ramsey properties and ultrahomogeneity for banach and

Ramsey properties and ultrahomogeneity for Banach and operator - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ramsey properties and ultrahomogeneity for Banach and operator spaces. J. Lopez-Abad Instituto de Ciencias Matem aticas,CSIC, Madrid joint work with D. Barto sov a, M. Lupini and B. Mbombo Transfinite methods in Banach spaces and

  1. Ramsey properties and ultrahomogeneity for Banach and operator spaces. J. Lopez-Abad Instituto de Ciencias Matem´ aticas,CSIC, Madrid joint work with D. Bartoˇ sov´ a, M. Lupini and B. Mbombo Transfinite methods in Banach spaces and algebras of operators. Bedlewo, July 22, 2016 J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 1 / 28

  2. Outline 1 Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Grassmannians over a finite field Fields F = Q , R , C 2 Approximate Ramsey, Ultrahomogeneity and Topological dynamics J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 2 / 28

  3. Main Results to discuss (I) The group of isometries of the Gurarij space G with its SOT is extremely amenable (II) The universal minimal flow of the group of affine homeomorphism of the Poulsen simplex P is the natural action of it in P . (III) Analogues for the non-commutative case. (IV) A version of the Graham-Leeb-Rothschild Theorem for Grassmannians over Q , R , C . (V) The Approximate Ramsey Property of the finite dimensional normed spaces. J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 3 / 28

  4. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Grassmannians over a finite field Given a vector space V over F , and k ∈ N , let Gr ( k , V ) be the collection of all subspaces of V of dimension exactly k . J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 4 / 28

  5. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Grassmannians over a finite field Given a vector space V over F , and k ∈ N , let Gr ( k , V ) be the collection of all subspaces of V of dimension exactly k . Theorem (Graham-Leeb-Rothschild (1972)) For every k , m ∈ N and r ∈ N there exists n such that for every coloring c : Gr ( k , F n ) → { 1 , 2 , . . . , r } there exists V ∈ Gr ( m , F n ) such that c is constant on Gr ( k , V ) . J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 4 / 28

  6. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Grassmannians over a finite field The pigeonhole principle is a consequence of a factorization result. J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 5 / 28

  7. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Grassmannians over a finite field The pigeonhole principle is a consequence of a factorization result. (i) Let emb n × k ( F ) (or emb ( F k , F n )) be the collection of n × k -matrices of rank k . J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 5 / 28

  8. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Grassmannians over a finite field The pigeonhole principle is a consequence of a factorization result. (i) Let emb n × k ( F ) (or emb ( F k , F n )) be the collection of n × k -matrices of rank k . (ii) Let GL k ( F ) be the group of invertible k × k -matrices. J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 5 / 28

  9. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Grassmannians over a finite field The pigeonhole principle is a consequence of a factorization result. (i) Let emb n × k ( F ) (or emb ( F k , F n )) be the collection of n × k -matrices of rank k . (ii) Let GL k ( F ) be the group of invertible k × k -matrices. (iii) Given A ∈ emb n × k , let A = red ( A ) · τ ( A ) be the unique decomposition of A by the reduced column echelon form of A and a unique invertible matrix τ ( A ) ∈ GL k ( F ). J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 5 / 28

  10. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Grassmannians over a finite field The pigeonhole principle is a consequence of a factorization result. (i) Let emb n × k ( F ) (or emb ( F k , F n )) be the collection of n × k -matrices of rank k . (ii) Let GL k ( F ) be the group of invertible k × k -matrices. (iii) Given A ∈ emb n × k , let A = red ( A ) · τ ( A ) be the unique decomposition of A by the reduced column echelon form of A and a unique invertible matrix τ ( A ) ∈ GL k ( F ). (iv) Let E n × k := { A ∈ emb n × k : red ( A ) = A } . J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 5 / 28

  11. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Grassmannians over a finite field Theorem (Ramsey degree of full rank matrices) For every k , m ∈ N and every r ∈ N there exists n such that for every coloring f : Emb n × k ( F ) → { 1 , . . . , r } there exists R ∈ E n × m and g : GL k ( F ) → { 1 , . . . , r } such that J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 6 / 28

  12. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Grassmannians over a finite field Theorem (Ramsey degree of full rank matrices) For every k , m ∈ N and every r ∈ N there exists n such that for every coloring f : Emb n × k ( F ) → { 1 , . . . , r } there exists R ∈ E n × m and g : GL k ( F ) → { 1 , . . . , r } such that f R · Emb m × d ( F ) { 1 , . . . , r } � τ g GL k ( F ) J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 6 / 28

  13. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Grassmannians over a finite field Theorem (Ramsey degree of full rank matrices) For every k , m ∈ N and every r ∈ N there exists n such that for every coloring f : Emb n × k ( F ) → { 1 , . . . , r } there exists R ∈ E n × m and g : GL k ( F ) → { 1 , . . . , r } such that f R · Emb m × d ( F ) { 1 , . . . , r } � τ g GL k ( F ) Since every subspace W ∈ Gr ( k , F n ) is the image of a matrix A ∈ E n × k , this result gives the Graham-Leeb-Rothschild Theorem. J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 6 / 28

  14. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Grassmannians over a finite field The factorization result is a consequence of the Dual Ramsey Theorem. Definition Let P k ( n ) be the collection of all k-partitions of { 1 , . . . , n } ; that is, partitions with exactly k-many pieces. Given a partition Π ∈ P m ( n ) , let � Π � k the collection of all k-partitions formed by joining the pieces of Π . J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 7 / 28

  15. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Grassmannians over a finite field The factorization result is a consequence of the Dual Ramsey Theorem. Definition Let P k ( n ) be the collection of all k-partitions of { 1 , . . . , n } ; that is, partitions with exactly k-many pieces. Given a partition Π ∈ P m ( n ) , let � Π � k the collection of all k-partitions formed by joining the pieces of Π . Theorem (Dual Ramsey Theorem; Graham and Rothschild (1971)) For every k , m and every r there is n such that for every coloring c : P k ( n ) → { 1 , . . . , r } there is Π ∈ P m ( n ) such that c ↾ � Π � k is constant. J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 7 / 28

  16. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Fields F = Q , R , C (P1) There is NO GLR Theorem in this case. Some approximative result is needed, so we need to make Gr ( k , F n ) a metric space. J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 8 / 28

  17. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Fields F = Q , R , C (P1) There is NO GLR Theorem in this case. Some approximative result is needed, so we need to make Gr ( k , F n ) a metric space. (P2) Maybe there is no “approximate” GLR Theorem. J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 8 / 28

  18. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Fields F = Q , R , C (P1) There is NO GLR Theorem in this case. Some approximative result is needed, so we need to make Gr ( k , F n ) a metric space. (P2) Maybe there is no “approximate” GLR Theorem. Goal: (G1) For every n find a good metric d n on Gr ( k , F n ). J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 8 / 28

  19. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Fields F = Q , R , C (P1) There is NO GLR Theorem in this case. Some approximative result is needed, so we need to make Gr ( k , F n ) a metric space. (P2) Maybe there is no “approximate” GLR Theorem. Goal: (G1) For every n find a good metric d n on Gr ( k , F n ). (G2) Find a compact metric space ( K k , d ) and a Lipschitz map ν : Gr ( k , F n ) → K such that: J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 8 / 28

  20. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Fields F = Q , R , C (P1) There is NO GLR Theorem in this case. Some approximative result is needed, so we need to make Gr ( k , F n ) a metric space. (P2) Maybe there is no “approximate” GLR Theorem. Goal: (G1) For every n find a good metric d n on Gr ( k , F n ). (G2) Find a compact metric space ( K k , d ) and a Lipschitz map ν : Gr ( k , F n ) → K such that: For every k , m , every ε > 0 , C > 0 and every compact metric ( L , ̺ ) there exists n such that for every Lipschitz coloring f : ( Gr ( k , F n ) , d n ) → ( L , ̺ ) with Lip ( f ) ≤ C there exists V ∈ Gr ( m , F n ) and a C -Lipschitz ¯ f : ( K , d ) → ( L , ̺ ) such that f Gr ( k , V ) L � ε ν ¯ f K k J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 8 / 28

  21. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Fields F = Q , R , C Definition Given a norm M on F n , we define the gap (opening) distance Λ ( F n , M ) ( V , W ) between V , W ∈ Gr ( k , F n ) as the Hausdorff distance (with respect to M) between the unit balls of ( V , M ) and ( W , M ) . J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 9 / 28

  22. Ramsey properties of Grassmannians Fields F = Q , R , C Definition Given a norm M on F n , we define the gap (opening) distance Λ ( F n , M ) ( V , W ) between V , W ∈ Gr ( k , F n ) as the Hausdorff distance (with respect to M) between the unit balls of ( V , M ) and ( W , M ) . Note that this is non-complete (Cauchy sequences of k -dimensional subspaces might converge to a < k -dimensional subspace). Its completion is Gr ( ≤ k , F n ) is now compact. J. Lopez-Abad (ICMAT) Ramsey properties Bedlewo 9 / 28


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