17.10.2016 R-QUEST Centre for Research Quality and Policy Impact Studies
Why study research quality? The aim of the proposed centre is to enable policy actors to understand and tackle issues around the effectiveness and efficiency of excellence policy, including key issues in current policy debates such as: – how to create or identify frontier/ground-breaking science and world-leading research groups – link between scientific excellence and societal impact – policies for providing resilient research environments/critical mass, including the structure and size of research organisations, as well as how to balance funding for excellence initiatives and for generally good research environments – demands for responsible and confidence-building research related to grand societal challenges – concerns about the workings of the quality assurance systems in research in the contexts of scholarly publishing, research evaluation and performance-based funding – the potential and limitations, and the use and abuse, of metrics for the measurement and stimulation of research quality.
R-QUEST: Three interlinked research strands
Sub-objectives 1) Attract and recruit top-level scholars (including international research collaboration) 2) Attract and recruit highly competent PhD students and postdocs to the centre 3) Long-term, concerted efforts/studies addressing the key research challenges 4) Develop databases and methods for combining data at micro and macro level, to open new research areas 5) Close collaboration with policy-makers/user partners on the research agenda to ensure relevance and policy learning.
R-QUEST research team NIFU – Liv Langfeldt; Siri B. Borlaug; Gunnar Sivertsen; Espen Solberg et.al. + PhD and Postdoc fellow Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy/CFA, Aarhus University – Kaare Aagaard; Jesper Wiborg Schneider, et.al. Department of Political Science, UiO – Åse Gornitzka; Håvard Strand + PhD and Postdoc fellow Centre for Science and Technology Studies/CWTS, Leiden University – Thed van Leeuwen; Sarah de Rijcke; Ingeborg Meijer; Paul Wouters et.al. Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, KTH, Stockholm – Mats Benner; Sverker Sörlin MIoIR Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester – Maria Nedeva; Duncan Thomas
Forinnpol R-QUEST organisation reference IAB group Diana Hicks, Stephan Hornbostel, Ben Martin Cooperation 2 Council 2a Fostering High Quality on Macro Levels R-QUEST coordination/interplay Research partners 2b Fostering High Quality on Micro Leader group • NIFU and Meso Levels • Liv Langfeldt (Centre Dir/S1) • UiO/ISV • Kaare Aagaard (S2a) • CFA • Siri B. Borlaug (Deputy Dir/S2b) • CWTS • Gunnar Sivertsen (S3) 1 • 3 KTH • Espen Solberg (User forum Understanding Reseach • Impacts of High Quality MIoIR coordinator) Quality • Collaborating people, organisations User partners and user relations UHR; DNVA; FFA • Shared perspectives, questions, data NHO; UiO; OUS; SINTEF methodologies, infrastructures User Forum 10% group (KD and RCN)
liv.langfeldt@nifu.no r-quest.no www.nifu.no
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