r14 regional workshop

R14 REGional Workshop G FOCUS 2021 Improving Procurement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

R14 REGional Workshop G FOCUS 2021 Improving Procurement Strategies & Data Quality (LA3, 8, 15, & 17) Workshop Purpose To support the sector in the Purpose improvement of their procurement strategies and data quality. THE ROAD

  1. Misc Topics I Want to speak about • GPS new focus & opportunities • Focus on Safety, Access, Environment & VfM • NZTA to support with capability • Opportunities for greater one network/transport system efficiencies • Speed Management Plan • Resilience • AMP improvement plan/activities • Walking & Cycling opportunities

  2. NLTP Update • 2018-21 program confirmed 31 August 2018 • Projects • LCLR • Maintenance (includes new footpath funding) • Other investments • The NLTP is iterative, so please do not panic if the published NLTP does not have what you expect. We can address issues. Speak to us. • There is an interim claiming approach between 1 July – 31 August, but unless critical please do not submit claims until after 31 August. • High churn • TIO is now available for new approvals, but again please do not submit new approvals prior to 31 August if possible

  3. Targeted Enhanced FAR • LED transformation programmes continue to be funded at 85% • Safety initiatives are a key focus over the next 3 years. The NZTA will begin to engage with councils with safety trends that are of concern • Cycling initiatives – there may be some opportunity for new urban cycleways projects. If you have construction ready projects please discuss them with us as soon as possible. • Approved UCP projects continue to attract same FAR for 2018/19 as per MoU agreements

  4. How we can support you? • TIO advice/funding changes • Developing Business Cases/Investment proposals • Use of systems – TIO, RAMM, etc • Peer Review of activities • Geotechnical, Bridges, Pavements, Surfacings, • Safety, Speed management, Enhanced FAR, etc • Procurement – eg healthy market analysis • LCLR activities • What's important to your network and how can we help?

  5. NZTA Contacts • Strategic Cases, Models and Transport Planning • Alistair Talbot : Alistair.Talbot@nzta.govt.nz 027 292 8072 • Improvement Projects (Business Cases) • Jo Carling: Jo.Carling@nzta.govt.nz 021 840 379 • Maintenance / Low Cost Low Risk / General questions • Rob & Simon: Rob & Simon@nzta.govt.nz • Road Safety Promotion • Rob Bullick: Rob.Bullick@nzta.govt.nz 021 587 844

  6. Unlocking the system to freight Are you checking on the opportunity to; • Increase economic productivity • Increase the value of your land • Keep the country moving • Improve your business processes .

  7. Procurement & Service Delivery

  8. Fail to Plan – Plan to Fail THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 43

  9. 44 R13 How can we realise better outcomes? R12 Procurement feedback You Told Us Strong relationships, Sound expertise & working together & trust problem solving Successful Outcomes Through Delivery Sustainably Same vision & priced ownership 26

  10. R13 feedback on sector observations about our procurement suggested … We need to improve our procurement THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 45

  11. Where are we at as a sector? National R13 Worksheet 13c Questions Compliance % Q1: Do you have a current Procurement Strategy ? 85% Q2: Is it endorsed by NZTA? 66% Q3: Is it adopted by your Council? 72% Q4: Do you have a plan to review and update? 90% Q5: Is it stored in your document management system.? 94% THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 46

  12. Many Procurement Strategy Reviews Due Now Expired pre 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Thames- Masterton, Coromandel Opotiki Carterton Kawerau Hamilton Taupo Tauranga Upper Hutt CC Matamata Piako Otorohanga Sth Waikato Whakatane Hutt CC Wairoa Whangarei Wellington CC Waipa Far Nth DC Ruapehu AT Kaipara Stratford Kapiti Palmerston Nth CC Horowhenua DC Manawatu/Rang Gisborne Hastings DC Central HB DC Poriura THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 47

  13. NZTA Procurement Strategy Requirements • Strategy needs to be NZTA endorsed otherwise AO can not attract investment from the NLTP. • If you don’t have an endorsed Strategy talk to NZTA • All AOs shall have a NZTA endorsed value added procurement strategy. • REG is here to help all RCAs have a value added procurement strategy by Dec 19 • Experience shows that creating a value added procurement strategy takes about a year THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 48

  14. Fail to Plan – Plan to Fail THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 49

  15. Procurement Rules and Principles THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 50

  16. Where are you now? Procurement Value Service Delivery Rules Proactive Compliance Innovation THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 51

  17. Where are you now? Procurement Value Service Delivery Rules Proactive Compliance Innovation THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 52

  18. So what are the Rules? NZTA Rules embed MBIE, LGA and OAG Requirements and cover; ✓ Legal compliance ✓ Procurement strategies ✓ Supplier selection ✓ Request For Tenders/Proposals ✓ TLA Business Units THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 53

  19. Legal compliance • Compliance with LTMA and LGA requirements • Compliance with Government Rules of Sourcing THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 54

  20. Procurement strategies • Requirements for procurement strategies • Procurement procedure advanced components Approvals • Documentation and publication requirements THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 55

  21. Supplier selection • Supplier selection process • Direct appointment and closed requirements contest for low dollar value contracts • Emergency reinstatement • Direct appointment of a monopoly supplier • Competition for supply • Direct appointment where • Non-price proposal competition will not help obtain evaluation attributes best value for money • Use of negotiation in a supplier • Price and price weight selection process • • Added value premium Qualifications of proposal evaluators THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 56

  22. Request for tender/proposals • RFP contents and conformity • Use of standard documents • Using an available supplier selection method • Alternative proposals • Maximum term of a term service contract for infrastructure or planning and advice • Supplier bonds THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 57

  23. Qualifications of proposal (tender) evaluators • The Transport Agency requires a TET to include a ‘qualified’ evaluator – refer Procurement Manual section 10.19 • Connexis is the ITO that administers the qualification – contact Ashley Chisholm • The qualification is obtained by demonstrating to an ‘assessor’ that you have the knowledge and experience set down for each of the unit standards. A list of assessors is available from Connexis • The qualification is not classroom learning based – it acknowledges prior learning THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 58

  24. Where are you now? Procurement Value Service Delivery Rules Proactive Compliance Innovation THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 59

  25. NZTA and MBIE Principles Align THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 60

  26. Rules follow principles NZTA Rules Principles MBIE NZTA Procurement Plan and Obtain the best value for strategies manage for money great results • TLA Business Units Be fair to all Enabling persons to • Request For suppliers compete fairly Tenders/Proposals Supplier selection Get the right Encouraging competitive supplier and efficient markets Get the best Encouraging competitive Request For deal for and efficient markets Tenders/Proposals everyone Play by the Every approved Comply with legal rules. procurement procedure must requirements specify how procurement is carried out THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 61

  27. Procurement Strategies Unpacked Planning • Decide what value for money is for you and your Council • Policy context of the approved organisation, namely strategic outcomes and procurement objectives identified and agreed with governance body • Procurement programme, what we are procuring segmented by size, type, duration or complexity • Analysis of supplier market, capability & capacity of potential bidders, competitiveness of market • Approach to delivering the work programme, optimal procurement options - proposed delivery model(s) and supplier selection method(s), risk and contract management Implementation • Responsibilities, capability and capacity of organisation • Performance measurement and monitoring of procurement process • Review and feedback process. • Communication plan THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 62

  28. Worksheet 14a Knowing about Rules and Strategy In small groups complete the worksheet R14a by • Rating how well you know NZTA procurement Rules • Identifying any gaps between your procurement strategy and NZTA’s unpacked procurement strategy requirements THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 63

  29. Worksheet 14b Creating Value In small groups complete the worksheet R14b by • Identifying the value that each procurement strategy component adds to your procurement THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 64

  30. Incorporating REG principles into procurement THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 65

  31. REG Actions Under MBIE Procurement Cycle • Continuous improvement – • Governance/Management supports the what's worked, not worked and AMP strategy and outcomes (to include AMP what needs to be improved BCA & REG ONRC; classification & PM) • Affected stakeholders are informed • Point of entry – clarify your starting point • Reporting and action on programme achievement and KPIs (to include REG ONRC • Strategic outcomes & objectives are clear performance measures) • Supplier capability to utilise AMP BCA outcomes desired and ONRC • Preferred tenderers meeting explores ONRC (classification • AMP business case work programme and PM) and expectations from AMP (i.e. contractor systems) • Test your current procurement model – does your current strategy support the model you have used in the past? •RFT document includes ‘line of sight’ from AMP and ONRC • Procurement plan incorporates the outcomes as context business case outcomes and ONRC

  32. REG Actions Under MBIE Procurement Cycle • Governance/Management supports the AMP strategy outcomes funding (to include AMP BCA & REG ONRC; classification & PM) • Start by reviewing existing contract structure performance and suitability R13 feedback • Affected stakeholders/contractors are informed on ONRC • Are you up to date with ONRC opportunities /risk • Point of entry – clarify your starting point • Strategic outcomes & objectives are clear & aligned with procurement strategies • Identify any supplier capability gaps to utilise AMP BCA outcomes desired and ONRC • Determine procurement KPIs • AMP business case work programme • Determine and test your current procurement model – does your current procurement strategy support the model you have used in the past? • Procurement plan incorporates the business case outcomes, desired culture, KPIs, ONRC, smart buyer assessment and corresponding supplier attributes

  33. REG Actions Under MBIE Procurement Cycle R13 feedback • Review previous contract - have benefits been realised – what's worked, not worked and document what needs to be improved • Reporting and action on programme achievement and KPIs (to include REG ONRC CLoS & PMs) • Continuous improvement, eg monthly meetings, KPIs • Monitor relationship around ONRC • Preferred tenderers meeting explores ability to met ONRC (classification and PM) & expectations from AMP (i.e methodology, practice & systems ) • RFT includes philosophy of ONRC, problem statements ‘line of sight’ from AMP, ONRC outcomes & resulting supplier attributes • Hold pretender meeting, understand risk

  34. Worksheet 14c Creating Value In small groups complete the worksheet R14c by • What are the 3 key value added results you are seeking from your current procurement strategy? • Have you achieved these? • Based on what you have heard today what are the 3 key value added results you will be seeking from your next procurement strategy? THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 69

  35. Revised procurement strategies may impact Governance Senior Leadership Team Organisation Organisation Culture Upskilling Improved Value Added NZTA Procurement Approval to go beyond the Strategy Rules Industry Upskilling Industry Industry Capacity Changed Business Models Changed Culture THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 70

  36. Worksheet 14d Strategy Implementation In small groups complete the worksheet R14d by • What are the 4 key actions to ensure success in implementing your revised procurement strategy? THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 71

  37. Improving Data Quality

  38. Developing your evidence base Desired Outcomes Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Action 4 Action 5 Analysis Understanding our Existing Performance Evidence to Inform Decision Making THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 73

  39. By the end of this session you should: • Have a good understanding of the new practice overview documents and how these can help improve data quality for RCAs and ONRC • Know what a Kahoot is • Understand how to interpret data quality reports • Be excited about the R15 approach and the asset management data quality improvement programme! THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 74

  40. Why are we doing this? The objectives of the Data Quality Project are to: • Establish a framework to measure, monitor and report data quality across RCAs over time. • Establish a data quality baseline for each RCA, establishing a national perspective of data quality across RCAs, different quality dimensions and data types. • Gain an evidence-based understanding of the root causes of the data quality issues. • Develop work programmes to address the issues and help RCAs improve their data quality over time. THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 75

  41. ONRC Data Quality Improvement Programme Lack of industry understanding or guidance around the management of key datasets Poor processes Why for the timely Poor collection and recording of Data maintenance Quality? and renewal activity Missed opportunity through ‘doing what always has been done’ THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 76

  42. Practice Overviews A treatment length is a uniformly performing contiguous Treatment Length Segmentation section of road, and performing differently from the adjacent sections Maintenance activity data completes the picture in terms of Maintenance Activity Data analysing asset performance and maintenance strategy effectiveness Accurate, complete and up-to-date surfacing data is the Carriageway Surfacing Data foundation to enable a robust forward works programme, deterioration model and other analysis Traffic count data provides the level of traffic activity in terms Traffic Count Data of volume, loading and growth. It is a key input on estimating the level of demand on a road network Traffic estimate data is the base data for defining the level of Traffic Estimate Data traffic activity on the road network both in terms of volume and loading Carriageway sections are how we define our networks and Carriageway Sections are a fundamental element of the asset management system. Crash data is loaded in RAMM for the purpose of analysing Crash Data in RAMM wet road loss of control crashes as part of a skid resistance management process Work Origin is recorded to associate the carriageway surface Work Origin and pavement layer inventory records with the National Land Transport Programme Activity Classes and Work Categories THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 77

  43. What is a ? • Take out your smart phone/device • Go to kahoot.it • Enter PIN number • Put in your name • Lets get started! THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 78

  44. Treatment Length Segmentation • Should segment the road into uniformly performing contiguous sections of road that are performing differently from the adjacent sections. • Discussion: What are the consequences of not doing this correctly or at all? THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 79

  45. Maintenance Activity Data • A recorded summary of maintenance which has occurred at either a specific location, or over a specific length of road. It generally reflects the maintenance of an existing asset. • Discussion: Who is responsible for collecting maintenance data in your RCA? Is this well stipulated in the contract? THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 80

  46. Carriageway Surfacing Data • Surfacing data is a record of surfacing works completed on your road network. Activities which can generate surfacing data include renewals, rehabilitations, vested assets (e.g. new sub-division works) and other construction projects. • Discussion: What are the consequences of not doing this? THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 81

  47. Traffic Count Data • Traffic count data is a representation of the level of demand at a location on a network for the period that a counter was collecting data. This level of recorded demand is typically summarised in terms of average daily traffic (ADT), speed, peak hour traffic and traffic mix. • Question: What percentage of the network vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT) can typically be counted on 20% of the network? THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 82

  48. Traffic Estimate Data • Traffic estimate data is an estimate of the level of demand on the road network, built up from an estimate of Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) for each carriageway section of the road network. This includes both traffic volume and loading (classification/traffic mix). It is an interpretation of traffic count data for maintenance, management and design purposes. • Discussion: How is traffic estimation carried out in your RCA? THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 83

  49. Carriageway Sections Carriageway sections are how we define our networks and are a fundamental element of the asset management system. Each carriageway section should be correctly defined. Carriageway section splits should occur when there is: • Significant change in demand (traffic, pedestrian and cycle use, etc.) • Changes in pavement type/construction (thin surfaced flexible, structural asphaltic concrete, unsealed, bridge, etc.) • Changes in width (for roads this is typically >2m for a length of 100m or more) • Changes in the number of lanes • Changes in travel direction • Urban/rural environment Carriageway section splits may occur where there is: • An intersection with side road(s) • Other feature, e.g. culvert, short span bridge, etc. THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 84

  50. Crash Data • Crash data is a record of where, when and how road crashes occur. In New Zealand the primary tool for recording this information is the Crash Analysis System (CAS). This system is managed by the NZ Transport Agency. • Currently a summary of this data is also loaded to each Road Controlling Authorities RAMM database. It is the responsibility of the individual Road Controlling Authority to do this on a frequent basis. • The primary purpose of the crash data loaded to RAMM is for the analysis of wet road loss of control crashes as part of a Road Controlling Authorities’ skid resistance management process. THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 85

  51. Crash Data – fill in the blanks • What are two key uses of crash data recorded in RAMM? Answer: • Enables sections of the sealed road network to be investigated prioritised ____________ and ___________in terms of surfacing or maintenance treatments to enhance the skid resistance of the pavement surface. • Is a key data input into your _______ONRC Performance safety Measures. THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 86

  52. Work Origin • The Work Origin is recorded to associate the carriageway surface and pavement layer inventory records with the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) Activity Classes and Work Categories. It primarily enables for better reporting of renewal activity. THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 87

  53. Next Steps: Data Quality at R15 • What: R15 will delve into the more technical detail of each of the 8 practice overviews. • How : Through interactive activities, real life examples, desktop exercises and shared information/experiences. • Who: Data quality/RAMM technicians, roading engineers, graduates. • Why: To educate RCAs on the practice overview documents and the technical thinking behind each one. • When: September/October 2018. For more info go to: https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roads-and-rail/road-efficiency- group/data-2/data-quality-project/ THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 88

  54. Asset Management Data Quality THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 89

  55. New Asset Management Reports • Prototype RCA asset management reports with provisional 2016/17 results are available via the REG website • Changes are being made to this prototype report • Enhanced final 2016/17 report to be released soon • 2017/18 reports released around September/October 2018 THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 90

  56. National Asset Management Results • National results and distribution • Our key observations: • Good network results, like the ONRC report • Good surfacing results compared to poorer results for other inventory • Inconsistent maintenance activity recording across the sector • What are your key observations from the results? THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 91

  57. Improvement Programme Development Draws on: • Recent sector data quality survey results and findings • Results of the 2016/17 prototype reports • Root cause analysis (summarised below) THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 92

  58. Potential Solutions – 2019 Programme • Development of a Local Authority data management manual (or similar online solution or framework), initially for high priority data • Sector guidance ; produce various documents to fill key gaps including for walking and cycling infrastructure • Data quality assurance ; detailed guidance, tools for the minimum data requirement and contract specifications • Data quality learning and development programme for the above • Investigate the standardisation of data collection, analysis and forward works programme assessment • Advocating for alignment and optimisation of sector reporting and analysis tools THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 93

  59. Next Steps: Reports and Improvement Prog • Report back proposed sector-wide improvement programme at R15 and refine • Initiate work programme before x-mas break • Complete improvement work programme by end of 2019 • Plus, 2017/18 ONRC and asset management data quality reports released around September/October 2018 For more info go to: https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roads-and-rail/road-efficiency- group/data-2/data-quality-project/ THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 94

  60. Improvement Plan Progress – Check In

  61. Working on your ‘to do’ list of actions to achieve your Improvement Plan

  62. Recap from R13

  63. Why do this now? 1. Because many of our plans have only just met the requirements 2. These requirements will be applied more stringently next time 3. Even the best plans have identified room for improvement 4. There are challenges to deal with – e.g. the improvement plan will need to address requirements of NZTA Co-funding General Conditions (see next slide) 5. If we don’t keep what has to be done in mind we will lose sight of it and run out of time THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 11 1

  64. NZTA Co-funding General Conditions • Ensuring the organisation’s business systems, planning documents, management practices and reporting integrate the ONRC framework into all transport related decision making . This is to ensure robust evidence investment decisions are made which deliver value for money on a best whole of life basis. • Delivering and reporting the organisation's ONRC and your own key performance indicators. • Delivering and reporting the planned improvements that form part of the programme as submitted and accounted for in the Transport Agency’s approved funding. • Ensuring that the organisation’s investment decisions within the approved NLTP allocation are focused on delivering the outcomes as set out in the draft GPS and the submitted programme of works set out as the basis for the Transport Agency’s approval of your programme. • Ensuring the organisation advises the Transport Agency at the earliest opportunity of any changes that materially affect the planned programme of works and expected outcomes to be achieved over the NLTP period. THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 11 2

  65. “ Backcasting ” – can help develop the “to - do” list https://www.innovatechange.co.nz/news/2015/6/21/backcasting-from-scenarios THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 11 3

  66. 5 Minute Backcasting exercise Today 1. Identify an outcome from your improvement plan you are looking to deliver over the next 3 years 2. Identify the key steps/actions on the worksheet Back in your office Transfer the actions to your “to - do” list – this will help with an action learning task for R15 THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 11 4

  67. Action learning task for R15 1. How many of you have worked on your improvement plan actions since the last workshop? 2. How many of your ‘to do’ list items have been checked off? For R15 • Please bring along a summarised programme of Improvement Plan actions and how you are implementing these. • Be prepared to discuss this with Colleagues THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 11 5

  68. Top of South & West Coast AMP Actions • TDC • Develop transport strategy for diversifying transport in district by June 2020 • Data quality • Risk management (better understanding of risk and communicating) NCC • Develop strategic BC by April 2020. Marlb Rds • Forestry freight (harvest data) DOC • Data quality GDC • Fix 3 year programmes (identify what will happen) BDC • Data quality THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 11 6

  69. REG Update

  70. REG Overview The Future

  71. The partnership is stronger than ever THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 11 9

  72. Delivering the step change needed for the 2021- 24 NLTP That supports sound investment decision making from Realising excellence in Governance to activity managers the transport sector by ‘The Prize’ the: Use & To provide improved Customer continue Levels of Service, focus on place development & space, and the value of roads Which of balances That provides new/existing whole of clarity of ‘why’ tools & And support life cost guidance the we need to with risk development invest & have of sector robust capability evidence & data Enabling a step change in sector transport leadership and capability

  73. REG I 2021 FOCUS Enabling a step change in sector transport leadership and capability by December 2021. • Improve public confidence and demonstrate greater value for money from transport investment, by • Providing support and resources to the sector. THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 12 1

  74. The REG Programme Objectives • Connecting people to build capability, enable innovation and develop customer-focused systems • Helping the sector to understand the performance of their part in the wider transport system – including performance measurement and turning good data into evidence • Making it easier to work together through systems standardisation and collaboration – including supporting the DEfT roll out • Helping the sector to understand the importance of its role in planning and delivering community outcomes – BCA activity planning • Drive business excellence across the transport sector • Improve investment decision making THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 12 2

  75. I REG Realising excellence in the transport sector FOCUS 2021 Strategic Response Activity Enhance Tools Service Delivery Customer Evidence Based Management and Systems Excellence Focused Investment Decision Making Excellence Deliver a step change in Deliver a step change in Enable the sector to Develop and enhance the Incentivise a change in the sectors’ ability to customer focused understand and use the use of tools, information, delivery by the delivery investment through deliver fit for purpose data needed to deliver and systems across the and supply chain quality governance, activity management. transparent, evidence sector that enable the (governors, clients, leadership, and based investment. future transport system. consultants, contractors). 30% collaboration. 15% 10% 10% 35% Communications, partnerships & engagement programme Learning & Development programme (includes governance and executive management) THE ROAD EFFICIENCY GROUP 12 3

  76. I REG Realising excellence in the transport sector FOCUS 2021 What We Will Do Customer Focused Investment Deliver a step change in customer focused - Sector performance expectations investment through quality - One network performance governance, leadership, - Activity management and investment accreditation and collaboration. - Service delivery accreditation Activity Management Excellence Deliver a step change in the sectors ability to deliver fit - Activity management excellence for purpose activity - One network form guidance management. - Speed management programme - Capability enablement Evidence Based Decision Making Enable the sector to understand and use the - Network measures and measurement data needed to deliver - Network performance intelligence transparent, evidence based - Road asset management and decision support system investment. - Network data quality improvement - Consistent and effective asset lifecycle management


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