raditek telecom

RADITEK Telecom www.raditek.com/telecom A California USA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RADITEK Telecom www.raditek.com/telecom A California USA corporation RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 1 Component and System Products Founded in 1 9 9 3 By Malcolm Lee & Peter Corbett RF/ Microw ave Com ponents m

  1. RADITEK Telecom www.raditek.com/telecom A California USA corporation RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 1

  2. Component and System Products Founded in 1 9 9 3 By Malcolm Lee & Peter Corbett RF/ Microw ave Com ponents m anufacturer… Stripline, Coax, Microstrip, w aveguide isolators and circulators Phase locked DRO, Synthesizer Filters, couplers, Splitters, com biners Telecom m unications SYSTEMS:- RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 2

  3. Component and System NEW Products including:  W I DE band Microstrip I solators  e.g. 6 -1 8 GHz Microstrip isolator  Cryogenic circulators,  e.g. 4 -8 GHz @ 0 .1 ° K For Quantum com puter…  Pow er Am plifiers to over 1 8 GHz/ 1 0 KW  VHF/ UHF Point to Point radio RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 3

  4. Power Amplifier Products From Module: Modules Amplifiers/assemblies 19” Rack Amplifiers RF Systems Custom Products Amplifier Product Line: To complete 19 inch Rack: 1 MHz to 86GHz 1 Watt to 10K Watts GaN, GaAs & LDMOS based Custom designs Standard 5-Year within 60 days Product Warranty RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 4

  5. Power Amplifier Products  Lab Amplifiers (<1GHz): Broad band to several Kwatts (linear or pulsed)  Satcom Linear Power amplifiers and BUCs (Block Upconverters) to 1.2KW (C,X, Ku band) and 700W Ka band. Outdoor 2:1 protected.  Module and 19 inch Rack, air and water cooled..  Power Amplifiers (>1GHz) Pulsed and CW, narrow band and broadband/multi-octave, Class A, AB, C etc to mmwave. Please call with your amplifier requirements, whatever it may be… RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 5

  6. Terrestrial Products including:  DVBT/ T2 / LI TE / PAL TV transm itters to > 2 KW  Module and 1 9 inch rack available.  FM radio stations to 5 KW w ith antenna options  All outdoor, I P Point to Point radio ( lic. band)  N x E1 / T1 and STM ( 1 5 5 M) I DU option to 3 8 GHz  RADLI NK 2 0 0 0 Advanced 6 x6 MI MO W I FI NLOS  Uses Unlicensed 2 .4 G/ 5 .8 G ( 4 -9 -5 .9 G) bands  MI MO:Many in/ out.. NLOS ( None line of sight)  LTE UHF base station and VLS MMI C com ing soon RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 6

  7. Long range UHF transceiver 3 0 0 MHz to 2 .5 GHz (Licensed ETSI Bands) RADLI NK-P2 P-3 0 0 M-2 5 0 0 M ( split bands) Features: 3 0 0 MHz, 4 0 0 MHz, 6 0 0 MHz…. to 2 .5 GHz ( licensed bands) Supports voice, data and IP applications Range (over land and water) of up to 150+ km (100+ miles) Built-in cross-connect and multiplexer Up to 65.4 Mbit/s capacity 25 kHz, 50 kHz, 75 kHz…to 14MHz channel sizes QPSK to 128 QAM modulation Web server and SNMP management MHSB (Hot stand by) and HSD (Space diversity) protection options To 5 x “9s” availability and over 90 years MTBF! RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 7

  8. WiFi APs and backhaul RADLINK-2000 Metro-WIFI 8 0 2 .1 1 a/ b/ g/ n MI MO NLOS/ OFDM Radio I ntegrated Multi-Radios ( to 3 per node) Fast Data Sw itching Technology Real Aggregate TCP rate ≧ 3 2 0 Mbps for 4 x4 & 6 x6 MI MO Base Station High Efficiency in Multi-hops Repeating • Low Throughput data drop, eg 1 0 0 Mbps @ 1 0 hops • Multi-hop latency increased, eg ≦ 1 5 m s w ith 1 0 hops Operate in 2 .4 GHz / 5 GHz I SM Band Create the best, fastest, low est latency W I FI village/ tow n/ city. RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 8

  9. Transmission Products Licensed band Point to Point . RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 9

  10. Broadcast Products FM Exciter/1KW Power Amp . The RTXE-8 7 .5 -1 0 8 M-5 0 0 W -T1 5 RADI TEK Transm itter w ith built in FM exciter in a 3 U high, 1 9 inch rack m ount: Digital and analog standard interfaces LCD ( full color, touch screen) and optional OLED display RBDS and RDS 2 yr standard w arranty I nternal filtering ( low pass) W eighs only 3 5 Lbs RF m onitor ( -3 5 dBc) BNC Pow er level adjustable 1 0 -1 0 0 % RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 10

  11. Broadcast Products DVB-T1/T2/LITE/PAL TV Transmitter Frequency Range VHF 5 0 – 2 3 0 MHz, UHF 4 7 0 - 8 6 0 MHz I nput Pow er 0 dBm into pow er am plifier from m odulator Nom inal Output Pow er ( 8 VSB) VHF ( 2 5 W , 1 0 0 W , 2 5 0 W , 5 0 0 W , 1 kW ) UHF ( 3 0 W , 4 0 W , 5 0 W , 1 0 0 W , 2 5 0 W , 5 0 0 W , 7 0 0 W , 1 kW ) Pow er Level Adjustable 1 0 – 1 0 0 % I nput I m pedance 5 0 into am plifier, BNC fem ale Output I m pedance 5 0 , N or 7 -1 6 DI N fem ale ( dependent on pow er level) Modulation 8 VSB, QAM, DVBT/ H, etc ( output pow er w ill change betw een standards) Modulator input: 2 x ASI MER > 3 6 dB typical BER > 3 8 dB typical SN > 4 0 dB typical Phase Jitter > 1 0 4 dB Shoulders > -5 0 dB typical, ATSC m ode com pliant to ATSC A5 3 / B RADITEK TELECOM 11 PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom

  12. Satcom modems including:  EXTREME™ : To 2 5 6 QAM, 2 0 0 Mbps, 4 x E1 / I P  Carrier under carrier detect  SI MU-Carrier™ ( 2 x SCPC carriers use sam e frequency)  Pt to Multi point ( m ultiple dem od option)  Com bining m odem s for HTS, eg 1 Gbps  DREAM™ ( MF-TDMA-2 G) to 9 8 % efficient w ith carrier and bandw idth on dem and, uses TDM/ PSMA and Slotted Aloha.  To 2 2 Mbps, low latency LDPC/ TPC @ 1 6 QAM MODCOD  HTS ( High Throughput Satellite) to 1 Gbps and beyond RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 12

  13. Satellite Products EXTREME MODEM SCPC and Point to m ultipoint I ncludes: Multi I F band support: ( 7 0 M/ 1 4 0 MHz and L-band) Data rates 1 8 Kbps to 2 0 0 Mbps and to 2 5 6 QAM DVB-S2 -/ ACM, to 1 6 APSK. LDPC/ BCH, TPC FEC options Terrestrial interface options including Ethernet: EI A-5 3 0 , G.7 0 3 ( balanced & unbalanced) , OC-3 , STM-1 , Serial LVDS, ASI , HSSI , Quad E1 , Modulation up to 6 4 QAM Sim u-Carrier™ option ( reusing 2 uplink frequencies) Standard Uplink Pow er control ( AUPC) Signal-under-carrier™ real tim e interferer detection tool Built-in spectrum and constellation m onitors tool I Pv6 com pliant Drop and insert: T1 -D4 , T1 -ESF, E1 -G.7 3 2 I nteroperable w ith other Raditek SCPC m odem s RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION 13 www.raditek.com/telecom

  14. Satellite Products Dream and Super Dream (Advanced Routing Modem) MF-TDMA (MF-TDMA-2G Carrier and BW on Demand) To 22Mbps, 16QAM with low latency LDPC or TPC ALL IP based ROUTER SCPC modem, which is always SINGLE HOP. Can be used as either: 1.A Stand alone SCPC, Point to Point modem or 2.A remote “TDM” based modem function used in a DREAM Super Hub modem network or 3.A super (satellite) efficient MF-TDMA-2G with carrier and Bandwidth on demand) o Supports Multiple STAR or MESH networks o Central network status display at control Hub, with spectrum analyzer display etc RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 14

  15. MF-TDMA 2 G DREAM Modem Control HUB I ncom ing RX channels for all the netw ork are m onitored and controlled here Broadcasts BUC LNB the TDM NMS Server control Channel to Zero loss the w hole active splitter netw ork SPLITTER To 8RO cards Tx From IF UNIT To 4 per STSR Dream Super Card CAT 5 IP cables RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 15

  16. Satellite Products DVB-S2/S2x Modulator Features: • L-Band and I F ( 7 0 / 1 4 0 M) Band standard • Sym bol rate from 0 .1 to 6 8 Msps ( w ith 1 SPS step) per carrier • Low channel roll-off ( 5 % to 3 5 % , 1 % step) • 1 6 APSK & 3 2 APSK m odulations included • Carrier I D com pliant ( ETSI 1 0 3 1 2 9 ) DVB-CI D • ASI and I P inputs • BI SS 0 / 1 / E encryption • Multi-stream according to EN 3 0 2 3 0 7 standard • Block Up Converter ( BUC) Driver options • Up to 6 4 em bedded profiles • Physical Layer Scram bling according to EN 3 0 2 3 0 7 • 1 + 1 redundancy m anagem ent • Low pow er consum ption RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 16

  17. Satellite Products DVB-S2/S2x DeModulator Features: • Dual L-Band ( 9 5 0 -2 1 5 0 M) ports • Sym bol rate from 0 .2 to 6 5 Msps to 2 4 0 MBPS • Low channel roll-off: 5 % to 3 5 % , ( 5 % step) support • 1 6 APSK & 3 2 APSK dem odulation included • Very low im plem entation loss ( w ith dem od. option) • Quick boot tim e • Low pow er consum ption ( 9 W fan-less) • RS2 3 2 and 1 2 C control and m onitor • Physical layer scram bling to EN 3 0 2 3 0 7 standard • Multi-stream support • CCM, VCM, ACM support • Seam less sw itching of MODCOD w ith ACM RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 17

  18. Modulator module Features: • • Either ASI inputs or MPEG over I P input ( SMPTE-2 0 2 2 ) up to 2 0 0 Mbps • • BI SS 0 / 1 / E encryption • • Better bandw idth efficiency w ith low roll off • • Variable sym bol rate from 0 .1 to 6 8 Mbauds w ith 1 baud increm ent • • Low roll-off ( 5 / 1 0 / 1 5 % ) to increase the useful bitrate • • High perform ances • • I nternal PRBS generator for test • • Physical Layer Scram bling according to EN 3 0 2 3 0 7 standard • • Em bedded W eb Brow ser • • SNMP control & m onitoring • • Boot tim e < 1 4 s • • Pow er consum ption < 2 5 W RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 18

  19. Satellite Products DVB-S2/S2x MODEM RADITEK TELECOM PRESENTATION www.raditek.com/telecom 19


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