 th , 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm (panel discussions, roundtables, … details to follow)
Recursion Reading: Maciel Chapter 14 Recursion Chapter 15 Sorting Project#2: Evil Hangman, due Wed. 4/24 see the sample output
To err is human, to forgive divine. Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism, English poet and satirist (1688 - 1744) To iterate is human, to recurse, divine. L. Peter Deutsch, computer scientist, or .... Robert Heller, computer scientist, or .... unknown ....
Recursion ursion is: A problem-solving ap approa roach ch , that can ... generate simple solutions to ... certain kinds of problems that ... would be difficult to solve in other ways Recursion splits a problem : into one or more simpler versions of itself lf
Strateg rategy y for proc ocess essing ing nested sted dolls lls: 1.if there is only one doll 2. do what it needed for it else 3. do what is needed for the outer doll 4. Process the inner nest in the same way
if problem is “ small enough ” solve it directly else break into one or more smaller subproblems solve each subproblem recursively combine results into solution to whole problem
At least one “ small ” case that you can solve directly A way of breaking a larger problem down into: One or more smaller subproblems Each of the same kind as the original A way of combining subproblem results into an overall solution to the larger problem
1. The algorithm has at least one base case; one where the problem is solved directly, without a recursive call. 2. Every recursive call gets closer to a base case, in such a way that a base case will eventually be reached. 3. The algorithm works when you assume that the recursive call works. The first two properties guarantee that the algorithm will eventually terminate. The third property guarantees that the algorithm solves the problem correctly.
// / print n n copies es of the he charac acter c void print( int n , char c ) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { cout << c; } cout << endl; } Figure 14.1: A simple iterative algorithm (Maciel, p. 245)
// / print n n copies es of the he charac acter c void print( int n , char c ) { n is zero base case: no characters to print cout << endl; n > 0 recursive case: print character c cout << c; print (n-1) copies of c print ( n-1, c )
// / print n n copies es of the he charac acter c void print( int n , char c ) { if ( n > 0 ) { // rec ecursive e case cout << c; print( n-1, c ); } else { // b base cas ase cout << endl; Figure 14.2: A recursive algorithm (Maciel, p. 245) recursive case: print character c print (n-1) copies of c
// pri // print n nt n copie copies of t s of the ch he charact aracter c er c void print( int n , char c ) { if ( n > 0 ) { cout << c; print( n-1, c ); } else { cout << endl; √ 1. The algorithm has at least one base case √ 2. Every recursive call gets closer to a base case, in such a way that a base case will eventually be reached. √ 3. The algorithm works when you assume that the recursive call works.
Don’t be concerned about how recursion works. Use the definition of what the function is designed to do, ignoring implementation. Typically an “if” is used to select between base cases and recursive cases. Make sure that any recursive call is only made on part of the original parameters. This guarantees termination. Using recursion in two places results in a program that would be very difficult to write iteratively.
// print / print n c n cop opies o es of the c f the chara haract cter c r c void print( int n , char c ) print(0, ‘X’) correctly prints nothing print(1, ‘X’) correctly prints 1 X, given that print (0, ‘X’) correctly nothing print(2, ‘X’) correctly prints 2 X’s, given that print (1, ‘X’) correctly prints 1 X . . . print(n, ‘X’) correctly prints n X’s, given that print (n- 1, ‘X’) correctly prints (n - 1) X’s Principle of Mathematical Induction Principle of Mathematical Induction
Notes done in class
main ain adva vantage tage: recursive algorithms can be simpler than non-recursive algorithms that solve the same problem => easier to design, understand, implement and modify Some good examples are efficient sorting algorithms main ain disadvantage: sadvantage: overhead of function calls (which take more time and more space) The additional time is usually not very significant, but the amount of space is proportional to the number of recursive calls. “Tail - recursive” solutions are very efficient.
/* Comp mpute ute n!, !, n >= >= 0 * */ 0! = 1 solution 1: Iterative n! = n*(n-1)!, n>0 int nt iFact iFact (int int n) n) { int int res esult = 1 1; for ( for (in int k = 1 1; k <= = n; k++) +) { resu sult = re result * * k; } return n result; t; } solution 2: Recursive solution 3: Tail-recursive No Notes es don one e in class ss
1. if array is empty 2. return -1 as result 3. else if middle element matches 4. return index of middle element as result 5. else if target < middle element 6. return result of searching lower portion of array 7. else 8. return result of searching upper portion of array
template <typename T> int bin_search(const std::vector<T>& items, int first, int last, const T& target) { if (first > last) return -1; // Base case, item not found else { // Next probe index. int mid = (first + last)/2; if (target < items[mid]) return bin_search(items, first, mid-1, target); else if (items[mid] < target) return bin_search(items, mid+1, last, target); else return middle; // Base case for // successful search. } }
template <typename Item_Type> int binary_search(const std::vector<Item_Type>items, const Item_Type& target) { return binary_search(items, 0, items.size()-1, target); } C++ Standard library function binary_search defined in <algorithms> does this.
Towers of Hanoi Counting grid squares in a blob Backtracking, as in maze search
Desire: Process an image presented as a two- dimensional array of color values Information in the image may come from X-Ray MRI Satellite imagery Etc. Goal: Determine size of any area considered abnormal because of its color values
A blob is a collection of contiguous cells that are abnormal By contiguous we mean cells that are adjacent, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally
white => cell is OK blue => cell is abnormal blob == contiguous abnormal cells (horizontal, vertical and diagonal) user enters the position of a cell in a blob o e.g. <1,4>, where rows & columns start at 0 algorithm returns the number of cells in that blob o what is the size of the blob which contains cell <1,4>?
Algorithm count_cells(x, y): if (x, y) outside grid return 0 else if color at (x, y) normal return 0 else Set color at (x, y) to “Temporary” (normal) return 1 + sum of count_cells on neighbors
int countCells(color grid[ROWS][COLS], int r, int c) { if (r < 0 || r >= ROWS || c < 0 || c >= COLS) { return 0; } else if (grid[r][c] != ABNORMAL) { return 0; } else { grid[r][c] = TEMPORARY; return 1 + countCells(grid,r-1,c-1) + countCells(grid,r-1,c) + countCells(grid,r-1,c+1) + countCells(grid,r,c+1) + countCells(grid,r+1,c+1) + countCells(grid,r+1,c) + countCells(grid,r+1,c-1) + countCells(grid,r,c-1); } }
Backtracking: systematic trial and error search for solution to a problem Example: Finding a path through a maze In walking through a maze, probably walk a path as far as you can go Eventually, reach destination or dead end If dead end, must retrace your steps Loops: stop when reach place you’ve been before Backtracking systematically tries alternative paths and eliminates them if they don’t work
If you never try exact same path more than once, and You try all possibilities, You will eventually find a solution path if one exists Problems solved by backtracking: a set of choices Recursion implements backtracking straightforwardly Activation frame remembers choice made at that decision point A chess playing program likely involves backtracking
1. if (x,y) outside grid, return false 2. if (x,y) barrier or visited, return false 3. if (x,y) is maze exit, color PATH and return true 4. else: 5. set (x,y ) color to PATH (“optimistically”) 6. for each neighbor of (x,y) 7. if findPath(neighbor), return true 8. set (x,y ) color to TEMPORARY (“visited”) 9. return false
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