radiomics bringing radiology into the 21 st century

Radiomics: bringing radiology into the 21 st century Dr Tim Rosenow - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Radiomics: bringing radiology into the 21 st century Dr Tim Rosenow How radiology operates Sometimes hilariously vague Normal abdomen radiographically with no visualized acute diagnostic abnormalities evident within the abdomen on this

  1. Radiomics: bringing radiology into the 21 st century Dr Tim Rosenow

  2. How radiology operates

  3. Sometimes hilariously vague • Normal abdomen radiographically with no visualized acute diagnostic abnormalities evident within the abdomen on this examination at the present time radiographically. Opinion: Abdomen within the range of normal

  4. Reports are poorly repeatable • “in patients with pneumonia, the interpretation of the chest X-ray, especially the smallest of details, depends solely on the reader.” Moncada 2010 Braz J Infect Dis

  5. Difficult to compare over time • Baseline scan: – “Numerous clusters of small nodules, likely inflammatory in nature.” • Six months later: – “Heterogeneously distributed clusters of inflammatory nodules.”

  6. Radiomics • Quantitative data extracted from medical images • Small or no involvement by humans – Unbiased, objective, sensitive – Less labour intensive

  7. Simple analytics

  8. Example: cardiac disease

  9. Example: lung V’ and Q’

  10. 3D models

  11. 3D model simulations

  12. 4D data analysis

  13. Artificial intelligence pipelines PRAGMA-CF: a case study

  14. Early intervention USCF Data Registry Annual Report 2015

  15. AREST CF Early Surveillance Program Birth 3 months 1 year Annually to 5 years Clinical progress Bronchoalveolar lavage Chest CT scan Epithelial samples Lung function (MBW, RVRTC, FOT) Exhaled Breath Condensate QoL/Psychosocial

  16. CT lung disease

  17. Morphometric analysis Legend: 1. “Normal” lung 2. Bronchiectasis 3. Mucous plugging / consolidation 4. Bronchial wall thickening 5. Atelectasis

  18. Biologic validation Neutrophils* N. Elastase + PRAGMA-CF 0.41 (0.025) 0.004 CT score 0.31 (0.096) 0.110 * Spearman’s rho (P-value) + Wilcoxon rank-sum P-value N = 60 scans N = 683 scans

  19. Databank and training • Requires collaboration Machine  300 + 900 patients learning  1000 + 2500 scans  35,000 annotated slices  3.5 million annotations

  20. Validation and application • Reserve dataset • Interface, integration and regulation OR – FDA • New dataset – EMA • Testing, tweaking – TGA

  21. Radiologist workflow

  22. Generic pipeline

  23. Radiologists of the future


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