Q3 Q3 201 2013 3 INFO MEETING 20.11.2013 Nuttaphong ng Kunakor ornwon nwong At Attapol Sariddi dipun puntawat at Deputy CEO CFO
2 Performance Highlights 3Q13 & 9M13
3 Presales (Unit : MB) 3Q13 : 3,505MB +21% 10,393 drop 16% YoY 8,620 2012 2013 2 Condos launched in Q3’12 drop 24% QoQ, -16% 4,634 4,172 3,505 3 Condos launched in Q2’13 2,255 2,507 1,942 9M13 : 10,393MB growth 21% YoY, Q1 Q2 Q3 9M New Project Launched Number of Project Project Values reach 69% of FY TARGET 3Q13 6,750MB 6 Low-rise Projects (5SDH/1TH) 9M13 16,980MB 11 Projects (6 SDH/1TH/4Condo)
4 Operating Revenues (Unit : MB) 3Q13 : 2,352MB +52% 6,781 growth 38% YoY 2012 2013 drop 12% QoQ, 4,448 9M13 : 6,781MB +38% 2,672 2,352 1,757 1,704 growth 52% YoY, 1,405 1,339 reach 68% of FY TARGET Q1 Q2 Q3 9M
5 Net Profit (Unit : MB) +20% 758 3Q13 : 249MB 633 2012 2013 growth 64% YoY +64% drop 12% QoQ, 320 284 249 225 9M13 : 758MB 162 151 growth 20% YoY Q1 Q2 Q3 9M
6 Backlog (Unit : MB) Backlog as of 30 Sep 2013 = 11,922MB, growth 13% from Backlog as of 30 Jun 2013 + 13% + 26% 14,000 High-Rise Plan Revenue Recognize in Year 2013-2016 11,922 Low-Rise + 9% 12,000 10,554 Back log 10,000 +37% 2016 32% 8,387 7,687 27% 8,000 2015 23% 11,272 26% 6,000 2014 10,448 8,011 4,000 7,538 37% 41% 2013 2,000 (Unit :MB) +45% 8% 6% 650 377 - 149 106 31-Dec-12 31-Mar-13 30-Jun-13 30-Sep-13 30-Jun-13 30-Sep-13
7 6 New Low-rise Projects Launched in August 2013 Co Contributed tributed Presales sales 730MB MB in Q3 2013
8 Project Summary : • Locati ation on Satho horn rn – Pin Pinkl klao ao • Project ject Area a 20-2 2 Rai • Project ject Type e TH 2F/ / 3F • Total al Unit 192 Units • Project ject Value 850 MB • Project ject launch ch 17 Aug 2013 • Unit t Price ce Start rt ~4 MB • Functional ctional Area a 122 (2F) ) / 162 (3F) ) Sq.m • Land Plot ~21 - 26 26 Sq.wa Progress of Overall Construction 60% Cumulative Presales as of 30 Sep’13 98MB
9 Project Summary : • Locati ation on Onnuch uch - Ringro road ad • Project ject Area a 45-0 0 Rai • Project ject Type e SDH H 2F • Total al Unit 175 Units • Project ject Value 1,200 MB • Project ject launch ch 17 Aug 2013 • Unit t Price ce Start rt 6.49 9 MB • Functional ctional Area a 167 / 185/ 205 Sq.m • Land Plot ~50 - 55 55 Sq.wa Progress of Overall Construction 10% Cumulative Presales as of 30 Sep’13 93MB
10 Project Summary : • Locati ation on Rama V • Project ject Area a 24-1 1 Rai • Project ject Type e SDH H 2F/ Semi DH 2F • Total al Unit 111 Units • Project ject Value e 600 MB • Project ject launch ch 17 Aug 2013 • Unit t Price ce Start rt 5.20 0 MB • Functional ctional Area a Semi DH 146 Sq.m. SDH H 161/180 /180 Sq.m • Land Plot Semi mi DH ~ 35 35 Sq.wa wa. . Progress of Overall Construction 50% SDH H ~ 50 50-55 55 Sq.wa Cumulative Presales as of 30 Sep’13 101MB
11 Project Summary : • Locati ation on Ramintra ntra • Project ject Area a 57-3 3 Rai • Project ject Type e SDH H 2F/ Semi DH 2F • Total al Unit 265 Units • Project ject Value e 1,900 0 MB • Project ject launch ch 24 Aug 2013 • Unit t Price ce Start rt 5.99 9 MB • Functional ctional Area a Semi DH 146 Sq.m. SDH H 161/185/2 /185/205 Sq.m • Land Plot Semi mi DH ~ 35 35-39 39 Sq.wa. . Progress of Overall Construction 40% SDH H ~ 50 50-77 77 Sq.wa Cumulative Presales as of 30 Sep’13 76MB
12 Project Summary : • Locati ation on Ramintra ntra • Project ject Area a 25-0 0 Rai • Project ject Type e SDH H 3F • Total al Unit 51 Units • Project ject Value e 1,200 0 MB • Project ject launch ch 17 Aug 2013 • Unit t Price ce Start rt 22 MB • Functional ctional Area 485/ 5/ 602 Sq.m • Land Plot ~ 95 95-164 Sq.wa wa. . Progress of Overall Construction 50% Cumulative Presales as of 30 Sep’13 241MB
13 Project Summary : • Locati ation on Sathorn horn - Pinklao lao • Project ject Area a 19 19-1 1 Rai • Project ject Type e SDH 2F • Total al Unit 36 Units • Project ject Value e 1,000 0 MB • Project ject launch ch 24 Aug 2013 • Unit t Price ce Start rt 30 MB • Functional ctional Area 462/ 2/ 532 Sq.m • Land Plot ~ 102 102-179 Sq.wa wa. . Progress of Overall Construction 50% Cumulative Presales as of 30 Sep’13 121MB
14 Financial Highlights : Q3 2013 & 9M 2013 Q3/2013 9M 2013 Q3/2013 Q3/2012 Change Q2/2013 Change 9M 2013 9M 2012 Change (Restate) (Restate) (MB) (MB) (%YoY) (MB) (%QoQ) (MB) (MB) (%YoY) Total Revenue 2,356 1,709 38% 2,675 -12% 6,791 4,460 52% Net Profit before Tax 313 197 59% 354 -12% 866 638 36% Income tax expenses (60) (39) 54% (67) -11% (165) (127) 30% Net Profit Before Deferred Tax 253 158 60% 287 -12% 701 511 37% Deferred Tax (Expenses) Revenues (5) (7) -30% (3) 48% 57 122 -54% Net Profit - as per Financial Statement 249 151 64% 284 -12% 758 633 20%
15 Operatin rating g Re Revenue e 3Q13= 2,352 MB,+38%YoY and 9M13= 6,781MB,+52%YoY Change Change Change Q3 2013 Q3 2012 Q2 2013 9M 2013 9M 2012 (YoY) (QoQ) (YoY) Revenue from Sales 2,138 92% 1,502 85% 42% 2,467 92% -13% 6,159 91% 3,847 86% 60% Revenue from Rental & 214 8% 202 15% 6% 205 8% 4% 621 9% 600 14% 3% Services Operating Revenue 2,352 100% 1,704 100% 38% 2,672 100% -12% 6,781 100% 4,448 100% 52% Revenue from Rental & Services Revenue from Sales Revenue from Rental & Services Operating Revenue Revenue from Sales 3,911 6,781 203 621 52% 2,672 4,448 2,352 205 600 214 1,756 1,704 1,405 3,708 1,339 6,159 202 202 201 2,467 198 3,847 2,138 1,555 1,502 1,207 1,138 9M12 9M13 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 Transfer : Transfer : CR-S24 3 Condos
16 Pre-sa sales les : 3Q13 = 3 3,505 05 MB, -16% 16% YoY & 9M13 3 = 1 10,393 393 MB, +21% YoY Launch 2 Condos Launch 3 Condos Change Change Change PreSales 2Q13 3Q13 3Q12 9M13 9M12 (MB) YoY QoQ YoY 1,653 Low-rise 2,180 1,641 33% 32% 5,415 3,916 38% 1,530 SDH 2,014 1,496 35% 32% 5,015 3,508 43% 123 TH 166 145 14% 35% 400 409 -2% 2,981 High-rise 1,325 2,531 -48% -56% 4,978 4,704 6% 4,634 Total 3,505 4,172 -16% -24% 10,393 8,620 21% SDH TH Condo Presales 21% 10,393 8,620 4,634 4,172 3,629 3,505 2,507 2,255 1,942 9M12 9M13 1Q 12 2Q 12 3Q 12 4Q 12 1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 Pre-Sale 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 9M12 9M13 Low-rise 49% 54% 39% 55% 70% 36% 62% 45% 52% High-rise 51% 46% 61% 45% 30% 64% 38% 55% 48%
17 Reve venue ue from om Sale e : 3Q13 13 = 2 2,138 38 MB,+ 42% % YoY & 9M13 13 = 6 6,159 59 MB,+ 60% YoY change change Change Revenue 2Q13 9M13 9M12 3Q13 3Q12 (MB) YoY QoQ YoY 1,923 4,914 3,738 31% Low-rise 1,637 1,496 9% -15% 1,764 4,511 3,400 33% SDH 1,487 1,371 8% -16% 159 403 338 19% TH 150 125 20% -6% 544 High-rise 501 6 8393% -8% 1,245 109 1039% 2,467 Total 2,138 1,502 42% -13% 6,159 3,847 60% Continuing transferred of SDH TH CT-RS, CR-P11, CR-S49 6,159 Condo Revenue and CR-S24 (start in 2Q13) 60% 3,708 3,847 2,467 2,138 1,555 1,502 1,207 1,138 9M12 9M13 1Q 12 2Q 12 3Q 12 4Q 12 1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 Revenue 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 9M12 9M13 Low-rise 92% 99% 100% 63% 87% 78% 77% 97% 80% High-rise 8% 1% 0% 37% 13% 22% 23% 3% 20%
18 Prof ofitabil itability ity 3Q 3Q13 13 an and 9 d 9M1 M13 3 : Margin in remain ain under r contr trol l 66.9% 64.4% 64.4% 64.3% 63.8% 63.2% 61.7% 38.8% 38.3% 38.2% 35.8% 35.9% 35.6% 34.6% By Q 34.8% 34.5% 33.6% 33.5% 33.0% 33.0% 31.9% GP-Property for Sale GP-Property for Rent Gross Margin 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 9M12 9M13 64.8% 63.5% 37.5% 36.4% 33.2% 33.6% 9M GP-Property for Sale GP-Property for Rent Gross Margin
19 Selling & Administra istrati tive ve Expenses ses Q3 2013 13 = 5 510 0 MB , -12% 2% QoQ QoQ ,+26% 6% YoY Selling Expenses (MB) Specific Business Tax and Transfer Fee (MB) Administrative Expenses (MB) SG&A 598 578 (Unit :MB) 510 69 MB, 453 -12% QoQ 403 246 326 308 10 MB, 256 +4% QoQ 203 94 82 13 MB, 57 -14% QoQ 238 172 66 MB, 143 -28% QoQ Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 Q4 2012 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 New Project Launched by Q 5 Projects 4 Projects 5 Projects 2 Projects 3 Projects 6 Projects
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