San Francisco State University – National Student Speech Language Hearing Association 3 rd Annual Spring Conference Communication, Socialization, and Imagination: Supporting Children and Teens on the Autism Spectrum April 24, 2010 R ETHINKING E CHOLALIA IN THE C OMMUNICATION OF C HILDREN WITH A UTISM S PECTRUM D ISORDER Laura Sterponi University of California, Berkeley U NPACKING P URE E CHOES Example 1 1. Shelly: oka::y 2. (2.0) ((Ivan adjusts the position of his chair approaching the board)) 3. Ivan: time 4. Shelly: time for, 5. Ivan: (0.162) time for, (1.15) make (0.7) heart. Make a do:t. 4. Shelly: time for 5. Ivan: time for
Excerpt 2 1. Mom: and what does it say on the sixteenth. 2. Aaron: no:: school. 3. Mom: no:, (0.63) mo:re, (0.38) s[chool. 4. Aaron: [chool. 5. (0.46) no=more school. 3. Mom: no:, mo:re, s[chool. 4. Aaron: [chool. 5. no=more=school. E CHOES IN C ONTEXT Example 3 16 MOM and what does it say on the sixteenth? 17 AARON no::: school. 18 MOM no. more. schoo:::l. 19 AARON no more school:::l. 20 MOM wo:::w. 21 AARON see? no more <school>. 22 MOM so you graduate here. ((pointing to the date, while Aaron holds on to her wrist)) 23 AARON because graduation, 24 (2.0) 25 MOM yeah, 26 (1.0) 27 MOM that means you’ll be a:::ll done with **NAME** preschool.
28 AARON which (each learn) if you want 29 MOM and look, then you have a whole week off, ((pointing to the calendar and running her finger along the days)) 30 AARON hht. ((diverts gaze from calendar)) 31 MOM and then we start Camp **NAME** (.) at **LOCATION** 32 AARON Hhh. ((with a concerned expression and moving his hands over his head)) 33 MOM and we go for this week, 34 (1.0) 35 AARON tu:::rn [the page! 36 MOM [want to see- want to see what we’re doing in july? 37 AARON july? 38 MOM do you wanna look? ((flipping to the July page of the calendar)) 39 AARON (wanna) look at [july? 40 MOM [oh oh oh and guess what. ((turning the calendar back to June)) no ballet this week. no ballet this day. this day or this day. (.) three weeks no ballet. ((Aaron stands from sitting in her lap as she flips the calendar to July and speaks)) And then ballet starts again (.) [o::n, 41 AARON [on the sixth. 42 MOM thursday the sixth. ((Aaron gets out of her lap and starts to walk away)) hey. ((pulling Aaron back toward her and to face and the calendar)) and then you know what, chinese camp (.) starts here, ((pointing to the date)) on the seventeenth. ((Aaron slides out from under Mom’s raised arm to stand beside her)) and we’re going to Santa Barbara here. ((pointing)) 43 AARON [the tenth ((pointing at the calendar)) 44 MOM [that week. Yep. 45 ((Aaron escapes Mom’s grip and runs away))
Example 4 1 MOM what’s Roger doing 2 AARON doing work. 3 MOM what do you mean, doing work? 4 (0.4) 5 MOM what’s he [doing? 6 AARON [he’s got the water hose. 7 MOM he’s got the watering ( ) hose. and what’s he doing? 8 AARON watering. 9 MOM what’s he watering? 10 (3.0) 11 MOM what’s he watering? ((louder)) 12 (2.0) 13 AARON (plants) 14 MOM yeah! so how about if- tell me that in a whole sentence. 15 (5.0) 16 MOM can you make a whole sentence? 17 AARON ((laughing voice)) ye::s. 18 MOM okay. let’s hear it. 19 AARON ((giggling)) ge::r- ge:::rms. 20 MOM robe::rt is::. 21 ARON (3.0) re-((laughing)) 22 MOM ((chuckles softly)) 23 AARON ((giggling)) I (wanna get) germs! 24 (1.0) 25 MOM you wanna get germs? Okay. ((Aaron starts walking away from the balcony and into the living room, where Mom is)) 26 AARON ( ) wanna get ge:rms. 27 MOM Aaron, tell me what Roger’s doing. 28 AARON no 29 MOM yes! 30 AARON no germs. ((walking back to the edge of the balcony)) 31 MOM Aaron. 32 AARON watering hose! 33 MOM [not watering hose. 34 AARON [not no (.) no GErms! 35 MOM no. Aaron, tell me what Roger’s doing. 36 (1.0)
P LAYING WITH E CHOES Example 5 MOM okay, now put the plug in. yep. (.) there we go. 1 AARON ((quiet singing and humming)) 2 MOM 3 you need to be >careful< (.) so it doesn’t get too::: hot. AARON [((laughs)) 4 5 MOM [( ) AARON it’s gonna be hot! 6 7 MOM You don’t want it to be hot, believe me. [or else? AARON [or else? 8 MOM it’ll get- it hurts! 9 10 (1.0) ((Aaron laughs)) 11 AARON hot hurts! all hots hurt. 12 MOM if it’s too hot, it will (.) burn you. 13 AARON ((laughter)) hot water (.) bu[:::rns. 14 MOM [yohu::: do not wanna be burned. 15 AARON hot waters will burn. hot water bu:::rns. 16 (5.0) ((Aaron plays quietly with toys while Mom pours bath salt into the bath tab))
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