Lak Lake Pir e Piru/Lo u/Lower er Pir Piru C u Creek eek Qua Quagga ga Contr Control ol Ef Effor orts ts
The Quagga Mussel: Difficult and Expensive to Eradicate Al All l So Soluti lution ons s Come Come wi with th a Cost a Cost & Cha & Chall llen enge ge
Bac Backg kground ound & His & Histor tory- The Stor he Story y of of United United
UNITED PURPOSE & BACKGROUND • Formed Under Water Conservation Act of 1931 • Manage Water Resources of Santa Clara River Watershed and Associated Aquifers • Facilities • Santa Felicia Dam & Lake Piru – Capture Winter Flows for Later Release for Aquifers Recharge • Freeman Diversion & Associated Aquifer Recharge Spreading Grounds • Surface Water Delivery Systems to Reduce Coastal Pumping & Associated Seawater Intrusion • Potential Future Recycled Water Distribution • Potential Future Seawater Desalination Facility
UWCD FINANCIAL SETTING • Annual Operating Budget – Approx. $19 Million • Majority of Funding via Groundwater Replenishment Fees • Recent Litigation regarding Legal Basis of District’s Funding Mechanism • Water Conservation Act (Statute) Versus Voter Proposition 218 (Constitution) • Appealed to California Supreme Court
FINANCIAL SETTING CONTINUED • Approximately $300 Million pending Capital Improvement Projects requiring funding Significant Infrastructure Replacement & • Rehabilitation Projects Endangered Species Act-Related Projects for • Steelhead Trout Passage at Freeman Diversion • Current estimate for Quagga Monitoring & Control $300,000 per year
Monitoring, Control & Prevention Efforts: Pre-infestation
UWCD PREVENTION MEASURES: Pre-infestation • 2008 2008-pr prese esent: nt: Vess essel ins el inspe pection ction and and pr preven ention tion prog pr ogram am • Based on Lake Casitas prevention program, required all boats entering reservoir to be clean, drain and dry • 2008-2013 approximately 50,000 boats inspections were conducted (avg. of 7,500 per year) • 2010 2010-20 2013 13: : Ph Physica ysical l mon monitori itoring ng pr prog ogram am • Substrates were inspected at random intervals throughout the year to monitor for settlement & recruitment
• Ed Educ ucation tion & T & Train aining ing (pr (pre- an and d po post st-inf infes esta tation tion) Provided watercraft inspection and decontamination • training to both UWCD staff and onsite concessions staff Provided visitors with educational handouts & flyers • upon entry (pre & post infestation) and installed prevention signage • En Enfor orce cemen ment t (La (Lake e Pir Piru par park k ser services of vices offi ficer cers) s) In 2012 the adoption of UWCD Ordinance 15 made it • unlawful to fail to undergo a vessel inspection prior to launching at Lake Piru or to import any fish, mollusk, or crustacean into the waterbody
Containment, Control & Prevention Efforts: Post-Infestation
Initial Discovery
UW UWCD CD Con Conta tainmen inment, t, Con Contr trol ol & & Pr Preven ention tion: Pos ost-Inf Infes esta tatio tion Mussel Discovery: December 2013 • Monitor and quantify infestation • Quantify initial infestation (December 2013-February 2014) • Research Lake Piru’s physical and chemical conditions (December 2013-present) • Monitor spread of infestation (substrates & visual monitoring of lake, creek & river)
UWCD UW CD Con Conta tainmen inment, t, Con Contr trol ol & & Pr Preven ention tion: Pos ost-Inf Infes esta tatio tion, n, co cont ntinu inued ed • Implement integrated pest management (IPM) program • Use least hazardous tactics first • Removal from critical infrastructure via hand scraping, drying & disposal (more than 10,000 lbs. to date) • Tarping to create anoxic conditions (round #1 installed: Aug. – Sept. 2014) • Developed and submitted draft Monitoring & Control Plan to CDFW (Draft #1 in Fall of 2014)
Recent Efforts: What We Are Doing Now
United’s More Recent Efforts • Oct October ober 2015 2015 • United submitted 2 nd draft Quagga Mussel Monitoring & Control Plan (QMMCP) to CDFW • Febr bruar uary y 2016 2016 • CDFW provided comments on QMMCP . • Cited non-compliance with CDFW Code 2301 & 2302. • Febr bruar uary-Pr Present esent 2016 2016 • We are considering modifications to QMMCP (hired consultant) • We are evaluating more extensive control and containment options • April pril 201 2016 • United met with CDFW, NMFS, and FERC to discuss options for control and containment
Con Contr trol ol & & Con Conta tainmen inment t Opt Options ions: Wha hat t Is Being Is Being Eva Evalua luate ted? d? 1. Modify lake levels • Goal is to desiccate mussels by lowering the lake level periodically 2. Use cone valves to destroy veligers through turbulence • Contracting with Consultant to evaluate 3. Modify outlet works to increase turbulence to control the spread of live veligers out of Lake Piru 19
Control & Containment Options, Continued 4. Modify releases from lake 5. Use Zequanox or another chemical treatment to kill mussels and veligers Developing application approach and costs • Identifying approvals needed to use Zequanox or • another product 6. Monitor Piru Creek and Santa Clara River 7. Analyze & Develop a Lower River Protection Plan
QUAGGA MUSSEL INFESTATION-RELATED EXPENDITURES 01/01/2014 - 4/21/2015 Monitoring&Planning: Permits/Licens Vendors-Contractors Misc./Other Legal Salaries Materials/Goods es TOTAL United: Admin. $32,932.50 $32,932.50 United: Eng. $9,486.49 $9,486.49 United: EPCD $53,748.94 $349.18 $54,098.12 United: Rec $71,688.25 $71,688.25 United: O&M $791.39 $791.39 Materials/Goods $17,320.26 $17,320.26 Permits $195.00 $195.00 Misc/Other $3,689.98 $3,689.98 Legal $3,022.92 $3,022.92 Subtotal United Departments $ - $3,689.98 $3,022.92 $168,647.57 $8,834.72 $195.00 $184,390.19 UCSB-Carrie Culver $32,400.00 $32,400.00 Eco Marine/ Anghera $26,998.14 $26,998.14 Eco Marine/ Morris $41,845.25 $41,845.25 Cardno ENTRIX $51,840.25 $51,840.25 Subtotal $ Contractors/Vendors $153,083.64 $ - $ - $ - $ - - $153,083.64 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $153,083.64 $3,689.98 $3,022.92 $168,647.57 $17,699.44 $195.00 $337,473.83
Implications of Options Considered 1.Reducing lake levels could negatively affect Recreation, boat ramps, marina operations, camping and recreational water deliveries • Stakeholder notification and consultation • Development of a plan for the temporary location of marina facilities and water treatment barge • Consider alternative water supply for recreation facilities • Consider operational adjustments to maintain minimum levels of recreation
Implications of Options Considered 2. Could Trigger Permitting FERC license modification • • Consultation with NMFS • Consultation with USFWS • CDFW • California Department Of Pesticide Regulation • California Regional Water Quality Control Board • CEQA • NEPA
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