quantum physics as it is practised in the lab why

Quantum physics as it is practised in the lab WHY CATEGORIES? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bob Coecke University of Oxford Quantum physics as it is practised in the lab WHY CATEGORIES? Kinds/types of systems: A , B , C , ... e.g. electron, atom, n qubits, classical data, ... Kinds/types of systems: A , B , C , ... e.g.

  1. No-cloning in ( Rel , × ) { ∆ X : x �→ ( x, x ) } X { ( ∗ , 0) , ( ∗ , 1) } ✲ { 0 , 1 } {∗} NO ! { ( ∗ , ( ∗ , ∗ )) } { (0 , (0 , 0)) , (1 , (1 , 1)) } ❄ ❄ ✲ { 0 , 1 } × { 0 , 1 } {∗} × {∗} { ( ∗ , 0) , ( ∗ , 1) }×{ ( ∗ , 0) , ( ∗ , 1) } { (0 , 0) , (1 , 1) } � = { 0 , 1 } × { 0 , 1 }

  2. � � � � Object with quantum structure A pair ( A , η : I → A ⊗ A ) such that: η † ⊗ 1 A ≃ ( A ⊗ A ) ⊗ A I ⊗ A A 1 A ≃ � A ⊗ ( A ⊗ A ) � A ⊗ I A ≃ 1 A ⊗ η

  3. Object with quantum structure A A A A = A A

  4. Object with quantum structure A A A A = A A

  5. Object with quantum structure A A A A = A A

  6. “Clean” normalization =

  7. Another contravariant involution = f * f

  8. Another covariant involution = = f † f * f f * f ∗ = ( f † ) ∗ = ( f ∗ ) † ⇒ f ∗ = ( f † ) ∗ = ( f ∗ ) †

  9. Three intertwined involutions = = f † f * f f * † * f f f f * f ∗ = ( f † ) ∗ = ( f ∗ ) † ⇒ f ∗ = ( f † ) ∗ = ( f ∗ ) †

  10. Three intertwined involutions = f * f f ∗ ∼ ∗ -autonomy with ( A ⊗ B ) ∗ ≃ A ∗ ⊗ B ∗

  11. Three intertwined involutions = f * f f ∗ ∼ ∗ -autonomy with ( A ⊗ B ) ∗ ≃ A ∗ ⊗ B ∗

  12. Three intertwined involutions = f * f f ∗ ∼ Max Kelly’s compact closure

  13. Three intertwined involutions = = f † f * f f * † * f f f f * ( f ∗ ) ∗ = ( f ∗ ) ∗ = f †

  14. Three intertwined involutions = = f † f * f f * † * f f f f * In Hilb : f ∗ ∼ transposed & f ∗ ∼ conjugated

  15. “Sliding” boxes f

  16. “Sliding” boxes f = = f * f f

  17. “Decorated” normalization =

  18. “Decorated” normalization =

  19. “Decorated” normalization Projector Projector = Projector Projector

  20. Bipartite projector

  21. Bipartite projector

  22. Bipartite state

  23. Bipartite costate

  24. Bipartite (co)states & closedness B A B f f A † † f A B

  25. Applying “decorated” normalization f † f † f = f*

  26. Applying “decorated” normalization f † = f*

  27. Applying “decorated” normalization f † = f*

  28. Applying “decorated” normalization ALICE ALICE f † = f* BOB BOB ⇒ Quantum teleportation

  29. The corresponding TEXTBOOK description (only!) Alice has an ‘unknown’ qubit | φ � and wants to send it to Bob. They have the ability to communicate classical bits, and they share an entangled pair in the EPR-state, that is � � 1 1 1 1 2 ( | 00 � + | 11 � ) , which Alice produced by first applying a Hadamard -gate 1 − 1 √ √ 2 to the first qubit of a qubit pair in the ground state | 00 � , and by then applying a CNOT -   1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0   gate, that is  , then she sends the first qubit of the pair to Bob. To   0 0 0 1  0 0 1 0 teleport her qubit, Alice first performs a bipartite measurement on the unknown qubit and her half of the entangled pair in the Bell-base, that is {| 0 x � + ( − 1) z | 1(1 − x ) � | x, z ∈ { 0 , 1 }} , where we denote the four possible outcomes of the measurement by xz . Then she sends the 2-bit outcome xz to Bob using the classical channel . Then, if x = 1 , Bob performs � � 0 1 the unitary operation σ x = on its half of the shared entangled pair, and he 1 0 � � 1 0 also performs a unitary operation σ z = on it if z = 1 . Now Bob’s half of the 0 − 1 initially entangled pair is in state | φ � .

  30. Applying “decorated” normalization 3 † f* f † f f* f f* f * = f*

  31. Applying “decorated” normalization 3 f † f* f* = f*

  32. Applying “decorated” normalization 3 f † f* f* = f*

  33. Applying “decorated” normalization 3 f † f* f* = f* ⇒ Entanglement swapping

  34. Classical data flow? ALICE ALICE f † = f* BOB BOB

  35. Classical data flow? ALICE ALICE f † = f* BOB BOB

  36. CLASSICAL STRUCTURE Coecke-Pavlovic (2006) quant-ph/0608035v1 Carboni-Walters (1986) Cartesian bicategories I.

  37. NON-FEATURE: quantum data cannot be cloned nor deleted

  38. NON-FEATURE: quantum data cannot be cloned nor deleted FEATURE: classical data CAN be cloned and deleted

  39. NON-FEATURE: quantum data cannot be cloned nor deleted FEATURE: classical data CAN be cloned and deleted

  40. NON-FEATURE: quantum data cannot be cloned nor deleted FEATURE: classical data CAN be cloned and deleted Classical data comes with cloning and deleting: ( X , δ : X → X ⊗ X , ǫ : X → I)

  41. NON-FEATURE: quantum data cannot be cloned nor deleted FEATURE: classical data CAN be cloned and deleted Classical data comes with cloning and deleting: X X X X

  42. � � � � � � Object with classical structure A commutative comonoid ( X , δ : X → X ⊗ X , ǫ : X → I) such that δ † δ X ⊗ X X ⊗ X X X � � � � � � � � δ ⊗ 1 X δ † � δ � � � 1 X � � � � � � � � X ⊗ X ⊗ X � X ⊗ X X 1 X ⊗ δ †

  43. Object with classical structure = = = =

  44. Object with classical structure = “Frobenius” (Carboni-Walters 1987 Cartesian bicategories I) = “unitarity”

  45. Classical structure ⇒ quantum structure =


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