Raising the Bar
Five Opportunities for Growth
Recruitment Initiatives Aligned to District Strategic Plan Build Instructional GOAL 2: Increase achievement for each and every Capacity student by ensuring access to rigorous programs, addressing diverse educational needs, and providing access to technology. Targeted Selection Strategic GOAL 3: Promote an emotionally, intellectually and physically safe environment for all students and Communication staff. Marketing GOAL 5: Communicate with all stakeholders through various media to promote collaboration, parent involvement and community partnerships. Stakeholder Input
GOAL 5: Communicate with all stakeholders Stakeholder Input through various media to promote collaboration, parent involvement and community partnerships. “Start with the End in Mind”
“The declining numbers of Black and Hispanic students majoring in education is steeper than the overall decline in education majors.” 2014 National Education Association
Florida Educational Equity Act The Florida Educational Equity Act (FEEA) Prohibits discrimination against students and employees in the Florida K-20 public education system. The Equity Act Plan Annual Update requires school districts to report disaggregated data for administrators, teachers and other new hires. • State Monitors Employment Equity • Racial demographics of the district’s employees reflect that of the racial demographics of its students.
• Annual Minority Recruitment Roundtable discussion with school, community, and district stakeholders. • Joint Latino- African American Stakeholder’s Committee discussion with school, community, and district stakeholders.
Minority Stakeholder Committee Joint Latino-African American Committee DISCUSSION POINTS Size of talent pool Group Concerns Lack of financial incentives Minority leaders need to encourage other Recruitment minorities who may not realize their potential Recruit students into profession through Retention programs like FFEA; target minority students Promotion Mentoring Overall Support Use current employees as ambassadors in the community to draw new people into education Accountability Conduct surveys to determine needs Mentoring
Senior Intern Program Stakeholders Annual College Stakeholder’s Meeting How to Improve the Program Communicate Volusia’s Mission Quality Field Experiences Support with Application Process Certification Information Annual Minority Recruitment Stakeholder’s Meeting How to improve the program Placement of minority student teachers with role models early in teaching experience - enhance the success of minority student teachers Placement in high-density ethnic schools is essential Placement with proximity to family
2013- 14 Recruitment Team Minority Representation Kelly Conway Coordinator Recruitment and Retention Robin King (African American) Certification Specialist Judy Rivera (Hispanic) West Volusia elementary school principal Ron Pagano (high minority population high school) West Volusia high school principal Bob Wallace East Volusia high school principal Torrence Broxton (African American) principal on assignment
2014 Recruitment Team Minority Representation New Members Assistant Director of Equity Compliance Anne Marie Wrenn (Hispanic) West Volusia middle school administrator Jason Dominguez Angel Jordan (African American) West Volusia elementary school teacher (Hispanic) East Volusia middle school administrator Maite Porter Earl Johnson (African American) Title I School/ high minority population East Volusia elementary school Alba Perez (Hispanic) West Volusia elementary school
• Annual Minority Recruitment Roundtable discussion with school, community, and district stakeholders. • Joint Latino- African American Stakeholder’s Committee • Senior Intern Stakeholder’s Committee • NEW: District Hiring Committee
District Staff District Hiring Committee School Principals Screening Hiring Objectives Interviewing Reference Legal Checking Requirements New Online Applicant Tracking System
GOAL 5: Communicate with all stakeholders through various media to promote Marketing collaboration, parent involvement and community partnerships. What worked to influence the candidate during the employment process?
• Recruitment marketing used to mean writing job ads in newspapers. • Our new goal is getting in front of the right people at the right time. • Finding the best way for candidates to apply. • Rather than asking where the candidate heard about the position, focusing on what worked to influence the candidate during the employment process. • What is most efficient use of our recruiting time, freeing us up to interview and match, rather than sort and sift.
Marketing Strategies • Interactive/online recruitment advertising • College recruiting Tracking • Mobile, video, and television • Print/Email Blasts • Displays and exhibits • Diversity recruiting • Creating Applicant Referral Programs with Minority-Serving Institutions • Finding Where to Advertise Positions to Attract Diverse Candidates • Deconstructing Effective Job Postings (what to write/what not to write) • Incorporating Current Faculty, Staff and Administrators into Recruitment
The Bandshell, Daytona Beach, Florida
Involving Students in FFEA Marketing and Materials • FFEA Teacher Appreciation Week District Initiative • Program cover design, LOGOs, Themes, Quotes for FFEA conferences and workshops • Student Public Service Announcements Students First Hands-on involvement in communicating program goals
GOAL 3: Promote an emotionally, intellectually Strategic and physically safe environment for all Communication students and staff. Early & Strategic Communication
Provide Essential Information Earlier to Senior Interns, and Job Applicants - Volusia County Schools Policies, Procedures, and Instructional Resources • VCS Workshops/Seminars/Orientations to familiarize college students and job applicants with Volusia County Schools • NEW HR Workshop at Instructional Job Fair for New Hires • NEW College Certification/Application Nights (VCS Recruitment Team) • Professionalism (Legal Ethics and Code of Conduct) • Curriculum (Maps and Pacing Guides) • VSET (Teacher Evaluation System) • Classroom Management and Student Safety • VIMS (Volusia Instructional Management System) • ESE Starts (Exceptional Student Education for 1 st year teachers) • E3 Beginning Teacher Program
GOAL 2: Increase achievement for each and every student by ensuring access to rigorous programs, Targeted Selection addressing diverse educational needs, and providing access to technology. Training, Resources, Processes, and Tools for Effective Recruitment and Selection.
. Clinical • Targeted Education Selection Training Supervising Teachers • Highly Effective CET Trainers & Teachers Workshop Facilitators Critical • Student Shortage Interns Areas • Build Science, Math, Reading, ESE, ESOL Capacity
What is a Clinical Educator? • Model educators trained to mentor, support, and supervise college students participating in their senior internship Know major components in the formative process How to use data to diagnose performance of students Interpersonal communication skills and conference procedures to confer with and provide feedback on professional performance
Clinical Education Training • Revised the selection criteria for supervising teachers of teacher intern Teacher Search candidates • Principal Survey – Highly Recommended Teachers • CET Trained/ Not CET Trained • Based upon review of current deliberate practices and new evaluation system (VSET) • Increase capacity to receive student interns in critical shortage areas As a participant in this special invitation summer training, teachers agree to accept a student intern during the SY 2014-2015
You ou ar are in e invited ited to to j joi oin n th the te e team m of C of Clin linical ical Educ ucators ators! You have been selected by district and school leadership to participate in a specially planned and targeted training for new Clinical Educators. Monday, August 4 and Tuesday, August 5 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Olson Facilities – Training Room 1
Revised District Interview Questions Aligned to VSET Evaluation Model • Questions address four domains of teaching I. Teaching Methods and Strategies II. Classroom Environment III. Student Engagement IV. Planning for Instruction and Professional Responsibilities • Responses scored using following rubric • Understands Importance • Provides specific technique or strategy • Measurable outcomes
GOAL 2: Increase achievement for each and every Build Instructional student by ensuring access to rigorous programs, addressing diverse educational needs, and Capacity providing access to technology. Building Capacity
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