r u r union nion is islan land d

Ru Runion nion Is Islan land d Prese resentation ntation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ru Runion nion Is Islan land d Prese resentation ntation Bio-indication In Runion Island How to determine the water quality of a river ? I Thanks to fish II Thanks to macro invertebrates I - Fish INDIAN OCEAN Reunion

  1. Réu Réunion nion Is Islan land d Prese resentation ntation

  2. Bio-indication In Réunion Island How to determine the water quality of a river ? I – Thanks to fish II – Thanks to macro invertebrates

  3. I - Fish

  4. INDIAN OCEAN Reunion island Fish migration

  5. Larvas Growth Reproduction and larval life

  6. Differents methods of sampling

  7. How to know Reunion island rivers quality through the study of fish population ? Reference Characteristics models Station to be qualified Sampling with GOOD OR NOT ? electricity

  8. II- Macro invertebrates

  9. St-Etienne River

  10. Take macro invertebrates in the river

  11. Find the macro invertebrates

  12. Observation & Indentification

  13. Taking Photos Midge Larva

  14. Caddisfly Larva

  15. Dragonfly Nymph

  16. Give a quality mark for the river 8 Points 1 Point

  17. 4 points 3 Points 3 Points

  18. Mark 4 + 6 + 8 + 1 = 19

  19. Interpretation : Our rivers seem to be in a good condition! But here we only studied micro-invertebrates.

  20. Conclusion : Micro-invertebrates : GOOD STATE. But what about fishes and micro-flora? In Reunion island : 3 BIO-INDICATORS: - Macro-invertebrates BAD INDICATOR - Fishes BAD INDICATOR - Micro-flaura GOOD INDICATOR

  21. Macro-invertebrates : Really good Good So so Bad Really bad Worst Better No changes No information about 2012 Really good Worst Good Better So so No changes Bad No information Really bad about 2012

  22. : Fish Worst Better No information about 2012 Really good Worst Good Better So so No changes Bad Really bad

  23. Micro-plants : Really good Worst Good Better So so No changes Bad Really bad

  24. Thank you


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