Raytracer 2 • We start with some bits we missed in the previous lecture – General camera in word coordinates (we positioned in (0,0,0) in the previous slides – Computing refraction term without trigo (by means of dot products) • Some ray tracer acceleration techniques • Overview of the basic version of the algorithm – To make your life a bit easier during the ex.
Eye LUV Coordinates l = (lookat - eye )/|| (lookat - eye )|| v = ( l × up )/||( l × up )|| u = v × l up u eye l v lookat (Gram-Schmidt Ortho-normalization)
Pixels in World Coords - a v • aspect ratio a = w / h -u • focal length d = 1/tan(fovy/2) ll d l fovy ll = eye + d l – a v – u eye for (j = 0; j < VRES; j++) { for (j = 0; j < VRES; j++) { for (i = 0; i < HRES; i++) { for (i = 0; i < HRES; i++) { p = ll + 2a v (double)i/HRES + 2 u p = ll + 2a v (double)i/HRES + 2 u (double)j/VRES; (double)j/VRES; color = TraceRay(Ray( eye , p - eye )); color = TraceRay(Ray( eye , p - eye )); plot(i,j,color); plot(i,j,color); } } } }
n cos θ i n - i Refract (using dot products) θ i cos θ i n i Snell’s Law: η i sin θ i = η t sin θ t m Let η = η i / η t = sin θ t / sin θ i Let m = (cos θ i n - i ) / sin θ i θ t Then… t = ? t = sin θ t m - cos θ t n - n = (sin θ t / sin θ i ) (cos θ i n - i ) - cos θ t n = ( η cos θ i - cos θ t ) n - η i θ = − θ 2 cos 1 sin ( ) t t = η ⋅ − − η − ⋅ − η = − η θ 2 2 2 2 ( ) 1 ( 1 ( ) ) 1 sin t n i n i n i i Can be negative for grazing Ray refract(Ray r) { Can be negative for grazing Ray refract(Ray r) { angles when η >1, say when angles when η >1, say when double ni = dot(n,-r.d); double ni = dot(n,-r.d); going from glass to air, double eta = current_index/new_index; going from glass to air, double eta = current_index/new_index; resulting in total internal return Ray((x,eta*ni - sqrt(1 - eta*eta*(1-ni*ni)))*n + eta*r.d); resulting in total internal return Ray((x,eta*ni - sqrt(1 - eta*eta*(1-ni*ni)))*n + eta*r.d); reflection (no refraction). } reflection (no refraction). }
Ray Tracing Acceleration
Bounding Volume Hierarchies The basic concept of a bounding volume hierarchy is a complex object in a � hierarchy of simpler ones This works much like the hierarchical culling we looked at in the scene � graph lecture For example, if one were using spheres as their bounding volume, we could � enclose the entire scene in one big sphere Within that sphere are several other spheres, each containing more � spheres, until we finally get to the bottom level where spheres contain actual geometry like triangles To test a ray against the scene, we traverse the hierarchy from the top level � When a sphere is hit, we test the spheres it contains, and ultimately the � triangles/primitives within In general, a bounding volume hierarchy can reduce the ray intersection � time from O( n ) to O(log n ), where n is the number of primitives in the scene This reduction from linear to logarithmic performance makes a huge � difference and makes it possible to construct scenes with millions of primitives
Sphere Hierarchies The sphere hierarchy makes for a good example of the concept, but in � practice, sphere hierarchies are not often used for ray tracing One reason is that it is not clear how to automatically group an arbitrary set � of triangles into some number of spheres, so various heuristic options exist Also, as the spheres are likely to overlap a lot, they end up triggering a lot � of redundant intersection tests
Octrees The octree starts by placing a cube around the entire scene � If the cube contains more than some specified number of primitives � (say, 10), then it is split equally into 8 cubes, which are then recursively tested and possibly resplit The octree is a more regular structure than the sphere tree and � provides a clear rule for subdivision and no overlap between cells This makes it a better choice usually, but still not ideal � Note: the drawing is actually a 2D quadtree , but the octree is a 3D extension of this concept
KD Trees The KD tree starts by placing a box (not necessarily a cube) around the entire scene � If the box contains too many primitives, it is split, as with the octree � However, the KD tree only splits the box into two boxes, that need not be equal � The split can take place on the x, y, or z place at some arbitrary point within the box � This makes the KD tree a little bit more adaptable to irregular geometry and able to � customize a tighter fit In general, KD trees tend to be pretty good for ray tracing � Their main drawback is that the tree depth can get rather deep, causing the ray � intersection to spend a lot of time traversing the tree itself, rather than testing intersections with primitives
BSP Trees The BSP tree ( binary space partitioning ) is much like the KD tree in � that it continually splits space into two (not necessarily equal) halves Unlike the KD tree which is limited to xyz axis splitting, the BSP tree � allows the splitting plane to be placed anywhere in the volume and aligned in any direction This makes it a much more difficult problem to choose the location � of the splitting plane, and so many heuristics exist In practice, BSP trees tend to perform well for ray tracing, much like � KD trees
Uniform Grids One can also subdivide space into a uniform grid, instead of hierarchically � This is fast for certain situations, but gets too expensive in terms of memory � for large complex scenes It also tends to loose its performance advantages in situations where � primitives have a large variance in size and location (which is common) As a result, they are not really a practical general purpose acceleration � structure for ray tracing, although they are useful in certain situations
Hierarchical Grids � One can also make a hierarchical grid � Start with a uniform grid, but subdivide any cell that contains too many primitives into a smaller grid � An octree is an example of a hierarchical grid limited to 2x2x2 subdivision � A more general hierarchical grid could support subdivision into any number of cells � Hierarchical grids tend to perform very well in ray tracing, especially for highly detailed geometry of relatively uniform size (such as the triangles in a tessellated surface)
Ray Tracing Acceleration Techniques Acceleration Techniques Faster Fewer Rays Generalized Rays Intersections Faster ray-object Fewer ray-object intersections intersections Adaptive Volume Beam tracing Bounding tree-depth hierarchies volumes Cone tracing Adaptive Spatial Efficient Pencil tracing sampling subdivision surfaces Directional techniques
Ray tracer pseudo-code
Generating Rays � Trace a ray for each pixel in the image plane renderImage(){ for each pixel i, j in the image ray.setStart(0, 0, 0); // r o ray.setDir ((.5 + i) * tan(fov x )* 2 / m, (.5 + j) * tan(fov y )* 2 / n, 1.0); // r d ray.normalize(); image[i][j] = rayTrace(ray); }
Recursive ray evaluation rayTrace(ray) { hitObject(ray, p, n, triangle); color = object color; if(object is light) return(color); else return(lighting(p, n, color)); }
Finding Intersections � Check all triangles, keep the closest intersection hitObject(ray) { for each triangle in scene does ray intersect triangle? if(intersected and was closer) save that intersection if(intersected) return intersection point and normal }
Calculating surface color lighting(point) { color = ambient color; for each light if(hitObject(shadow ray)) color += lightcolor * dot(shadow ray, n); color += rayTrace(reflection) * pow(dot(reflection, ray), shininess); return(color); }
Putting It All Together � The main program main() { triangles = readTriangles(); image = renderImage(triangles); writeImage(image); }
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