reconciling supersymmetry and leptogenesis

Reconciling Supersymmetry and Leptogenesis Hitoshi Murayama (IPMU - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Reconciling Supersymmetry and Leptogenesis Hitoshi Murayama (IPMU Tokyo & Berkeley) COSMO 08, Madison, August 28, 2008 New intl research institute in Japan astrophysics particle theory particle expt mathematics official language:

  1. Reconciling Supersymmetry and Leptogenesis Hitoshi Murayama (IPMU Tokyo & Berkeley) COSMO 08, Madison, August 28, 2008

  2. New intl research institute in Japan astrophysics particle theory particle expt mathematics official language: English >30% non-Japanese $13M/yr for 10 years launched Oct 1, 2007 2

  3. New intl research institute in Japan astrophysics particle theory particle expt mathematics official language: English >30% non-Japanese $13M/yr for 10 years launched Oct 1, 2007 2

  4. IPMU initiatives in experiments billions of years SuperK with Gd to detect relic supernova neutrinos use KamLAND to look for 0 νββ XMASS Xenon 800kg direct dark matter e − e − _ _ n p p ν e ν e = ν e detection n n p e − new HyperSuprimeCam camera at Subaru for weak lensing survey to measure dark energy w will join SDSS-III

  5. Winter 2009 occupancy Main Building ~5900m 2

  6. emphasis on large interaction area “like a European town square” ~400 m 2 5

  7. 1/1/08 3/1/08 5/1/08 7/1/08 9/1/08 11/1/08 American 0 10 20 30 40 50 10/1/07 Australian number of scientists Japanese Asian European On Site Scientists non-Japanese > 50% Check out Expect ~15 positions this year

  8. Reconciling Supersymmetry and Leptogenesis Hitoshi Murayama (IPMU Tokyo & Berkeley) COSMO 08, Madison, August 28, 2008

  9. Experimentalists working very hard to make things happen 8

  10. Theorists reading tea leaves..... data 9

  11. KamLAND data Neutrino oscillation with real reactor distribution reactor experiments previous Neutrinos do oscillate! KamLAND 2008 data beautiful oscillation demonstrate neutrino mass ⇒ heavy right-handed neutrinos? 1.2 1 Survival Probability 0.8 reappear disappear r a ILL disappear e p Goesgen 0.6 p Savannah River a Palo Verde e 0.4 r CHOOZ Bugey Rovno 0.2 Krasnoyarsk 0 -3 -2 -1 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 10 10 1 10 L /E (km/MeV) 0

  12. Seesaw Mechanism Why is neutrino mass so small? Need right-handed neutrinos to generate neutrino mass , but ν R SM neutral m D m D       ν L ν L   2  m ν = m D ( ( ) ) ν L ν L ν R ν R        M << m D m D m D M ν R ν R         To obtain m 3 ∼ ( Δ m 2 atm ) 1/2 , m D ∼ m t , M 3 ∼ 10 14 GeV (GUT!) 11

  13. seesaw scale 60 U(1) Y M 3 40 � i -1 ( � ) SU(2) L 20 SU(3) C Minimal Supersymmetric Model 10 3 10 6 10 9 10 12 10 15 10 18 � [GeV] 12

  14. Tea leaves 2008 hierarchy problem ⇒ supersymmetry Neutrino Mass ⇒ seesaw + leptogenesis Non-baryonic Dark ⇒ thermal relics with Matter mass < 100 TeV Dark Energy ⇒ Λ or scalar field Density Fluctuation ⇒ inflation Can we put them together?

  15. Gravitino Problem Thermal leptogenesis n 3 / 2 T RH ≈ 1 . 5 × 10 − 12 Buchmüller, Plümacher 10 10 GeV s NLSP late decay vs BBN anomaly mediation 9 10 8 10 Moroi, HM, Yamaguchi 7 10 +de Gouvêa gravity mediation 6 10 non-thermal Ω 3/2 h 2 <0.1 5 T max (GeV) 10 leptogenesis 4 10 very low-energy gauge mediation 3 10 2 10 10 1 Kawasaki, Kohri, Moroi m 3 / 2 = Λ 2 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 SUSY m 3/2 (GeV) 14 M P l

  16. Non-thermal Leptogenesis

  17. Sneutrino Inflation Superpartner of ν R : V=m 2 φ 2 displaced from the minimum V( φ ) at the beginning rolls down slowly: φ chaotic inflation now possible in string (Silverstein) φ quantum fluctuation source of later structure t reheating = leptogenesis decay products contain supersymmetry and hence log R usual SUSY Dark Matter t HM, Suzuki, Yanagida, Yokoyama

  18. Consistency n s ∼ 0.96 , r ∼ 0.16 Need m ∼ 10 13 GeV , seesaw scale! Still consistent with latest WMAP , but V = λφ 4 excluded Verification possible in the near future enough lepton asymmetry consistent n B T RH ≈ 10 − 10 with gravitino problem! 10 6 GeV s Murayama, Yanagida + Hamagchi 17

  19. Variants For the leptogenesis to succeed, it is not required that sneutrino is the inflaton just need ν R to dominate the universe at one point large coherent oscillation of ν R from the end of inflation (HM, Yanagida) inflaton decay into neutrinos (Lazarides, Schaefer, Shafi) but hybrid inflation tight dark matter: usual WIMPs in gravity mediation 18

  20. Anomaly Mediation

  21. Anomaly Mediation (Randall Sundrum; Giudice, Luty, HM, Rattazzi) used to rely on physical separation between MSSM and hidden sector stabilization of moduli? conformal sequestering replaces extra D (Luty, Sundrum) ISS + gauged flavor naturally realizes conformal sequestering (Schmaltz, Sundrum) gotten easier and more generic

  22. Anomaly Mediation M i = − β i ( g 2 ) i = − ˙ A ijk = − 1 γ i m 2 4 m 2 2( γ i + γ j + γ k ) m 3 / 2 m 3 / 2 , 3 / 2 , 2 g 2 i SUSY masses due to anomaly = loops Randall, Sundrum m SUSY ≈ m 3/2 /(16 π 2 ) Giudice, Luty, HM, Rattazzi m 3/2 ≈ 100 TeV , decays before BBN, safe! solves also the flavor problem tachyonic sleptons may be solved with D- terms (Arkani-Hamed, Kaplan, HM, Nomura) integrating out ν R violates flavor, but lepton flavor violation still adequately suppressed (Ibe, Kitano, HM, Yanagida) 21

  23. Gauge Mediation

  24. gauge mediation _ f, f Dynamical µ � 10 7 GeV Supersymmetry Breaking ~ q messenger U(1) Messenger W = � X � ¯ µ � 10 5 GeV W = φ + φ − X + X 3 + X ¯ ff ff Sector Gauge Mediation SU(3) � SU(2) � U(1) ⇒ flavor blind Supersymmetric µ � 10 2 –10 3 GeV Standard Model 23

  25. complete models are complicated SU (6) U (1) U (1) m U (1) R Dynamical − 18 15 +2 0 A µ � 10 7 GeV Supersymmetry 7 − 18 6 − 5 0 F Breaking 7 ¯ ¯ F ± 16 6 − 1 ± 1 F + ¯ F − + ¯ F 0 ( F + S − + F − S + ) + FF 0 S 0 W = A ¯ 7 ¯ ¯ 16 F 0 6 − 1 0 messenger U(1) 7 S ± 16 1 +6 ± 1 7 16 S 0 1 +6 0 7 Messenger µ � 10 5 GeV W = φ + φ − X + X 3 + X ¯ ff Sector Gauge Mediation SU(3) � SU(2) � U(1) ⇒ flavor blind Supersymmetric m 3/2 ≈ 100keV! µ � 10 2 –10 3 GeV Standard Model Dine-Nelson-Nir-Shirman 24

  26. Gravitino Problem Thermal leptogenesis n 3 / 2 T RH ≈ 1 . 5 × 10 − 12 Buchmüller, Plümacher 10 10 GeV s NLSP late decay vs BBN anomaly mediation 9 10 8 10 Moroi, HM, Yamaguchi 7 10 +de Gouvêa gravity mediation 6 10 Ω 3/2 h 2 <0.1 5 T max (GeV) 10 4 10 gauge mediation 3 10 2 10 10 1 Kawasaki, Kohri, Moroi -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 m 3/2 (GeV) 25

  27. Likelihood of viable SUSY Landscape of theories SUSY Dead SUSY Alive little chance for SUSY@LHC? 26

  28. Generic Scheme HM, Nomura 1 QQ ¯ ¯ ff M P l SUSY QCD SUSY SM m Q ¯ M ¯ QQ ff SU(Nc), SO(Nc), Sp(Nc) no U(1) R symmetry imposed most general superpotential wide choice of gauge groups, matter content N c < N f < 3 2 N c 27

  29. How it works SUSY SU(N c ) QCD N c <N f <3N c /2 W = m ij Q ¯ Q i Q j low-energy free magnetic theory (m Q < Λ ) Intriligator W = m ij q i q j Q Λ M ij + M ij ¯ Seiberg Shih SUSY breaking @ ∂ M ij = m ij ∂ W Q � = 0 M ij = 0 , Local minimum with long lifetime 1 QQ ¯ ¯ W = ff M P l Generates SUSY breaking in f, fbar their loops ⇒ gauge mediation HM, Nomura doesn’ t have to be ISS, many others possible 28

  30. Good news for string theory String theory does not predict unique solution “Landscape” of possibilities for gauge groups, matter content, number of SUSY We at least need SM We tend to get extra “junks”, i.e. extra gauge groups, extra vector-like matter the “junks” are precisely what we need to break SUSY via gauge mediation Easy, Viable, Generic! e.g., Kawano, Ooguri, Ookouchi 29

  31. Likelihood of viable SUSY Landscape of theories Dead SUSY Alive SUSY Generic! 30

  32. Consequences gravitino mass very flexible, can be ≈ 10eV , consistent with leptogenesis local minimum with low m 3/2 sufficiently long- lived (Hisano, Nagai, Sugiyama, Yanagida) dark matter: hidden “baryon” ≈ 100 TeV (Hamaguchi, Shirai, Yanagida) SUSY breaking sector may be conformal (Roy, Schmaltz), (HM, Nomura, Poland) , helps to explain why M f ≈ Λ to obtain low m 3/2 31

  33. Consequences sleptons promptly decay into lepton+gravitino with picosec lifetime ➔ measure m 3/2 ! specific mass spectrum of SUSY particles in principle depends on “hidden” sector but testable sum rules if GUT (Cohen, Roy, Schmaltz), (HM, Nomura, Poland) superlight gravitino may be detectable in LSS, Lyman α forest current most aggressive analysis requires m 3/2 <16eV (Viel, Lesgourgues, Haehnelt, Matarrese, Riotto) , but probably weakened by systematics & WMAP5, m 3/2 <100eV or so 32

  34. Cosmological Constant non- gauge gravity observed SUSY mediation mediation meV 4 (100TeV) 4 TeV 2 M Pl2 M Pl4 a half way done! 33

  35. natural cosmological constant gravity anomaly mediation SUSY 100 TeV breaking good size for cosmological constant can also be axion-like quintessence gaugino explains cosmic coincidence meV condensate Arkani-Hamed, Hall, Kolda, HM 34


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