American erican Contr ntrol ol Conf nfer eren ence ce 2018 18 FrB19 B19 Large-Scal cale e Systems ems A Ch Characteri acteriza zation tion of All ll Retr trof ofit it Co Contr ntroller ollers June e 29t 9th, h, 201 018 Hampe mpei Sasa sahar hara, a, Takayuk yuki i Is Ishiza zaki, i, Masak saki i In Inoue, Tomono nori ri Sada damoto moto, , Jun-ic ichi Im Imura Tokyo te tech., h., Ja Japan
Outl tline ine 1. Intr troduc oduction tion 2. 2. Ret etrof ofit it Co Contr trol ol - De Definitions itions - Ret etrof ofit t Co Contr trolle oller - Performa rmance nce Analysi sis 3. Nume meric ical l Exa xamp mple (Power r Syst stem) m)
Co Cont ntrol ol of of La Large-Sc Scale ale Sy Syst stems 1/15 15 design sign of su sub-co contr ntroller ollers s in a large-scale scale sy syst stem em Tradition ditionally ally Trea eated ted Difficulty iculty: spar arsity sity cons nstr traints/ aints/ comm mmunica unication tion delay informa ormation tion co constr train aints ts Rough ughly ly, QI QI tracta actable le (convex) x) (quadr uadratic ic invarian riance) e) Rem emain aining ng Issues es - sca calability ity issue - model el unavaila ailabil bility ity - exi xist sten ence ce of multipl tiple e oper erator tors [1] M. Rotk tkowi owitz tz and S. Lall ll “A characterization of convex problems in decentralized control,” IEEE Trans ans. Autom om. . Contr trol, ol, 2005. 5.
Scal calabili bility ty Iss ssue ue 2/15 15 contr ntroller ollers s are e sy synthesiz thesized ed in a centr traliz alized ed manner ner under der QI QI centr ntraliz ized ed sy synthesiz thesizer er des esign gn no not scala alable le wit ith h the he siz ize of of the he pla lant nt How ow to o resolv solve e thi his is issue ue?
Model del Unavaila ailabili bility ty 3/15 15 cons nsider ider a differ erent ent situa uation tion entir tire e model: el: unavaila ailable le partia tial model: del: avail ilable le ? - too o large for model deling ing - secur curity ity of privac acy des esign gn How w to to synth thesi esize e a c a contr trol oller ler wi with th th the e ac acce cess only to to th the e par artia tial l model el informa ormation? tion?
Under der Multi ltiple ple Oper perator tors 4/15 15 suppose: su pose: multiple tiple oper erato tors other her oper erator ors ? ? design sign independen pendently tly other’s control actions may vary ? How w to to sy synth thesi esize e a co a contr trol oller ler th that t ca can dea eal wi with th th the e possibly var arying g co contr trol oller lers?
Exa xample: mple: Power er Syst stem em 5/15 15 ? you - multiple ltiple ISOs Os (inde ndepend pendent ent system tem oper erator) tor) - too large e to capt ptur ure e the entir ire syste stem m model del - other r ISOs Os may chang nge their ir control ol polic licy Objectiv jective: e: impr mprove e the contr trol ol perform orman ance ce by attac achi hing ng (retr trof ofitting tting) ) a contr troll oller er only y wi with h the parti tial al model del
Retr etrof ofit it Contr trol ol 6/15 15 Existin Ex isting: g: entir ire e system stem model del novel: el: local al model el inf nforma ormation tion Our proposal Ou oposal retrofit it contr ntrol: ol: imp mproving ving loca cal l perf rformance ormance today’s talk: necessary and sufficient structure for al all ret etrof ofit t co contr trol oller lers [1] T. Ishiz izak aki, , et al., ., “Retrofit Control: Localization of Controller Design and Implementation,” Automa omatic tica, 2018. 8.
Outl tline ine 1. Intr troduc oduction tion 2. 2. Ret etrof ofit it Co Contr trol ol - De Definitions itions - Ret etrof ofit t Co Contr trolle oller - Per erforma rmance nce Anal alysis sis 3. Nume meric ical l Exa xamp mple (Power r Syst stem) m)
Def efini inition tion: : Retr etrof ofit it Contr troll oller er 7/15 15 ca case 1: e 1: ca case 2: e 2: Env. is any element ment s.t. t. is stable le : the inter terconnected connected system em De Definition ition is called lled a retrof ofit it contr troll oller er if it stabili bilizes es the syste stem m for any s.t. t. is stable
Equ quiv ivalent alent Conditio dition 8/15 15 : inter ercon connection nection signals nals : measur surement ment, , contr ntrol The heor orem em is a r a ret etrof ofit it co contr troll oller er an and : as assumed ed to to be sta e stable
Equ quiv ivalent alent Conditio dition 8/15 15 : inter ercon connection nection signals nals : measur surement ment, , contr ntrol The heor orem em is a r a ret etrof ofit it co contr troll oller er an and : as assumed ed to to be sta e stable
Equ quiv ivalent alent Conditio dition 8/15 15 : inter ercon connection nection signals nals : measur surement ment, , contr ntrol The heor orem em is a r a ret etrof ofit it co contr troll oller er an and : as assumed ed to to be sta e stable
Equ quiv ivalent alent Conditio dition 8/15 15 : inter ercon connection nection signals nals : measur surement ment, , contr ntrol The heor orem em is a r a ret etrof ofit it co contr troll oller er an and : as assumed ed to to be sta e stable
Equ quiv ivalent alent Conditio dition 8/15 15 : inter ercon connection nection signals nals : measur surement ment, , contr ntrol The heor orem em is a r a ret etrof ofit it co contr troll oller er and an loop p transf ansfer er matrix rix : as assumed ed to to be sta e stable becau cause se : arbitr itrary ary co constr straine ained d Youl ula par arame ameteriza terization tion
Two Cla lasses sses of Retr etrof ofit it 9/15 15 : retr trof ofit it contr trolle ler rather ther gener eral al hard to solve 1. Ou Output put rectif ctifying ying retr trof ofit it contr ntroller oller 2. Input put rectifying ctifying retr trof ofit it contr ntroller oller sim imple le struct uctur ure, , easy asy to o desi sign gn
Output tput Recti ectifying fying Retr etr. . Ctr trl. l. 10/15 /15 Ou Output put Rectif ctifying ying Retr trof ofit it Contr troller oller ( ) Assu sumpti mption on can n be fed back Theo eorem em All outpu put t rectifying ctifying retr trof ofit it contr ntroller ollers s have e the st structu ucture : stabil biliz izes es (loca cally lly st stabilizing bilizing contr ntroller) oller)
Des esign ign Criteri iterion on 11/15 /15 resu sultant ltant con ontr trol ol system stem : outp tput-rectif ctifying ing retrof ofit t cont ntroll oller er
Des esign ign Criteri iterion on 11/15 /15 resu sultant ltant con ontr trol ol system stem bot oth h sho houl uld d be taken en in into o account ccount
Outl tline ine 1. Intr troduc oduction tion 2. 2. Ret etrof ofit it Co Contr trol ol - De Definitions itions - Ret etrof ofit t Co Contr trolle oller - Performa rmance nce Analysi sis 3. Nume meric ical l Exa xamp mple (Power r Syst stem) m)
IEEJ EJ EAST30 ST30 12/15 /15 PV-Inte PV tegrated ted 500kV power line IEE EEJ EA EAST ST30 30 mode del 275kV power line Thermal Hydro (The e Institut titute e of Electri ctrical cal Enginee ineers of Japa pan) n) Nuclear Fukus ushi hima ma 女川原子 仙台火 力 力 新仙台火 力 新地 火力 原町火 力 福島第一原 子力 福島第二原 子力 鹿島火 鹿島共同 力 火力 南横浜 火力
Par arameter ameters 13/15 /15 PV: : 30% of total tal demand and # of gen. n.: : 30 whole ole dim.: .: 390 nd generator - initi tial al deviati tion on at t th the e 2 nd tor - objec ectiv tive: e: suppress essing ng pea eak val alue
Resu esults(1) lts(1) 14/15 /15 freq eque uenc ncy deviation tion free ee response sponse peak: ak: 0.09 0904 04 [Hz] ignoring oring env. (infinite inite-bus) us) des esta tabi bili lized ed
Resu esults lts (2 (2) 14/15 /15 freq eque uenc ncy deviation tion free ee response sponse peak: ak: 0.09 0904 04 [Hz] Retr trof ofit it Contr trol ol (low ow gain) n) peak ak: : 0.0753 0753 [Hz] sta tability ity is p pres eser erved ed improvement ement: : 1. 1.59 59 [d [dB]
Resu esults lts (3 (3) 14/15 /15 freq eque uenc ncy deviation tion free ee response sponse peak: ak: 0.09 0904 04 [Hz] Retr trof ofit it Contr trol ol (high gh gain) in) peak ak: : 0.0505 0505 [Hz] imp mprovement: ement: 5. 5.06 06 [d [dB]
Conc nclusi lusion on 15/15 /15 Pr Prob oblem lem: novel el co contr ntrol ol th theor eory for lar arge-scal cale e syste tems Retr trof ofit it Co Cont ntrol ol - high h ef effec ectiv tivene eness ss Than ank k you for your r kind d att tten ention tion
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