UELMA-Compliant Preservation: Questions. And answers? Rebecca Katz Assistant General Counsel, Council of the District of Columbia
preservation UELMA
digital preservation UELMA
digital How? preservation UELMA
digital How? preservation open-source UELMA
digital How? preservation format open-source UELMA
digital How? XML preservation format open-source UELMA
digital How? XML preservation format open-source archive UELMA
digital metadata How? XML preservation format open-source archive UELMA
digital metadata How? XML preservation format open-source standards archive UELMA
digital metadata How? XML preservation format open-source standards archive UELMA usability
digital metadata interface How? XML preservation format open-source standards archive UELMA usability
digital metadata interface How? XML preservation documentation format open-source standards archive UELMA usability
digital metadata interface How? XML preservation excitement documentation format open-source standards archive UELMA usability
digital metadata point person interface How? XML preservation excitement documentation format open-source standards archive UELMA usability
digital metadata point person interface How? XML partnerships preservation excitement documentation format open-source standards archive UELMA usability
digital metadata point person interface How? XML partnerships preservation excitement documentation format open-source standards archive UELMA usability
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